Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mail Run Thursday

Sunday Tracking 

 Tuesday Track

 Thursday Very Short GPS Tracks

HEAVY Rain Downpour yesterday.  Not a chance of getting any outdoor activity in, except for sloshing the dogs.  Normally it's Walking but yesterday it was Sloshing.  Water, Water, Everywhere. 
Then close to sundown
Today dawned 38 degrees or so, when Yesterday it was 70 (!!) when dawn occurred.
Howsomever, it wasn't raining or otherwise precip-ing.  As long as I can stay dry, I shouldn't wimp out, and I had a good excuse ('Reason") to go for at least a short ride:  A letter needed delivering.  In Timely Fashion.
Here it is the last day of March, and it was almost freezing.  I put on my heavy coat, winter woolly socks, boots to keep the breeze out from around my feets, fleece skull cap, etc.
Thus I didn't freeze in spite of the cold.  I did the nearby Post Office visit, rode around the square, and then a few more blocks just so I could say to myself that I'd "Exercised".
Just after I got home it was SNOWING.  Very lightly with no accumulation - but SNOW.  BAH

Ride Started: 10:47 AM           Ride Ended:  11:04 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 39 F Highest Temp: 42 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  204   Ending BG: 170
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.39
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.2 MPH                              7.37 MPH            14.9 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
   16  minutes                     12 minutes         4 minutes

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Lost and Found ?

 Lost Cause GPS Tracking

Friday dawned clear and sunny.  And Cold.
I had a small package to mail, and the P.O. is only a few blocks away, so I of course dragged out the Catrike to use for the short trip in spite of the cold.
As I crossed a few streets, I recalled that I had mislocated my favorite blood test meter the day prior.
We had searched the house high and low without finding it and finally decided it must have fallen out somewhere along the route of that day's trike ride and was hopelessly lost.  Since I was already out in the cold, and it wasn't as cold as I'd feared, I decided to re-trace my route.  My blood sugar had skyrocketed after breakfast and I needed some exercise to help burn it off.  Perhaps I could find the test kit with a little extra effort.  I could live without it, since I have several other testers - but this one was my favorite.
Of course, riding around offers various distractions, and several times I realized I had covered some ground without paying close attention to the roadway where the missing item might have been visible.
Odd were that even if I DID find it, it might be crushed from passing traffic, or it could have been spotted and picked up by someone other than yours truly.
No luck:  I made the circuit without spotting my prize and got home only slightly disappointed.
The trip had worked wonders on my blood glucose, as it was now almost normal.
I dug out one of my spare testers and put it in my pocket for future use.  SIGH
Jacque and I often laugh about our ability to misplace or lose things, with the ONLY way to find the original being to spend money on a replacement.
This time things worked differently since I had decided NOT to spend money on replacing the tester.
About bedtime, Jacque moved the bench at the foot of the bed and MY TESTER fell off on the floor.
Who knows how it got there, but its "loss" had led me to some early morning exercise.

Ride Started: 10:23 AM           Ride Ended:  11:29 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 46 F Highest Temp: 67 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  324   Ending BG: 110
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.39
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.1 MPH                          6.8 MPH            22.3 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 3 mins                   47 minutes         16 minutes

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Monday GPS Track

Tuesday Tracking SHORT

Thursday Intemperate GPS Tracking 

The last several days have not been too fun.  Almost April and it's been barely above freezing for who knows how long...  Even when the sun peeks out it's been COLD and BREEZY.
Today was not much of an improvement.  41 degrees when we got up and it went down through the most of the day with cold clouds keeping sunlight to a minimum.  It misted, cold and damp, several times.
It certainly didn't promise to be a decent day for pedaling around the neighborhood.
My sweet wifey had a prescription waiting at the local Big Box, so I had the excuse if not the motivation.
The misty  moisture stopped for over an hour late in the afternoon and I niggled at the idea of bundling up and taking the ride.  As usual I was feeling punk from lack of aerobic activity (Exercise in Everyday English).
I have ridden in much colder weather from time to time in times past so.... I dragged out the Catrike and told Sweet Wife that I was going to ride and if the weather got too ugly I'd turn around.
I started out with a nice jacket. thinking I would get warmed up as I rode.  Then I wimped out and traded it for my winter coat. donning skull cap and heavy mittens.  I was not disappointed in my choice of dress.

