Today's APRS Ham Radio Tracking
I was talking on the ham radio to hams in Albuquerque this morning about daybreak. They told me the wind was blowing HARD in town and wondered if we had wind out here. I looked outside and it was as calm and sunny as a Sunday Summer Morning.
Howsomever, in another few minutes it was screeching winds, bending trees, and general turmoil.
I reasoned within my limited self, considering that if I avoided windy days, I would NOT get to ride very often. Jacque said she was getting enough exercise cleaning the house, so I took off for another mail run.
Interestingly, the winds did not bother me much until I got up on the pavement of Frost Road.... where there is a wide right-of-way with few trees to obstruct the wind.
The winds didn't seem to be coming from any particular direction; it blew this way and that.
Being low-slung on the recumbent trike caused me to catch less wind, but for a few hundred yards across one clear area, I thought the gusts might bowl me over. Thank goodness I wasn't on a 2-wheel upright bike or I Surely would have toppled over in some of the stronger blasts.
Made it to the Post Office with no particular problems. The outside temperatures seemed colder than yesterday, so the only "biking clothiing" I had on was the outer windbreaker. I wore a single long sleeve shirt underneath, which is almost unheard of with me - I normally always wear a short sleeve shirt underneath.
This trip I did NOT unzip the windbreaker until I got to the warmth inside the Post Office.
Our goat-path dirt. rock, and rumble mile road from the house to the pavement had dried out from the recent snow and sleet storms, so I rode the trike all the way from the house to the P.O. and back. Which certainly makes for an intense aerobic workout coming and going.
Ride Started: 10:36 AM Ride Ended: 11:52 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 237 Ending BG Reading: 69
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.56
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.4 MPH 5.5 MPH 27.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 16 mins 1 hour 16 minutes
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Trikes are for Kids... of All Ages
Today's Boring Very Short Track
I had a very short morning window in which to sneak a ride, so I did indeed get a very few miles in.
The weather was cool but not frigid (Though I wore the windbreaker, fully zipped, coming and going).
I forgot the GoPro vid-cam, as is too usual, but I did get a still shot via the Iphone in front of a typical government sign claiming to prohibit cyclists from entering postal property for any reason:
No unusual events occurred, and my main thought as I pedaled the Catrike up and down the road was how much fun it is to zip around on such a machine. If you haven't tried a trike, you don't know what you're missing. Doesn't matter if you are young or old or in between, fat or skin and bones.
Tell Charlie over at Two Wheel Drive (just moved the store to Central and Morningside in Albuquerque) we recommended him. They will gladly let you take fun test rides on any of the several trikes (and hundreds of "normal" diamond-frame upright bikes) they have on display.
Ride Started: 9:53 AM Ride Ended: 10:31 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 223 Ending Reading: *125*
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.55
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.4 MPH 8.7 MPH 29.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
33 minutes 24 minutes 8 minutes
I had a very short morning window in which to sneak a ride, so I did indeed get a very few miles in.
The weather was cool but not frigid (Though I wore the windbreaker, fully zipped, coming and going).
I forgot the GoPro vid-cam, as is too usual, but I did get a still shot via the Iphone in front of a typical government sign claiming to prohibit cyclists from entering postal property for any reason:
![]() |
(Sorry about the Sun Glare) |
Tell Charlie over at Two Wheel Drive (just moved the store to Central and Morningside in Albuquerque) we recommended him. They will gladly let you take fun test rides on any of the several trikes (and hundreds of "normal" diamond-frame upright bikes) they have on display.
Ride Started: 9:53 AM Ride Ended: 10:31 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 223 Ending Reading: *125*
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.55
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.4 MPH 8.7 MPH 29.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
33 minutes 24 minutes 8 minutes
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Doing the Tandem Twist
Today's Track via GPS and Ham Radio
We were on a roll, to plagiarize another phrase, until the last few days when it suddenly decided Winter was not yet over, after all. It started to rain yesterday just after we woke up, and an hour or so later it turned to SNOW and came down so heavily it began to accumulate on the ground. On and off again, it snowed all day, and made a muddy mess of our goat-path road. Jacque made it to and from Albuquerque fine, but it certainly was not conducive to biking.
I don't recall the excuse I used for not biking on Monday. I went to town for a flat repair on the Ford Exploder and ran some other errands while there, and it was almost 3 PM when I finally got home.
During the misery of being house-bound because of the weather yesterday, I finally worked up my courage to start our tax return for 2016. I HATE doing taxes, even though the last few years we've qualified for free online returns. It usually takes several days of intermittent effort, trying to track down and download all the needed IRS forms, etc, etc. This time, however, I only put in a couple hours last night on it and another couple hours this morning and I easily talked Jacque into a celebration ride, even though it was still a bit cold and damp outside.
We took the Terratrike Tandem for this ride, and we "only" took it for the relatively short but intense ride to the Post Office and back. When we got to our normal parking space next to the pavement of Frost Road, we found the normal hardpan dirt and gravel to be fairly slimey mud. I had to engage the 4-wheel drive to move around at all on the normally-dirt area, and tried hard to park where we could step out of the vehicle without getting too much mud on our shoes. Not too much success there, BAH.
We got saddled up and rolling and it was fairly pleasant in spite of the long hill and the mostly uncomfortable cold breeze. The doggies got all wound up several times due to nearby OTHER dogs being walked by their human servants. Coming home back the mostly down-hill grades, we get to coasting pretty fast, and the length of the frame on the tandem allows it to noticeably drift back and forth, requiring some dedicated attention to the steering. It's a steel frame trike and no lightweight, but I can actually watch Jacque twist one direction while I'm bending in the other. It's only noticeable at speeds approaching 20 MPH and higher, and of course Jacque, in the back seat, notices it more than I do.
We were down to about our last half-mile when I tried to shift the front chain rings to the highest gear and FOOF - suddenly my left-hand gearshift no longer worked. Another control cable bites the dust - We go through several each year. So I gotta cut this epistle short and get back outside before the sunny day fades away.
