Thursday, October 21, 2021

Necessary Travel?

 Wednesday Wandering GPS Track

We received an anxiously awaited Amazon purchase on Wednesday, but were disappointed to find the plastical envelope was quite empty.  On closer examination we found the side of the envelope was open, either cut or improperly sealed before mailing.
So we went through the painful procedure of getting an exchange:  Empty envelope for a properly filled envelope.  Hopefully.

We were instructed to print a return label on the torn envelope and turn it in at the nearest UPS outfit.
Thus I had a reason to ride, so to speak.
It was later in the afternoon by the time I was able to take the trike trip, but it was uneventful.  I was more tired than usual and the ride was not as enthusiastic as usual.

Ride Started: 2:58 PM           Ride Ended:  3:49 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 71 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  185   Ending BG: 79
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  4.43
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.9 MPH                              6.5 MPH            20.0 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
   54  minutes                        41 minutes         13 minutes

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Enjoying Great Weather While it Lasts

 Tracking Link via GPS and Ham Radio

I've been daily waddling around butchering wood, painting, sweeping floor, yada yada.  Every other day or so I ride at least a few blocks on the Catrike to run an errand or two.  Seldom do I get a really good "cardio" ride in, but even short rides stir up my circulation and improve my grumpy moods.  Of course when I get home, it takes a while to cool off and rest my sore feets.  But it's worth it.  Just ask anyone.
I've missed several good days for riding, trying to make better headway on the Sweet Wifey's sewing room addition.  It's not HER fault;  since she continually encourages me to get out and ride.  Might have something to do with the mood lift thing.
On Sunday, two days ago, after Church, we All went for a short ride around the town square (a few blocks away) on the Terratrike Tandem .

Today was an unusually mild, sunny, pleasantly warm but cool, and I committed myself to get some gaps in the new room wall paint touched up, and take a break for a ride.
Of course all this took much longer than I'd imagined.  Very frustrating to take at least 10 times the effort to get even simple tasks done - that used to be far less tiring and difficult.
I got out the trike and trailer since the Boss had accumulated two almost - full bags of surplus stuff to take to our nearby Thrift Store.  That destination was only about 4 blocks away, just across the railroad tracks.  I had no other "excuses" to ride anywhere except for sunshine and oxygen.  Thus most of my pedaling was with an empty B.O.B. trailer behind me.  Not a big deal since it pulls very easily, mostly noticeable when carrying a load.... uphill.
I even wore regular length long pants, and did not get too overheated.
I thought about stopping to shop for a few items at our sole Big Box Store, but it's too close to the end of the month and the bank account is suffering so I passed it by.
I stopped to rest a couple times in the shade along the way, so this was no speed ride.  Hah - it would make HEADLINES if I ever managed a "speedy" ride.
My new Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) insulin pump warned me when my blood sugar got too low, so during one break on the way home I snarfed a cookie.  YUM
I need to do such rides, and even longer ones, to build up my strength.  Did I mention even a short ride lowers my blood sugar for most of the remainder of the day and night?
Hopefully I can sleep well tonight.  God is GOOD...

Ride Started: 1:43 PM           Ride Ended:  3:04 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 67 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  165   Ending BG: 97
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  6.36
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  4.7 MPH                              5.9 MPH            23.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 20  minutes              1 hour 4 mins      16 minutes

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

OutRun by a BIKE

 Tracking Courtesy of Ham Radio and GPS

 My sweet wife encouraged me to a trike ride this morning, noting that it was overcast but rain was only forecast for later in the day at around 11:00 AM.
I had a couple good "excuses"  to ride a little, such as mailing a small package to one of our 9-year old Church Primary kiddos.  Also we had a trash sack full of odds and ends to take to the closest Thrift store, so I hitched up the Catrike and B.O.B. trailer and set off.
The weather was cloudy and cooler than usual.  As I turned on to North Main and started approaching the railroad crossing, I spotted an unusual sight in my rear view mirror:  Another CYCLIST coming up behind me.  Seeing he wasn't gaining on me all that fast, I did the studly thing and pedaled furiously myself, hoping to stay ahead of him.  Hey, that's what we do when driving cars, too, right?  RIGHT??
He evidently had similar ideas of his own, and approached rapidly in spite of my urgent efforts.  When he got close up behind me, about to pass, I heard a mechanical high pitched whine - and realized he was on an ELECTRIC bike. 
In less than a second or so, he was around and ahead of me, pretending to ignore my supposedly sarcastic attempts to exchange waves.  SIGH -
I spent the hard earned money for the overpriced postage, then set off again to deposit my trailer load of castoffs at the Thrift Store.
It was only about 3 small-town blocks away.  As I prepared to cross the street to enter the thrift store parking lot, it suddenly began to RAIN. 
Now, I'm not opposed to a little sprinkle, but I was getting pretty soggy as I tried to make haste toward the building, hoping to find shelter.
Sure enough, their sidewalk appeared to be dry and safely under the overhang of the building's roof.  Unfortunately, there was no ramp and I had to twist and turn and grimace as I struggled to get the trike/trailer up across the 4" high sidewalk.
I finally got it up with a few hiccups and weird twists and turns.  Hopefully no one caught a video of the awkward performance. 
AND - Of COURSE - The rain immediately STOPPED once I was safely under the overhang.  And it hasn't rained all day SINCE, in spite of the "definite" forecast of rain later onward.
So I dumped my cargo and rode the short trip home.  Short ride, big fun.

Ride Started: 9:58 AM           Ride Ended:  10:20 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  220   Ending BG: 98
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.08
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
  1.4 MPH                              5.5 MPH             12.5 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 19 minutes                           12 minutes          7 minutes