No trike riding today, though I ALMOST did.\
Today, New Years Eve, the Blessed End of 2020, was cold and wet.
It hovered near freezing all day, with frost on elevated surfaces but not the local roads.
I had sorta planned to ride at least a few blocks to pick up some diet soda for our wild New Year Celebration, but Jacque did those chores in the motorized SUV.
Me, I stayed busy installing more outlets in our vintage 1926 casita.
I've previously installed extra outlets and lights here and there throughout the house, but we needed one on the front porch.
A rather elementary operation, which back in my younger days might have taken a couple hours or so.
It took me over 2 days, with lots of rest breaks and interruptions and changes of plans as I went.
The outlet is now nicely installed and will provide better access for electrical appliances as well as Christmas lights next year, God willing.
I'm turning 74 in 2021, surviving many of my relatives in longevity.
One thing about the unbelievable year 2020 has been that Jacque and I have begun more closely recognizing God's hand in protecting and preserving us. As we have contemplated many of our recognized blessings from Heaven, I have been startled to realize many incidents in my life that could or should have been near-fatal but, obviously with Heavenly Father's help, have allowed me to continue living what I have to describe as "A Wonderful Life".
I must cut this post short, but one "ferinstance" is the beating I received in a one - sided fistfight with my brother George at around age 16. He pounded me so mercilessly most of my jaws were pulverized and I was too stupid to stop trying to fight him in response. Thankfully, he finally stopped and walked away from me in disgust. My mouth bled for weeks and weeks afterward and most of my upper and lower teeth just hung by small threads of tissue. I could not eat solid food and lived for months on soup and liquids only. We were too poor to afford any medical care so I never told our parents about my suffering. After some time, maybe a year or so, my gums somehow started to grow back and my teeth slowly took root again. Eventually I was able to bite and chew again and eat whatever I wanted.
I absolutely did NOT recognize the magnitude of this miracle, but FULLY realize now it was only through the Grace and Mercy of Heavenly Father and Jesus that I survived, much less actually regained tooth and mouth functionality. I was not obeying most of God's laws at the time and certainly did not deserve such Mercy but I give Holy Thanks now as I slowly begin to realize how NONE of we humans could survive ANY amount of time on this planet without the support and blessings and miracles from Heaven in our behalf.
For now, Adieu. A blessed New Year to all. We certainly NEED one. Praises to Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and all the angels and hosts who serve them.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Happy NEW Year (!Prospero Ano Nuevo!)
Monday, December 28, 2020
A Few Miles Around Town
Today's "Short Cut" Route Tracking
I actually have ridden a couple or so times this last week, but evidently failed to log any of it here in the blog. Oh Well.
This year's craziness has resulted in weird "holidays", evidently world wide.
We didn't do anything for Thanksgiving, as Jacque was so beset with aches and pains we agreed to eat basic food and abstain from her usual hours of slaving over a hot stove cooking up turkey and goodies all day.
Christmas Day was a different story, since we enjoyed Jacque's cooking skills making up for the absent Thanksgiving feast in November, with the postponed turkey and pie and trimmings for 25 December instead.
The food was hot and scrumptious in spite of the coldest weather we've had so far this winter. Christmas was celebrated with an outside temperature of 10 degrees when we woke up and only a few degrees warmer all day. MERCY.
We also had a whopper of a rainstorm somewhere just before Christmas, which helped keep me off the trike, though I did get out for a couple of short trips with lots of layers, Bass Pro Winter Socks, warm mittens, and face mask etc.
Today, 28 Dec, was quite a bit warmer at about 35 degrees when we got up and not too much over 40 all day. The sun was obscured much of the morning but finally poked out and shone without warming things up too much.
BUT there was no rain threatening and I was set to find an excuse for a trike ride.
When Jacque mentioned she had a prescription waiting for her at our local Big Box Store, there it was: My Excuse.
The last time I did this trip, the Pharmacy was closed until 2:00 PM for "Lunch Break". To make sure I didn't have to stand around waiting for half an hour like that trip, I wanted to get there no earlier than 2 PM.
Of course, with my dawdling and last minute fiddling around, it was several minutes AFTER 2 before I even pedaled off.
I took a slightly different route this time, thinking I'd not only shorten the miles but avoid having to cross Route 95 at its busiest intersection: McDonalds and Country Mart across 95 from each other.
In about 20 minutes I arrived in the Big Box Neighborhood, and chose to shop for some cabinet hardware at Davis True Value Hardware first.
This place is like a candy store to yours truly, and I wound up spending almost an hour there, what with trying to find what I wanted and general looking around at all the goodies.
