Well, let's see if I can remember much from the last couple days. I DO sometimes get other things done besides Recumbent Tricycle riding, but rarely anything as interesting like digging holes, walking the dogs, raking leaves, picking up the dreaded Black Walnuts, etc, etc.
Yesterday, Monday, I got the bright idea to change the oil in our Exploder . I rode the trike with B.O.B. trailer up to the Big Box store to get the necessary oil. I already had a new oil filter in the garage on the shelf so I didn't need to buy another one.
Of course, when I got home and drained the gunk out, the "new oil filter" I had turned out to be the wrong one. SO I pedaled furiously back up north to O'Reilly's, which was more expensive than the Big Box store, but closer, and the Sun was starting to get low in the sky. Their "Book" prescribed the SAME filter I already had on hand, but it certainly wasn't going to fit any better than that one. The filter I'd removed from the V8 was a Fram PH-8 so I asked the counter kid to look up a match for that - Unfortunately O'Reilly's doesn't sell Frams. Counter Youngster found a match, brought it to me grumping, saying it wouldn't fit since it wasn't the one listed for it. He told me, more cheerfully, that I could bring it back for an exchange when I found it wasn't the correct filter.
Of course when I pedaled furiously back and installed the "incorrect" filter it fit perfectly.
When we purchased this Exploder yo so many years ago, we thought it was original and stock. It's been a great buggy for us, but things like this make me wonder if the engine has been swapped or ??
I guess it doesn't help that it's 24 years old and doesn't even show up on the store catalogs. Who knows? Evidently Fram does...
TODAY I rode almost the same route to get my gnarled feet worked on at California Nails , but thankfully I didn't forget anything (that I can remember!) and didn't have to make the trip twice.
Oh, yeah, the weather. It's definitely cruising into late fall and we've had a couple of mild freezes recently, but the mild SUNNY days we've had recently are not only fabulous, they are likely dangerous if they lull me into postponing winter preparations.
Monday Ride Started: 10:55 AM Ride Ended: 4:41 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 154 Ending BG: 90
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 8.76
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.1 MPH 6.5 MPH 21.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 47 minutes 1 hour 20 mins 1 hour 26 minutes
Tuesday Ride Started: 9:07 AM Ride Ended: 10:47 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 158 Ending BG: 65
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.46
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.2 MPH 6.6 MPH 21.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 41 minutes 49 minutes 52 minutes