Passing the second Bank on this route

 After getting my "shopping" done, it had turned somewhat colder and I was inspired by the need to get home.  The wind whipped up a few times, and when directly in my face it slows me down for some reason.  Which only helped me put some steam in my legs to get home more faster.  As I slogged closer to home I actually DID get a tad overheated and wound up unzipping the front of my coat almost all the way.
I was a happy puppy when I got back.  For being able to get inside, take off the shoes, and loaf a little.
Also for the improvement in mood and general outlook.

Ride Started: 4:04 PM           Ride Ended:  5:05 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 42 F Highest Temp: 46 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  132   Ending BG: 110
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.24
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.8 MPH                         7.4 MPH            23.7 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 5  mins                 42 minutes         24 minutes

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Strange Sights

Saturday Very Short GPS Tracking 

Nice Day today - except for being a bit too cold for comfort.  No complaints, though.  Really.
I guess I'm taking a bit of a break between "projects" at the moment since I didn't get anything done to brag (or complain) about.  Which for some reason left me feeling a bit at loose ends.
Late in the afternoon, as usual, I decided I'd get some blood circulation going and take at least a short trike ride out and about. 
I dribbled around and finally got going and rode around a few select local blocks.  I was wearing a Brand New Shirt Jacque just made for me.

Nice.  Jacque keeps me in good threads.   I first thought it would be warm enough, but the breeze outside was a bit nippy so I donned my cycling windbreaker - and didn't regret it.
I slogged around a few familiar blocks and went round the Square and then south just as the Train came roaring through the crossing ahead.  I spotted a rail car carrying US Military Tanks, and was a bit stunned to count 30 or so as the train screamed through.  I fumbled around to get my GoPro camera started, and succeeded..... just as the last tank car passed out of sight.  I haven't seen so many tanks since I was in the Army in 1969.  Even then I'm not sure I've EVER seen so many tanks.  Makes me wonder if they're destined for somewhere other than our good ole USA.  Just mentioning for  a friend.

Ride Started: 5:11 PM           Ride Ended:  5:40 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0
Lowest Temp: 57 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  202   Ending BG: 170
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.81
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 6.0 MPH                         8.2 MPH            16.2 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 18 minutes                      13 minutes         5 minutes

Friday, March 18, 2022

Soaking WET

 Today's Short and Soggy GPS/Radio Track

We awoke to middling rainfall this morning, after a couple weeks with little or none.
It was soggy enough that I doubted any possibility of pedaling around, but after less than an hour it had stopped.  Still Cloudy, but not raining.
I had just received notice that my driver's license was up for renewal, and I thought I'd be a smarty pants and ride the trike the few blocks over to the local Motor Vehicle office.

No Problem.  Short ride.  As I was parking the trike I noticed dark clouds were again gathering, so I pulled one of my ubiquitous used plastic shopping bags over the trike electronics and went inside.
It being a "government facility", there was one guy waiting in line ahead of me, so I sat myself down and waited.  Mostly patiently.  Within 10 minutes or less I was called to one of the windows and proceeded with the modestly short process.  Another few moments and we heard some rumbling, followed with sheets of noisy rainfall pounding down.  I hoped it would falter but it did not.  I realized within a few minutes that I would get wet on the way home.
Everyone in the facility had a laugh when I was asked to stand in front of the camera for my ID photo.
The nice young lady asked me to bend my knees slightly so my face would center in the photo.
It brought even more laughter when she again asked me to squat a bit, since I was
"Too Tall" for the frame.
Gathered my papers and stuffed them inside my shirt to hopefully keep them dry.  I could have just cooled my heels for a while hoping for the rain to stop but I worried about the trike's electronics being any longer out in the rainfall.
Which turned into a REAL worry when I found the trike outside, soaked, with the "protective" plastic bag GONE, obviously blown away with the sudden storm resurgence.
Of course, with everything sopping wet, it took a bit longer than normal to saddle up and get going again, but in my tiny mind I had no choice but to get under way, pedal fast, and get home as soon as possible.  It wasn't a fun ride but I DID have motivation.
Needless to say, I was SOAKED within a few minutes and even more so when I got home.
Thankfully the temperature was not objectionable;  I was wet and cold but not THAT cold.
It didn't take me long to strip out of all my clothing and replace it with nice dry stuff.
We'll see if it dries up enough to brave another ride before nightfall.....