Then I zipped over to the biggest Big Box Store and got my stuff there.
By the time I rode back toward home it had REALLY started feeling cold. I was glad to have 3 layers of upper shirts on as well as the skull cap protector Jacque made me a while back.
I passed a familiar sight on the way back: Tree trimmers in action. They are definitely needed here where HUGE trees seem to grow like WEEDS, and threaten nearby houses.
No problems, though. By the time I got home it was after 4 PM. I was mildly surprised to see my "shortened" route added up to over 6 miles, instead of my usual 5+ mile trip.
Still, another ride, another day: Mood enhanced and blood glucose lowered, even with lowered insulin dosage.
Ride Started: 2:02 PM Ride Ended: 4:01 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.8
Lowest Temp: 38 F Highest Temp: 50 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 118 Ending BG: 180
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.26
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
2.9 MPH 5.9 MPH 16.7 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hrs 7 minutes 1 hour 3 mins 1 hour 4 mins
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Three Cold Days in a Row
It was even colder today than yesterday. My little buddy came over with his Mom today and both he and I enjoy riding together, but I thought it was too cold for me to risk him.
Later this evening, the sun actually peeked out of the clouds and may have actually warmed things up a degree or two.
Still cold, but I thought I ought to take at least a short ride. I dug out some insulated cargo pants I haven't worn since LAST winter, put on a good winter coat.
I had re-fastened my headlamp to my helmet visor and swapped out the GoPro camera battery for a fully charged one, and I was ready.
I also changed my thinner socks for thick insulated ones, and did not regret any of the precautions taken.
I only rode a couple miles or so, enjoying getting out in the freezing breeze, and stretching my gams.
I haven't re-established a daily riding commitment. I DO want to ride as often as possible.
Ride Started: 3:13 PM Ride Ended: 3:44 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 30 F Highest Temp: 37 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 123 Ending BG: 72
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 2.38
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.3 MPH 7.2 MPH 16.3 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
23 minutes 20 minutes 3 minutes
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Granny, It's COLD Outside
Today's Tracking - The Usual Route
We needed a few more items from our local Big Box Store, so again it was a good excuse to go for a trike ride.
Which was no big deal except it was COLD. Colder than yesterday, with a bit of a frigid breeze to help things refrigerate.
I opted for 2 inner layers for my upper torso (Sweater, denim shirt over that), as well as my beat-up insulated mechanic's overalls. I should have opted for a pair of heavy socks as well, but didn't.
I wore my face mask Jacque made for me, and it worked well. Insulated mittens did a good job for my hands.
I hadn't realized how worn-out the coveralls were. The legs let in a lot of cold air through various holes and openings, leading me to contemplate shopping for a newer set.
Got to the store without incident, found one of the increasingly rare small carts, and found the items desired. Approached the pharmacy to pick up Jacque's prescription only to find it locked with all the windows closed. Eventually saw a small sign stating the Pharmacy Hours stating they would be open M-F until 7:00 PM. Sigh. Found an even smaller sign stating the pharmacy would be closed until 2:00 PM so the Lone Pharmacist could partake of Lunch. My clock said it was 1:30. BAH.
I was the first in line a-waiting at the closed window. As the sacred 2:00 hour approached, I realized I wasn't going to make it without a visit to the potty.
When I returned, the pharmacy was finally open... with 6 people in line in front of me. Thankfully they took care of enough for me to gain access. Other than the pharmacist having trouble spelling the name right, all went well.
When I got back to the parked trike, I was feeling a bit ditzy. I dragged out my blood glucose tester. It refused to work; giving only a "LoT" message on the display. After trying a few more times I gave up, thinking the battery must be low. I snarfed two cookies (just to cover my base in case my BG was low) and took off.
When I got home my BG was 70, after the cookies with no extra insulin pumped.
Hooray for cookies.
When I tried to see what was wrong with the glucose meter, it was working fine.
I now suspect the instrument was too cold to give an accurate reading; thus the "LoT" response. Whatever.
One promise I'm sure to keep: I don't mind riding when it's cold. But if things get ICY I will leave the trike in the garage.
Ride Started: 12:56 PM Ride Ended: 2:51 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 32 F Highest Temp: 40 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 133 Ending BG: 70
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.33
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.1 MPH 5.9 MPH 22.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 41 mins 54 minutes 47 minutes
Monday, December 14, 2020
Grandpa Rides Again
Today's Roundabout Route Tracking
After my bizarre low blood-sugar meltdown episode last Wednesday, I was more than a little apprehensive about taking off on another ride - for any distance, that is.
