Guymon has GREAT APRS Tracking Coverage
We left Greensburg, KS, about 8 or so this (Friday) morning for what we thought would be the final leg home. Unfortunately, the wind was bad when we pulled out and got steadily worse as we headed southwest on US 54 toward Tucumcari. Just a few miles before we got to Guymon, we heard a loud thump and a nasty rattle and banging outside as we rolled. We pulled over at a very lumpy but slightly off-the-road shoulder and found the roll-up awning pulled out partly from its so-called protective shell.
At great risk, I climbed the roof ladder gingerly and low-crawled across the RV roof and used rope and bungee cords to try to secure the awry awning. Then we decided to find the closest RV park and stop for the rest of the day. Jacque's atlas showed one on the south end of Guymon which we found without trouble and pulled in and hooked up. It was only about 1:30 PM by this time but it was so nice to be done with the stress (at least temporarily) that we both sagged out and took naps with the air conditioner humming steadily. I awoke after an hour or so and decided to saddle up and take the bike for a ride.
This RV park we're in is the outer parking lot of an old drive-in movie theater that still operates, though not yet open for the summer. I rode the outer perimeter's gravel road and found it intersected with a relatively empty back road that, although cliche and gravel with no pavement, was a great ride for the bike. I rode around and got on US 136 leading back into Guymon and stopped at Centennial Park and looked around the old rail car, Masonic displays, farm implements, and oil pump-jack there, while I snacked on an oatmeal chocolate-chip bar. Jacque called on the cell phone and announced she was now awake so I rode back to the RV to see if we wanted to hit the road again or stay the night.
Since it was now past 5:30 PM we decided to stay put for the night and go on home tomorrow. Albuquerque and eastern central NM has had terrible winds the last couple of days so hopefully tomorrow, Saturday, will be calm enough for a safe final run for home.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.7 Ending Voltage: 12.7
Ride's Lowest Temperature: 73 degrees F -- Highest Temperature: 77 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.78
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
06.0 MPH 09.8 MPH 16.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hours 9 mins 41 mins 37 secs 28 mins 46 secs