Last night's low temperature was 15-ish and today has been fairly clear but FROSTY, man.
Our outside sensor at the house claimed it was 30 degrees but the official reading was 28.
I had another couple of letters to mail - and today was MLK day with no mailman showing up.
So, I thought I'd stretch my bandy legs at least a little and ride around the corner and across the tracks to deposit them in the Post Office outgoing mail bin. I did it by steps, first by going out to the garage and pulling the Catrike out to erect the antennas/flagpoles. Just doing that about froze me all over, so I parked it and went back inside the house to thaw out and work up the courage to actually saddle up and do the short ride. About 15 minutes did the trick. I pulled on a ski mask, 3 layers of jackets, and rode into the cold breeze.
I did NOT get overheated, to say the least. Had I been able to ride longer I might have generated some body heat but not with this short trip, and it was so bitterly cold I regretted what little I did ride. My feet and fingers, especially, seemed near frostbite before I got home again.
I force myself to ride, even in difficult situations, because even if it's short and/or painful it stretches my tissues a bit and helps me feel not so crippled up with the throbbing feets.
I had to pass across several ice and snow patches along the way, thankfully without slipping too much, and took mostly side streets with less traffic to worry about.
Official readings were 28 degrees and 77% humidity. Whoo-ee. Locals here still walk around in shirtsleeves occasionally but not this former desert dweller.
Ride Started: 2:42 AM Ride Ended: 3:15 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 160 Ending BG: 39
Lowest Temp 28 F Highest Temp: 28 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 1.16
Distance Walked: .1 mile
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
2.2 MPH 5.7 MPH 16.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
33 minutes 32 minutes 1 minute
Beginning Blood Glucose: 160 Ending BG: 39
Lowest Temp 28 F Highest Temp: 28 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 1.16
Distance Walked: .1 mile
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
2.2 MPH 5.7 MPH 16.0 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
33 minutes 32 minutes 1 minute