For one thing, my strainings and struggles while blacking out had damaged several parts of the Catrike. It had been loaded up into the back of our SUV by some helpful bystanders while I was bei9ng treated inside the ambulance.
They may have done some of the damage but I suspect it was mostly my own doing.
The left front fender was detached. The plastic visor on the helmet was loose on one side. The electronics pedestal was bent at an odd angle and almost broken. The left hand rear view mirror was loose and wouldn't stay in position. The chain was off the sprocket.
Should I go on? I can't quite think of all the various things that had to be fixed before I could even ride off again.
SO that took a couple hours. I had a fair size list of items to purchase, thus good excuses for taking a ride, so that was an additional motivation.
Finally the beast was ready for at least a test ride. I had a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes to take to the recycler, after which I planned on towing the B.O.B. trailer to the north end of town to our favorite local Big Box Store (initials WM) and load it up with my desired purchases.
Thankfully the recycler is only a few blocks from our house, because when I got there it was obvious they were no longer accepting cardboard. So I had to turn around and take the unwanted cardboard back home. Until I find another cardboard recycle joint, I can burn the stuff in my garage's wood heater.
After tightening the mirror mount and replacing a broken bungee cord on the instrument pedestal, I again embarked.
Still a tad nervous from the abortive ride Wednesday night, I again found pleasure in pedaling under my own power.
It was COLD today. We had our first snow last night, though little was left today, but I did NOT get overheated like I usually do.
My blood glucose THIS time had been 195 when I started riding, and had actually RISEN a few points after this short ride back and forth, and I worried that my insulin pump infusion set might not be working. Deciding to try riding again in hopes of burning some of it off, I rode to the other end of town.
The farther I rode the more my enjoyment and confidence returned. Not wanting to suffer another low blood glucose (BG) attack, I paid close attention to my sensations as I rode. I usually start to get confused when BG drops, but I didn't notice anything this time and I arrived safely at the store.
After loading my purchases on the B.O.B. trailer and tying them down with bungees, I tested my BG again before riding back home.
It was MUCH improved: 114
My current doctor recommendations are that my BG should range from a about 80 to 120, so I was within "recommendations".
I ate a single cookie for a precautionary measure and turned toward home.
Unlike my usual habit, I didn't ride the furthest streets to add more mileage today.
Mission Accomplished. I am back, although with a large measure of caution to avoid problems.
Ride Started: 1:07 PM Ride Ended: 3:38 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 38 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 195 Ending BG: 114
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.95
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
2.8 MPH 6.0 MPH 18.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hrs 27 minutes 1 hour 9 mins 1 hour 18 mins
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Grandpa is Not Invincible
Wednesday Night Trail of Tears
I had a very scary experience Wednesday evening, 9 December 2020.
Jacque and I rode our trikes over to the local chiropractor, a mile or so away.
I needed to get some glucose meter test strips, so I had planned to ride my trike on over to the local Big Box Store (WM) to purchase same, while Jacque rode on back to the house.
I was feeling a bit woozy when we exited the bone-shaker office, and for some odd reason I didn't think to test my blood glucose before I rode onward. As I rode the familiar and easy route toward the north end of town, I was getting "foggier and foggier" in my brain, still not thinking to simply pull over and test my glucose.
I was really in a funk by the time I got to the stop light at the overpass going over Highway 60, less than a quarter mile from my desired destination.
The only thing I can vaguely recall from then on is a state of total fear and confusion. I could not figure out where I was or what was going on. A weird vision like a frightening cartoon played in front of me, with various strangers looking at me, trying to talk to me, asking if I was all right, etc, etc. I didn't recognize any of them, nor the settings around me, though they were normally familiar settings (I was seeing the nearby Murphy's Gas Station, with various cars in and out, but I just could not process anything in my mind.) I felt trapped, like I couldn't move, being "stuck" in this horrible nightmare of strangers around me and unrecognizable surroundings. I wanted help and relief, but not from all these weird strangers that kept floating in and out of my vision. I responded angrily to all those who approached me or talked to me. I began crying out for Jacque to help me, hoping she would somehow be able to get me out of this mess of weird visions and sounds. She wasn't there and I continued to suffer, totally unable to understand what was going on. I was helpless but fought fiercely against all the strangers who approached in this weird nightmare setting.
I began to see a weird armored door at my feet, with a glassed-in shelf to my right containing bottles of some sort, almost like a medicine cabinet.
I was still agonizing for Jacque to rescue me, and eventually a gal who looked somewhat like her appeared, though I didn't recognize her for several minutes and didn't respond to her at first.