Ride Started: 12:44 PM Ride Ended: 1:34 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.4 Ending Voltage: 12.8 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 225 Ending Reading: 105
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.57
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.4 MPH 5.8 MPH 27.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
48 minutes 32 minutes 11 minutes
We were on a roll, to plagiarize another phrase, until the last few days when it suddenly decided Winter was not yet over, after all. It started to rain yesterday just after we woke up, and an hour or so later it turned to SNOW and came down so heavily it began to accumulate on the ground. On and off again, it snowed all day, and made a muddy mess of our goat-path road. Jacque made it to and from Albuquerque fine, but it certainly was not conducive to biking.
I don't recall the excuse I used for not biking on Monday. I went to town for a flat repair on the Ford Exploder and ran some other errands while there, and it was almost 3 PM when I finally got home.
During the misery of being house-bound because of the weather yesterday, I finally worked up my courage to start our tax return for 2016. I HATE doing taxes, even though the last few years we've qualified for free online returns. It usually takes several days of intermittent effort, trying to track down and download all the needed IRS forms, etc, etc. This time, however, I only put in a couple hours last night on it and another couple hours this morning and I easily talked Jacque into a celebration ride, even though it was still a bit cold and damp outside.
We took the Terratrike Tandem for this ride, and we "only" took it for the relatively short but intense ride to the Post Office and back. When we got to our normal parking space next to the pavement of Frost Road, we found the normal hardpan dirt and gravel to be fairly slimey mud. I had to engage the 4-wheel drive to move around at all on the normally-dirt area, and tried hard to park where we could step out of the vehicle without getting too much mud on our shoes. Not too much success there, BAH.
We got saddled up and rolling and it was fairly pleasant in spite of the long hill and the mostly uncomfortable cold breeze. The doggies got all wound up several times due to nearby OTHER dogs being walked by their human servants. Coming home back the mostly down-hill grades, we get to coasting pretty fast, and the length of the frame on the tandem allows it to noticeably drift back and forth, requiring some dedicated attention to the steering. It's a steel frame trike and no lightweight, but I can actually watch Jacque twist one direction while I'm bending in the other. It's only noticeable at speeds approaching 20 MPH and higher, and of course Jacque, in the back seat, notices it more than I do.
We were down to about our last half-mile when I tried to shift the front chain rings to the highest gear and FOOF - suddenly my left-hand gearshift no longer worked. Another control cable bites the dust - We go through several each year. So I gotta cut this epistle short and get back outside before the sunny day fades away.
Ride Started: 12:44 PM Ride Ended: 1:34 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.4 Ending Voltage: 12.8 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 225 Ending Reading: 105
Lowest Temp 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.57
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.4 MPH 5.8 MPH 27.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
48 minutes 32 minutes 11 minutes
Saturday, March 25, 2017
I Ran Out of Gas Before the Chainsaw Did
Today's Tracking via Ham Radio and APRS
Yesterday I needed to cut down a couple of our numerous Juniper trees. The chainsaw had been in use last week and barely had any fuel in it. I didn't want to fill the tank when I planned to run it only a few minutes, so I poured in a cupful or so of gas and went to work. The job, as usual, turned out to be more difficult and time-consuming than I anticipated. After about a half hour of this "5-minute task" I had the trees felled but the chainsaw was still roaring in full voice so I thought I'd cut the trees into stove lengths until the saw ran out of gas so I could stow it back in the shed with a dry tank. The saw just kept running and the wood kept piling up and my energy level kept running lower...... and lower. I felt like my blood glucose must be very low and eventually I had to manually shut the chainsaw down and give it up and put it away with a bit of gas remaining in the tank. As I recall, when I got inside, my blood glucose tested at 39. I was very fuzzy indeed.
I then spent that afternoon assembling another APRS/Ham Radio set for my new trike. I also added extra length to the upper plastic tubing used as a chain guard, which really turned into a frustrating project since the separated chain kept sliding back out of the new tubing. I got good and black and greasy with chain gunk, for sure. Finally got that short project (over a week of intermittent effort!) working and took it for a 1/4 mile quickie test ride.
Since we'd missed 2 days of riding by today, Saturday, I wanted to do a trike ride with the new tracker assembly. Jacque was in Albuquerque doing high level Eastern Star work so I rode alone. I don't have room for 2 doggie passengers and I didn't want to leave either of the pooches home alone, so I left them both home alone. They tried to rush the door when they saw me heading out in my yellow bike-shirt, but I was able to get going without them with minimal complaining.
The weather today was a bit on the strange side, with stiff winds, cloudy and overcast, and a bit on the cool side. Our vaunted global warming fell apart the last 2 days, with snow and frost Thursday night and some rather bitter cold Friday. I didn't get too awful cold, in spite of the gusty wind, since pedal-power produces its own bountiful body heat.
Ride Started: 1:25 PM Ride Ended: 3:22 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 120 Ending Reading: 91
Lowest Temp 57 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.56
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 29.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 57 mins 1 hour 32 minutes 25 minutes
Yesterday I needed to cut down a couple of our numerous Juniper trees. The chainsaw had been in use last week and barely had any fuel in it. I didn't want to fill the tank when I planned to run it only a few minutes, so I poured in a cupful or so of gas and went to work. The job, as usual, turned out to be more difficult and time-consuming than I anticipated. After about a half hour of this "5-minute task" I had the trees felled but the chainsaw was still roaring in full voice so I thought I'd cut the trees into stove lengths until the saw ran out of gas so I could stow it back in the shed with a dry tank. The saw just kept running and the wood kept piling up and my energy level kept running lower...... and lower. I felt like my blood glucose must be very low and eventually I had to manually shut the chainsaw down and give it up and put it away with a bit of gas remaining in the tank. As I recall, when I got inside, my blood glucose tested at 39. I was very fuzzy indeed.