Finally, I realized it WAS her, strange though she still seemed.
As I began recognizing my surroundings, I realized I was in a rescue van from Mercy Hospital, and Jacque was rubbing my head, trying to calm me down, and a female and a male medical team were working on me, having implanted an infusion tube in my wrist, pumping glucagon into me, trying to bring me OUT of the most Horrible Insulin Reaction I've ever experienced.
- I had ignored several warning signs of low blood sugar.
- In the past, I've always been able to deal with low sugar episodes, stuff something sweet into my mouth, etc. I keep my pants, trike, and other vehicles stocked with sweets for just such occasions.
- BUT this time I was completely hopeless, and likely would have died had no one stopped to help.
Thankfully, several people did help, and put up with my abusive behavior trying to reject them.
SO, now I have suffered a horrible thing: Realizing I need to pay better attention to all situations and GIVE UP the idea that I can always deal with things myself. BAH
Grandson Goes for a Ride w/ Grandpa
Jacque has a young lady-friend who comes over every week or so for sewing sessions. A winsome young man, 5 years of age, comes with her, and often is a handful to "entertain". I get a huge kick out of him.
I'd been thinking he might enjoy going for a ride with me on the trike.
Since it's a single-seater, naturally I think somehow I can fit him in the B.O.B (Baby On Board) trailer. Since this young feller is a tad too grown-up for Baby status, but not old enough to trust he'll hang on without trying to jump, a solution was desired.
Wondering about adapting a car seat, finding the huge expense of buying a new one, I went shopping at one of our local thrift stores a couple weeks ago.
Sure enough, I found a very nice one, for the princely sum of $5 cash.
With a fair amount of backyard engineering, I was able to mount it in the B.O.B. trailer.
Today I finally got to try the monstrosity out. It was frightfully cold when we first started, but warmed up quickly as the sun shined upon our countenances.
Ride Started: 12:34 PM Ride Ended: 1:30 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.8 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.8
Lowest Temp: 51 F Highest Temp: 61 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 67 Ending BG: 113
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.25
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5 MPH 6.5 MPH 22.1 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
56 minutes 39 minutes 17 minutes
Saturday, December 5, 2020
More Long Journeys (aka Wally World)
Friday Beer Run Route Tracking
I always enjoy finding a "useful excuse" for taking a trike ride, and yesterday I decided I needed to restock on DRB (Diet Root Beer - for the uninitiated).
Now, there are at least 2 grocery stores selling such stuff almost next door: The closest being like 3 blocks away. But that less-than-a-mile distance would not even get the blood circulating much more than lounging in my chair at home.
So, of course, I go to the furthest one within the city limits.
Following such logic, I could also ride to any of the stores in Cabool, only 8 miles east of us, and gain a few more miles. Whatever.
As I was parking the trike at the Big Box Store, latching the locking cable, etc, a couple of old-timers (almost as old as I) approached me apologetically and wanted to "ask a few questions".
Always happy to proselytize for Jesus and Recumbent Trikes, I was happy to oblige.
They of course were curious about the trike, how comfortable it might be compared to upright bikes/trikes, what the trailer was for, and....... How Far had I ever ridden on it ??
It took me a moment or two trying to remember, and finally I told them "Well, I rode it 50 miles on my 50th birthday, but that was over 20 years ago !!"
They talked between themselves, wondering if either of them could possibly ride such a contraption. I offered to unhitch the trailer and let them take it for a spin around the block, but they both agreed they didn't think they'd better, with knee problems etc.
Then, of course, when I got home and told the tale to Jacque, she reminded me I had actually ridden 70 miles for my 70th birthday. Such is my sagging memory nowadays: Not only do I fail to remember a lot of things, the things I DO remember either didn't happen or at least not the way I think I remember.
Looking back in my cycling blog, I finally found entries detailing such long distance feats:
- In May 2017, I did a 70 - mile ride in NM for my 70th birthday, and
- In May 2018, I did a 72+ mile ride in Ohio while RVing for to celebrate my 71st birthday.
Somehow I have fallen off that wagon and haven't evidently even thought about doing similar rides for each subsequent birthday. I turn 74 in May 2021 - I'll think about it. We'll see. All I gotta do is live that long in today's super-crazy world.
I might collapse and croak on such a trip but there are worse ways to depart this world...
Ride Started: 2:39 PM Ride Ended: 3:54 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.8 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.8
Lowest Temp: 51 F Highest Temp: 61 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 67 Ending BG: 103 (Obviously Ate some Snacks)
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.26
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5 MPH 6.8 MPH 24.2 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 10 mins 46 minutes 24 minutes