I then spent that afternoon assembling another APRS/Ham Radio set for my new trike. I also added extra length to the upper plastic tubing used as a chain guard, which really turned into a frustrating project since the separated chain kept sliding back out of the new tubing. I got good and black and greasy with chain gunk, for sure. Finally got that short project (over a week of intermittent effort!) working and took it for a 1/4 mile quickie test ride.
Since we'd missed 2 days of riding by today, Saturday, I wanted to do a trike ride with the new tracker assembly. Jacque was in Albuquerque doing high level Eastern Star work so I rode alone. I don't have room for 2 doggie passengers and I didn't want to leave either of the pooches home alone, so I left them both home alone. They tried to rush the door when they saw me heading out in my yellow bike-shirt, but I was able to get going without them with minimal complaining.
The weather today was a bit on the strange side, with stiff winds, cloudy and overcast, and a bit on the cool side. Our vaunted global warming fell apart the last 2 days, with snow and frost Thursday night and some rather bitter cold Friday. I didn't get too awful cold, in spite of the gusty wind, since pedal-power produces its own bountiful body heat.
Ride Started: 1:25 PM Ride Ended: 3:22 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose: 120 Ending Reading: 91
Lowest Temp 57 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.56
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 29.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 57 mins 1 hour 32 minutes 25 minutes
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
We Rode Our Separate Ways
Today's Roundabout Tracking
Well, today we decided to load up the trikes and ride again...
That is, until I went outside to load the trailer and realized it was still full of unloaded firewood that I hauled in from Albuquerque yesterday and stopped unloading when it got too dark.
Jacque decided she would haul her Catrike down to the pavement in her Subaru and Lilly and I would do our bounce-all-the-way-down ride directly from the house, skipping the trailer business for this trip.
When Lilly and I got down to the road we turned east on Frost Road, intending to do another shortened ride just out a couple miles and back. We topped the first hill at about the 2-mile mark and turned around and enjoyed the downhill coast for almost a mile, expecting to meet Jacque and Tink at any moment. We got back to our turnoff without encountering them, so we rode over to Jacque's parking spot - still no Jacque - So I called her on the cell phone to enquire as to their whereabouts and found they had ridden down to Guiterrez Canyon Road. So we went there too, Lilly and I. I hadn't ridden this route in almost a year or so and I was surprised to remember how lovely an area it covers, along with the smooth pavement and relative lack of traffic. It also has some fairly steep grades, but not terribly so. We rode up the road for a mile or so, intending to catch up to Jacque eventually. We saw her faintly in the distance as she climbed the first hill.
I got to thinking I'd initially planned to do a short ride, and that I still had to climb the last mile of uphill huffing and puffing to get back to the house, so we turned back, Lilly and I. As we got back to Frost Road I noted my handlebar-clock showed 12-Noon-Something and thought, well, since we're so close to the Post Office, why not ride that-a-way and get the mail?
Lilly soon took to whining and crying, which normally means her bladder is hurting and she needs to stop and "do her business". We parked in front of the only rest facility on Frost Road, a 3-year old Eagle Scout project, and let her do her thing. She finally found an acceptable spot to make the deposit upon, and we saddled up again. While we were buttoning down doggy harness and such, we were passed by a comely young Mommy pushing a baby carriage. Embarrassing it was to take an unseemly amount of time to catch up to and pass the speeding baby buggy as we finished the ride to the Post Office.
We stayed on the so-called Bike Trail for this leg and realized - Again - why we and most other cyclists avoid it like the plague. It was paved very thinly, and years ago when it was brand new, the weeds almost immediately began popping up through the asphalt, cracking and heaving it. The county has "patched" the cracks several times, but the resulting ruts and bumps are very difficult to ride over without bouncing your teeth loose. Passers-by wonder why cyclists are on the "dangerous" road shoulder when there's a bike trail adjacent.... they don't often realize how beat-up most cycling trails can be.
The weather has certainly been bike-friendly this last week or so, and of course it won't last..... but we're still smiling while riding!
Ride Started: 10:40 AM Ride Ended: 12:11 PM
Starting Blood Glucose: 162 Mid-Ride: 95 Ending BG: 70
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10:02
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.8 MPH 6.3 MPH 30.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 4 mins 1 hour 35 mins 28 minutes
Well, today we decided to load up the trikes and ride again...
That is, until I went outside to load the trailer and realized it was still full of unloaded firewood that I hauled in from Albuquerque yesterday and stopped unloading when it got too dark.
Jacque decided she would haul her Catrike down to the pavement in her Subaru and Lilly and I would do our bounce-all-the-way-down ride directly from the house, skipping the trailer business for this trip.
When Lilly and I got down to the road we turned east on Frost Road, intending to do another shortened ride just out a couple miles and back. We topped the first hill at about the 2-mile mark and turned around and enjoyed the downhill coast for almost a mile, expecting to meet Jacque and Tink at any moment. We got back to our turnoff without encountering them, so we rode over to Jacque's parking spot - still no Jacque - So I called her on the cell phone to enquire as to their whereabouts and found they had ridden down to Guiterrez Canyon Road. So we went there too, Lilly and I. I hadn't ridden this route in almost a year or so and I was surprised to remember how lovely an area it covers, along with the smooth pavement and relative lack of traffic. It also has some fairly steep grades, but not terribly so. We rode up the road for a mile or so, intending to catch up to Jacque eventually. We saw her faintly in the distance as she climbed the first hill.
I got to thinking I'd initially planned to do a short ride, and that I still had to climb the last mile of uphill huffing and puffing to get back to the house, so we turned back, Lilly and I. As we got back to Frost Road I noted my handlebar-clock showed 12-Noon-Something and thought, well, since we're so close to the Post Office, why not ride that-a-way and get the mail?
Lilly soon took to whining and crying, which normally means her bladder is hurting and she needs to stop and "do her business". We parked in front of the only rest facility on Frost Road, a 3-year old Eagle Scout project, and let her do her thing. She finally found an acceptable spot to make the deposit upon, and we saddled up again. While we were buttoning down doggy harness and such, we were passed by a comely young Mommy pushing a baby carriage. Embarrassing it was to take an unseemly amount of time to catch up to and pass the speeding baby buggy as we finished the ride to the Post Office.
We stayed on the so-called Bike Trail for this leg and realized - Again - why we and most other cyclists avoid it like the plague. It was paved very thinly, and years ago when it was brand new, the weeds almost immediately began popping up through the asphalt, cracking and heaving it. The county has "patched" the cracks several times, but the resulting ruts and bumps are very difficult to ride over without bouncing your teeth loose. Passers-by wonder why cyclists are on the "dangerous" road shoulder when there's a bike trail adjacent.... they don't often realize how beat-up most cycling trails can be.
The weather has certainly been bike-friendly this last week or so, and of course it won't last..... but we're still smiling while riding!
Ride Started: 10:40 AM Ride Ended: 12:11 PM
Starting Blood Glucose: 162 Mid-Ride: 95 Ending BG: 70
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10:02
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.8 MPH 6.3 MPH 30.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 4 mins 1 hour 35 mins 28 minutes
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Tuesday, Still Huffing and Puffing
Today's abbreviated tracking
A short ride today, with Lilly again acting as Co-Pilot. We turned around close to half of our normal ride since we felt pressed for time. We (Lilly and I) are going to Albuquerque to repair more Missionary bikes today.
Again forgot the GoPro helmet-cam so no danger of boring video today.
Ride Started: 9:40 AM Ride Ended: 11:05 PM
Starting Blood Glucose: 186 Mid-Ride: 163 Ending BG: 105
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.28
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.3 MPH 5.7 MPH 29.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 27 mins 1 hour 5 mins 20 minutes
A short ride today, with Lilly again acting as Co-Pilot. We turned around close to half of our normal ride since we felt pressed for time. We (Lilly and I) are going to Albuquerque to repair more Missionary bikes today.
Again forgot the GoPro helmet-cam so no danger of boring video today.
Ride Started: 9:40 AM Ride Ended: 11:05 PM
Starting Blood Glucose: 186 Mid-Ride: 163 Ending BG: 105
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.28
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.3 MPH 5.7 MPH 29.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 27 mins 1 hour 5 mins 20 minutes
Monday, March 20, 2017
Monday, a Tradition Continued
Today's Tracking Courtesy of Ham Radio and APRS
It's a Joke, Son.... our "Tradition" may well be almost a week old by now.
So, we took Sunday off and enjoyed not riding, resting our weary bods, but this morning we were ready to go again. We're both trying to improve or at least maintain our health,so it's biking long or short for us.....
Jacque again surprised me by going riding with me again this morning.
We rode our individual Catrikes this time, which makes it easier on me since my trike is so lightweight compared to the big tandem. We started early enough we knew the mail wouldn't yet be "up", so we went the same directions. Lilly rode with me again and Tinkerbell, the Senior Princess, rode with Jacque.
I got ahead of Jacque and noticed the road dept. was destroying the right shoulder of Frost Road between Tumbleweed and Mountain Valley Road. The shoulder, where cyclists normally ride, was completely blocked. Trying to avoid having to ride out in the traffic lane, I turned north on Tumbleweed. One of our dearest friend families lives there, and sure enough, they pulled out and waved at me with the kiddos cramming the windows as they drove by.
The weather was again remarkably nice, and this early in the day it was just cool enough to be pleasant.
I thought Jacque would come the same route as I did, but I met her as I headed back south on Mountain Valley. She had ridden in the traffic lane and found it not too bad. As I rode on up to Frost Road and headed west, I was again disgusted with the poor condition of the road shoulder, with rocks, debris, pits and bumps for that mile - comparing unfavorably with the opposite shoulder on the same stretch going east.
The rest of the day I found myself less exhausted than I felt last week, so hopefully I am rebuilding a little bit of stamina here....
Ride Started: 10:36 AM Ride Ended: 12:11 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 9.35
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 7.9 MPH 26.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 19 mins 1 hour 11 mins 38 minutes
It's a Joke, Son.... our "Tradition" may well be almost a week old by now.
So, we took Sunday off and enjoyed not riding, resting our weary bods, but this morning we were ready to go again. We're both trying to improve or at least maintain our health,so it's biking long or short for us.....
Jacque again surprised me by going riding with me again this morning.
We rode our individual Catrikes this time, which makes it easier on me since my trike is so lightweight compared to the big tandem. We started early enough we knew the mail wouldn't yet be "up", so we went the same directions. Lilly rode with me again and Tinkerbell, the Senior Princess, rode with Jacque.
I got ahead of Jacque and noticed the road dept. was destroying the right shoulder of Frost Road between Tumbleweed and Mountain Valley Road. The shoulder, where cyclists normally ride, was completely blocked. Trying to avoid having to ride out in the traffic lane, I turned north on Tumbleweed. One of our dearest friend families lives there, and sure enough, they pulled out and waved at me with the kiddos cramming the windows as they drove by.
The weather was again remarkably nice, and this early in the day it was just cool enough to be pleasant.
I thought Jacque would come the same route as I did, but I met her as I headed back south on Mountain Valley. She had ridden in the traffic lane and found it not too bad. As I rode on up to Frost Road and headed west, I was again disgusted with the poor condition of the road shoulder, with rocks, debris, pits and bumps for that mile - comparing unfavorably with the opposite shoulder on the same stretch going east.
The rest of the day I found myself less exhausted than I felt last week, so hopefully I am rebuilding a little bit of stamina here....
Ride Started: 10:36 AM Ride Ended: 12:11 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 9.35
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 7.9 MPH 26.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 19 mins 1 hour 11 mins 38 minutes
Saturday, March 18, 2017
...And a Short Saturday Run
Today's radio/GPS Tracking
Jacque is really getting into the biking for health thing..... She suggested, again, for the third day in a row, that we go for another ride on the tandem.
We love riding the Bosque, but it's almost 30 miles away.
Not only that, but we have to cross Albuquerque almost its entire width to get there, meaning it takes slightly less than a full hour one way with all the usual traffic. It's even worse now with the ART (Albuq Rapid Transit) construction going on, which has Central almost totally ruined and thus lots of additional delays.
We COULD park farther north at the city lot at Alameda, but that's been a magnet for car thieves and burglars for years. We've parked there in the past with no incidents, but neighboring autos have been burgled so we avoid it. No matter where we park, it's a long drive, and it adds almost 2 full hours to the time allotted for biking, and it eats up the most of a day... And as much as we love biking, we do have other things we need and have to do.
Which is a lengthy lead-in to why we rode a short ride on nearby Frost Road here in our own neighborhood today.
The weather was again wonderful today. I again built a fire in the wood stove to take the waking chill off the house when we got up, but if the warming spring-like weather continues, it will be only another few days before we need NO fire in the morning to feel comfy in the house.
We always seem to draw attention with the long bike and the short doggies, and we received a few friendly honks from passing cars today. Nice folks out here....
I didn't have that much steam in my boiler today, meaning we turned around earlier than usual, and had planned to do a much shorter ride anyway just to leave time for "other stuff".
We hope to work out a more regular schedule for at least a short ride several times each week.
Ride Started: 9:57 AM Ride Ended: 10:55 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose: 151 Ending Reading: 82
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.92
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 6.3 MPH 28.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
57 minutes 46 minutes 11 minutes
Jacque is really getting into the biking for health thing..... She suggested, again, for the third day in a row, that we go for another ride on the tandem.
We love riding the Bosque, but it's almost 30 miles away.
Not only that, but we have to cross Albuquerque almost its entire width to get there, meaning it takes slightly less than a full hour one way with all the usual traffic. It's even worse now with the ART (Albuq Rapid Transit) construction going on, which has Central almost totally ruined and thus lots of additional delays.
We COULD park farther north at the city lot at Alameda, but that's been a magnet for car thieves and burglars for years. We've parked there in the past with no incidents, but neighboring autos have been burgled so we avoid it. No matter where we park, it's a long drive, and it adds almost 2 full hours to the time allotted for biking, and it eats up the most of a day... And as much as we love biking, we do have other things we need and have to do.
Which is a lengthy lead-in to why we rode a short ride on nearby Frost Road here in our own neighborhood today.
The weather was again wonderful today. I again built a fire in the wood stove to take the waking chill off the house when we got up, but if the warming spring-like weather continues, it will be only another few days before we need NO fire in the morning to feel comfy in the house.
We always seem to draw attention with the long bike and the short doggies, and we received a few friendly honks from passing cars today. Nice folks out here....
I didn't have that much steam in my boiler today, meaning we turned around earlier than usual, and had planned to do a much shorter ride anyway just to leave time for "other stuff".
We hope to work out a more regular schedule for at least a short ride several times each week.
Ride Started: 9:57 AM Ride Ended: 10:55 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose: 151 Ending Reading: 82
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.92
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 6.3 MPH 28.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
57 minutes 46 minutes 11 minutes
Friday, March 17, 2017
Bosque Blessings
Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio
Jacque is getting more interested in regular riding with me, so perhaps we will both get more regular in our riding. We again chose the 30-mile trailer-pull drive so we could ride the incredible Bosque Trail along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque and the South Valley.
This trip we used the belly-pack on my belly and carried Lilly up front with me and Tinkerbell way in back behind Jacque in the basket. This seemed to help immensely in the whining and complaining department.
Lilly does NOT enjoy getting trussed up in the belly-pack but she calms down and rides quietly with few complaints, unlike when she's packed into the rear basket with Tink. Being up front, with full forward view, and the blessed wind in the doggie's face, must have a lot to do with it.
The Bosque Trail is hard to brag about sufficiently. It runs north and south next to the Rio Grande in the middle of the valley in Albuquerque, and is at least 16 miles from north end at Alameda to the south end in the Junkyard Zone of the South Valley south of Bridge Street. There are trees and critters galore, along with vagrants, fellow cyclists, runners, walkers, babies in strollers, little old ladies, and quite a few ridiculously cute girls and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes, to be encountered.
Tingley Beach sits right in the middle of the route, with public bathrooms, aged and youthful fishermen and women, and being operated by the city it is even occasionally open to sell chili dogs, ice cream sandwiches, and other snack. Unfortunately, also likely because it is operated by the city and not a private entrepreneur, it is closed for sales when we are hungriest to purchase a bite of junk food on our rides. Fortunately, the bathrooms seem to be continually open for public use, which is certainly a blessing, being the only such facility along the 16-mile route except for the "natural men's facilities" (trees and bushes to hide behind) up and down the trail.
The trail is just spectacular in its scenery, and the shady spots offered by the huge-mongous Cottonwood trees offer welcome break spots. The rippling and gurgling of the nearby Rio and its side irrigation channels offers both lovely sights and bugs in the face. There are only a few very mild grades to climb, so you don't have to be a skinny speed racer in Spandex on a $10,000 Carbon Fiber bike to easily ride it, from end to end and back again.
Today we stopped twice at Tingley, near the beginning and end of our ride since we rode the southern half of the trail this time. The first time, as we pedaled toward the Tingley entrance to the Bosque Trail, we were delayed while the narrow-guage Rio Train chugged away southward from the Tingley station. Its track runs parallel to the bike trail, separated only by a fence for a half mile or so. The train was loaded with elders and kids, all smiling and waving at us and the cute doggies as we sat on the bike watching them chug slowly by.
After the train passed we crossed the track, chugged ourselves up onto the bike trail, and "poured on the coal" so we could catch and pass the train, it being sufficiently slow for us to succeed in suc a stunt.
It took a bit of huffing and puffing but we managed to pass it, waving again at the engineer and passengers, before it went under Tingley Drive on its way to the Bio Park run.
Naturally, the camera was inadvertently off during this performance, so we have no "video at 11" or any other time to provide proof that we can outrun a train on our overweight tandem trike.
Ride Started: 12:31 PM Ride Ended: 3:09 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.9
Lowest Temp 75 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 15.6
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.2 MPH 7.1 MPH 18.1 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 38 mins 2 hours 11 mins 48 minutes
Jacque is getting more interested in regular riding with me, so perhaps we will both get more regular in our riding. We again chose the 30-mile trailer-pull drive so we could ride the incredible Bosque Trail along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque and the South Valley.
This trip we used the belly-pack on my belly and carried Lilly up front with me and Tinkerbell way in back behind Jacque in the basket. This seemed to help immensely in the whining and complaining department.
Lilly does NOT enjoy getting trussed up in the belly-pack but she calms down and rides quietly with few complaints, unlike when she's packed into the rear basket with Tink. Being up front, with full forward view, and the blessed wind in the doggie's face, must have a lot to do with it.
The Bosque Trail is hard to brag about sufficiently. It runs north and south next to the Rio Grande in the middle of the valley in Albuquerque, and is at least 16 miles from north end at Alameda to the south end in the Junkyard Zone of the South Valley south of Bridge Street. There are trees and critters galore, along with vagrants, fellow cyclists, runners, walkers, babies in strollers, little old ladies, and quite a few ridiculously cute girls and women of all ages, shapes, and sizes, to be encountered.
Tingley Beach sits right in the middle of the route, with public bathrooms, aged and youthful fishermen and women, and being operated by the city it is even occasionally open to sell chili dogs, ice cream sandwiches, and other snack. Unfortunately, also likely because it is operated by the city and not a private entrepreneur, it is closed for sales when we are hungriest to purchase a bite of junk food on our rides. Fortunately, the bathrooms seem to be continually open for public use, which is certainly a blessing, being the only such facility along the 16-mile route except for the "natural men's facilities" (trees and bushes to hide behind) up and down the trail.
The trail is just spectacular in its scenery, and the shady spots offered by the huge-mongous Cottonwood trees offer welcome break spots. The rippling and gurgling of the nearby Rio and its side irrigation channels offers both lovely sights and bugs in the face. There are only a few very mild grades to climb, so you don't have to be a skinny speed racer in Spandex on a $10,000 Carbon Fiber bike to easily ride it, from end to end and back again.
Today we stopped twice at Tingley, near the beginning and end of our ride since we rode the southern half of the trail this time. The first time, as we pedaled toward the Tingley entrance to the Bosque Trail, we were delayed while the narrow-guage Rio Train chugged away southward from the Tingley station. Its track runs parallel to the bike trail, separated only by a fence for a half mile or so. The train was loaded with elders and kids, all smiling and waving at us and the cute doggies as we sat on the bike watching them chug slowly by.
After the train passed we crossed the track, chugged ourselves up onto the bike trail, and "poured on the coal" so we could catch and pass the train, it being sufficiently slow for us to succeed in suc a stunt.
It took a bit of huffing and puffing but we managed to pass it, waving again at the engineer and passengers, before it went under Tingley Drive on its way to the Bio Park run.
Naturally, the camera was inadvertently off during this performance, so we have no "video at 11" or any other time to provide proof that we can outrun a train on our overweight tandem trike.
Ride Started: 12:31 PM Ride Ended: 3:09 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.9
Lowest Temp 75 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 15.6
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.2 MPH 7.1 MPH 18.1 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 38 mins 2 hours 11 mins 48 minutes
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Another Ride in Paradise
Repetitive Tracking via APRS and Ham Radio
Jacque and I replicated our rides from yesterday almost exactly, with slightly different results.
We started riding much later than we prefer, well nigh to 3 PM which is roughly the start of rush hour for all the lab and government employees who start getting off work early.
Jacque and Tink again went east while I and Lilly rode west for the Post-Office-First run and then honking eastward to catch up with our better halves.
We found the traffic a bit heavy but suffered no problems from it.... Maybe we'll do more later afternoon riding in the future. Jacque rode much farther and faster today, and I only caught up with her about a mile farther than yesterday.
I also took Lilly with me today in her belly-pack, and she was a fun co-rider. She always generates lots of looks and smiles wherever she goes, and especially when she's blinking at people while strapped to me like a papoose. Lots of admirers whenever stopped and many slowdowns as drivers pass and realize there's a DOG watching them roll by.
She whines and complains much less when not crammed into a basket next to Tinkerbell.
There was almost NO wind today, and it was comfortably warm. A better riding day would be indeed hard to find.
Ride Started: 2:53 PM Ride Ended: 5:00 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 12.91
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.8 MPH 8.6 MPH 32.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 53 mins 1 hour 30 mins 23 minutes
Jacque and I replicated our rides from yesterday almost exactly, with slightly different results.
We started riding much later than we prefer, well nigh to 3 PM which is roughly the start of rush hour for all the lab and government employees who start getting off work early.
Jacque and Tink again went east while I and Lilly rode west for the Post-Office-First run and then honking eastward to catch up with our better halves.
We found the traffic a bit heavy but suffered no problems from it.... Maybe we'll do more later afternoon riding in the future. Jacque rode much farther and faster today, and I only caught up with her about a mile farther than yesterday.
I also took Lilly with me today in her belly-pack, and she was a fun co-rider. She always generates lots of looks and smiles wherever she goes, and especially when she's blinking at people while strapped to me like a papoose. Lots of admirers whenever stopped and many slowdowns as drivers pass and realize there's a DOG watching them roll by.
She whines and complains much less when not crammed into a basket next to Tinkerbell.
There was almost NO wind today, and it was comfortably warm. A better riding day would be indeed hard to find.
Ride Started: 2:53 PM Ride Ended: 5:00 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 12.91
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.8 MPH 8.6 MPH 32.3 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 53 mins 1 hour 30 mins 23 minutes
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
High Spirits (And Winds)
Tracking for Today via Ham Radio and GPS/APRS
Jacque and I decided we'd ride our separate Catrikes today. When we trailered them down to the pavement of Frost Road we decided to ride separate directions and meet in the middle somewhere: I went west for the initial Post Office run (BAH, nothing but midweek ads) and Jacque rode east toward Mountain Valley Road. Going west to the P.O. wasn't a bad ride, and didn't take too long today. Racing east to catch up to Jacque and the dogs was even easier, but SURPRISE when we turned west again to return home: The wind had REALLY come up stiff and cool. It slowed us down a bit but overall, the ride was well worth it. Jacque's new knee started stiffening up on her so I rode ahead back to the Ford Exploder and trailer so I could pick her up before she wore herself out on the return leg.
As I finally caught up with Jacque and the girls, Lilly spotted me and of course started whining. Some welcoming greeting, huh, but that's the way she rides.....
Ride Started: 12:07 PM Ride Ended: 2:21 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 14.66
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 32.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 14 mins 1 hour 41 mins 33 minutes
Jacque and I decided we'd ride our separate Catrikes today. When we trailered them down to the pavement of Frost Road we decided to ride separate directions and meet in the middle somewhere: I went west for the initial Post Office run (BAH, nothing but midweek ads) and Jacque rode east toward Mountain Valley Road. Going west to the P.O. wasn't a bad ride, and didn't take too long today. Racing east to catch up to Jacque and the dogs was even easier, but SURPRISE when we turned west again to return home: The wind had REALLY come up stiff and cool. It slowed us down a bit but overall, the ride was well worth it. Jacque's new knee started stiffening up on her so I rode ahead back to the Ford Exploder and trailer so I could pick her up before she wore herself out on the return leg.
Ride Started: 12:07 PM Ride Ended: 2:21 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 14.66
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 32.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 14 mins 1 hour 41 mins 33 minutes
Friday, March 10, 2017
Legs Still Working
Jacque and I towed the Tandem Terratrike to Albuquerque and enjoyed a fabulous ride up and down the famed Albuquerque Bosque Trail today. My normal ham radio / GPS tracking device failed to report any positions at all today. Of course I had no idea until after our half-day ride was over. I checked out the system when we got home and discovered the bike-flagpole antenna had vibrated loose at the feedpoint of the antenna. So maybe NEXT time it will work well, after a repair job accomplished.
We left home about 10 AM and didn't get back until after 6, but Boy, what a fun day on the trike!
The weather was lovely, almost no wind, and the temperatures were just cool enough to be pleasant.
We found we were still woefully out of shape, but also found once we rode through the first levels of tiredness, we could successfully keep going without undue discomfort.
As we drove into the Rio Grande area of Albuquerque to unload the trike for riding, we heard one of our ham radio friends Mark (W5MHG) on the radio. He was riding HIS recumbent trike - also on the Bosque Trail. We agreed to meet up for a face-to-face visit when we got saddled up and riding.
We chatted again with him once we got rolling with the bike radio, but we were a few miles apart and never did meet up. His radio battery died on him and thus we lost contact and never did meet him on the trail. We've met before, but he's one of the good guys and fun to visit with.
We marveled at the beauty of the weather and really enjoyed the ride. The only negative note was Lilly's incessant whining and crying. We've spoiled her so much she whines when we're not continually petting and cuddling her. She is not a fun traveling companion when she's feeling neglected, which is too much of the time. After almost a solid couple of hours of complaining she finally wore out and provided at least partial peace and quiet. We'd leave her home but that REALLY upsets her. Tinkerbell is a great traveler, with no complaints or bad behavior, but her example does not seem to rub off on Lilly.
We rode north on the Trail until we got to Paseo del Norte, where we stopped for a dog-walk and stretch break for ourselves. By this time we were getting famished. It was after 3 PM and we had yet to eat any lunch. With renewed motivation and vigor we rode back south to the Mountain Road/Bicycle Boulevard turnoff and detoured to our favorite spot in the area: Old Town. There are a few restaurants there that allow our dogs to sit at outdoor tables with us, and we shared a Taco Plate with each other and chowed down with enthusiasm. Very pleasant area, great food, and nice people wandering in and out who were tolerant of our puppy-dogs.
After the nice late lunch, it was only 3+ miles back to our parked car and trailer. After the usual needful stops at Sams Club on the way home, we arrived back about a half hour before dark. Great day.
We just need to do it more often....
Ride Started: 11:43 AM Ride Ended: 5:34 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 18.64
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 26.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
3 hours 28 mins 2 hours 41 mins 47 minutes
We left home about 10 AM and didn't get back until after 6, but Boy, what a fun day on the trike!
The weather was lovely, almost no wind, and the temperatures were just cool enough to be pleasant.
We found we were still woefully out of shape, but also found once we rode through the first levels of tiredness, we could successfully keep going without undue discomfort.
As we drove into the Rio Grande area of Albuquerque to unload the trike for riding, we heard one of our ham radio friends Mark (W5MHG) on the radio. He was riding HIS recumbent trike - also on the Bosque Trail. We agreed to meet up for a face-to-face visit when we got saddled up and riding.
We chatted again with him once we got rolling with the bike radio, but we were a few miles apart and never did meet up. His radio battery died on him and thus we lost contact and never did meet him on the trail. We've met before, but he's one of the good guys and fun to visit with.
We marveled at the beauty of the weather and really enjoyed the ride. The only negative note was Lilly's incessant whining and crying. We've spoiled her so much she whines when we're not continually petting and cuddling her. She is not a fun traveling companion when she's feeling neglected, which is too much of the time. After almost a solid couple of hours of complaining she finally wore out and provided at least partial peace and quiet. We'd leave her home but that REALLY upsets her. Tinkerbell is a great traveler, with no complaints or bad behavior, but her example does not seem to rub off on Lilly.
We rode north on the Trail until we got to Paseo del Norte, where we stopped for a dog-walk and stretch break for ourselves. By this time we were getting famished. It was after 3 PM and we had yet to eat any lunch. With renewed motivation and vigor we rode back south to the Mountain Road/Bicycle Boulevard turnoff and detoured to our favorite spot in the area: Old Town. There are a few restaurants there that allow our dogs to sit at outdoor tables with us, and we shared a Taco Plate with each other and chowed down with enthusiasm. Very pleasant area, great food, and nice people wandering in and out who were tolerant of our puppy-dogs.
After the nice late lunch, it was only 3+ miles back to our parked car and trailer. After the usual needful stops at Sams Club on the way home, we arrived back about a half hour before dark. Great day.
We just need to do it more often....
Ride Started: 11:43 AM Ride Ended: 5:34 PM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 18.64
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 6.9 MPH 26.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
3 hours 28 mins 2 hours 41 mins 47 minutes
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Sad Sack Rides Again
Today's Short Intense Tracking
Today I discovered a deep dark secret. I'M OUT OF SHAPE.
Here and I thought my other larger bikes were so much heavier than my little Catrike that it was causing me trouble. Today I rode my little Catrike and discovered my lazy legs STILL struggle even riding the lightweight.
My ride-every-day-possible goals have been sideswiped by my normal excuses: Too busy to stay healthy.
So I've been lucky to ride once a week, which is NOT enough to keep the legs limbered.
Today was another ride to the Post Office to send off a horrible payment to the dentist. The weather was beautiful, no wind whatsoever and warm and sunny, but I struggled even without the dreaded headwinds.
I overdressed with a long sleeve wicking under-layer but after getting the trike ready to ride it was already too warm so I peeled out of the inner layer and did not miss it at all.
I had no doggies weighing me down either, so..... it was only me.
We have a new Windoze 10 install on our newest computer at the house, so I now have the ability to post videos again. Of course, I rode off without the GoPro this morning so maybe next time something thrilling will happen on camera while riding.
Ride Started: 10:03 AM Ride Ended: 11:34 AM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.50
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.7 MPH 3.5MPH 26.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 31 mins 1 hour 5 mins 26 minutes
Today I discovered a deep dark secret. I'M OUT OF SHAPE.
Here and I thought my other larger bikes were so much heavier than my little Catrike that it was causing me trouble. Today I rode my little Catrike and discovered my lazy legs STILL struggle even riding the lightweight.
My ride-every-day-possible goals have been sideswiped by my normal excuses: Too busy to stay healthy.
So I've been lucky to ride once a week, which is NOT enough to keep the legs limbered.
Today was another ride to the Post Office to send off a horrible payment to the dentist. The weather was beautiful, no wind whatsoever and warm and sunny, but I struggled even without the dreaded headwinds.
I overdressed with a long sleeve wicking under-layer but after getting the trike ready to ride it was already too warm so I peeled out of the inner layer and did not miss it at all.
I had no doggies weighing me down either, so..... it was only me.
We have a new Windoze 10 install on our newest computer at the house, so I now have the ability to post videos again. Of course, I rode off without the GoPro this morning so maybe next time something thrilling will happen on camera while riding.
Ride Started: 10:03 AM Ride Ended: 11:34 AM
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.50
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.7 MPH 3.5MPH 26.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 31 mins 1 hour 5 mins 26 minutes
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Cool Runnings (to steal a phrase)
Today's East Mountain Tracking
Today it was a 10-miler on the recumbent 2-wheeler.
It took me a long while to locate the missing electronics (GPS and Ham Radio) that are normally mounted on this bike. Dismayed, I was, to finally find the missing stuff on my CATRIKE, right where I'd left them after 'borrowing' them off the 2-wheeler. There's a standing joke about old age and memory, but I can't remember how it goes..... BAH
One of the main reasons for taking the 2-wheeler was the basket on the back, which allows Tinkerbell, the Senior Princess Doggie, to ride along with me. She impresses folks with her ability and willingness to sit quietly in the basket, no whining or barking or trying to jump out. Tink IS a great riding buddy, but she rides with a restraining strap through her collar to keep her from exiting the basket. Years ago she would occasionally lunge at dogs we passed so we still don't try letting her ride unrestrained.
The "Cool Running" title refers to the cold and brisk winds we encountered today. Today was bright and sunny but a bit cold. On the way East we were buffeted by headwinds, which I hoped would be tailwinds on the westbound leg homeward. Not to be. Not only did the winds get even worse as we got to our halfway turnaround point, but they seemed to change direction and thus the headwinds were even worse going home than they were going out.
Okay, so it was uncomfortably windy and cold today. It was STILL great to get out and ride around and get the blood circulating.
Ride Started: 11:39 AM Ride Ended: 1:47 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6 Ending Voltage: 13.1 Lowest: 13.0
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.54
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.3 MPH 7.1 MPH 25.8 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 59 mins 1 hour 29 mins 30 minutes
Today it was a 10-miler on the recumbent 2-wheeler.
It took me a long while to locate the missing electronics (GPS and Ham Radio) that are normally mounted on this bike. Dismayed, I was, to finally find the missing stuff on my CATRIKE, right where I'd left them after 'borrowing' them off the 2-wheeler. There's a standing joke about old age and memory, but I can't remember how it goes..... BAH
One of the main reasons for taking the 2-wheeler was the basket on the back, which allows Tinkerbell, the Senior Princess Doggie, to ride along with me. She impresses folks with her ability and willingness to sit quietly in the basket, no whining or barking or trying to jump out. Tink IS a great riding buddy, but she rides with a restraining strap through her collar to keep her from exiting the basket. Years ago she would occasionally lunge at dogs we passed so we still don't try letting her ride unrestrained.
The "Cool Running" title refers to the cold and brisk winds we encountered today. Today was bright and sunny but a bit cold. On the way East we were buffeted by headwinds, which I hoped would be tailwinds on the westbound leg homeward. Not to be. Not only did the winds get even worse as we got to our halfway turnaround point, but they seemed to change direction and thus the headwinds were even worse going home than they were going out.
Okay, so it was uncomfortably windy and cold today. It was STILL great to get out and ride around and get the blood circulating.
Ride Started: 11:39 AM Ride Ended: 1:47 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6 Ending Voltage: 13.1 Lowest: 13.0
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.54
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.3 MPH 7.1 MPH 25.8 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 59 mins 1 hour 29 mins 30 minutes
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