Ride Started: 11:20 AM           Ride Ended:  11:53 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.5
Lowest Temp: 40 F Highest Temp: 53 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  163   Ending BG: 85
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.94
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.8 MPH                         7.9 MPH            17.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 1 minute               45 minutes        16 minutes

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Just for Fun

Thursday Tracking via GPS / Ham Radio 

Today dawned with light haze quickly turning into pea-soup fog.  Thankfully we didn't have to go anywhere.  The news tonight opens with the headline about a 50 - vehicle crash up in northern Missouri, blamed primarily on dense fog.  Mercy.
Thankfully the "soup" burned off after an hour or more, revealing a wonderfully sunny day.
I was able to help a bit with the laundry, walk the doggies, and arrange the trash.
My buddy Jack came to watch a few cartoons with me.  Jack is a Hoot, as previously noted.
It had been a lovely day - most of the day - but I wasted sufficient time in my slow pursuits that I didn't saddle up for a pedal - party until after 4 PM.  I should have taken Jack for a trike ride earlier but he seemed to have the sniffles so we'd stayed indoors.  But what the heck?  We're under federally regulated Daylight Savings Time, with plenty of daylight left in the evening.  So I had no worries - at least compared to the recent winter when the sun disappeared around 4:30 PM. 
For some reason, I decided to readjust my right fender.  It's been wobbling and squeaking for several days, each time needing to be "bumped" back into semi-alignment, with an internal commitment to actually work on it once home again.  Forgotten - of course - as soon as I got home, until riding again.
I guess I had sufficient time to think - before riding - that it might be nice to go ahead and spend a little time maintaining the machine instead of just wearing it out slowly.
Got it tightened up sufficiently and rolled out, with absolutely NO "excuse" or reason for traveling except enjoying the day.  I took a route around the neighborhood, then out Clouse Road toward the Mountain Grove International Airport.  Not the smoothest of byways, but fairly less traveled once past the portion of Highway 95.
Once arriving at the airport, I took advantage of the shade trees at the entrance and took a break. Checked my Blood Glucose and was shocked, shocked, that it was still higher than it's s'posed to be.  Pumped a bit of insulin bolus and headed back.  Wheeler Arch Road, which becomes Clouse Road within city limits, was even rougher in the eastbound lane than on the outbound side.  A few of the bumps made me fear some of my attached contraptions might break or fall off, but all survived so far as I know.  Took a slight detour to visit a neighbor a few blocks from home.
After resting up for a spell, I was able to get a couple more chores done and trim up the gutter on the new shed roof.  Life is Good

Ride Started: 4:13 PM           Ride Ended:  5:15 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.5
Lowest Temp: 67 F Highest Temp: 80 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  250   Ending BG: 110
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.94
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.8 MPH                         7.9 MPH            17.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 1 minute               45 minutes        16 minute

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Saving or Producing Gas ?

 Wednesday Wobbling GPS Track

I actually got going Early today.  I had a pedicure appointment with Wally at our local California Nails establishment at 9:30 AM, and it's generally at least a 20 minute ride to get there.  These monthly visits are fabulous treatments for my diabeticly sore feet, so I was motivated to get there on time.
Gotta love this spring-like weather - it was around 50 degrees with clear sunshine.  I thought at first I'd just ride with no jacket at all, but it was just cool enough outside that I donned my flaming yellow bike windbreaker, and it AND I did fine.  I had crowded my departure almost to the last possible minute, so I hustled when I could and blew a couple stop sign intersections along the way.  Forgive Please, nobody was looking --
I arrived at the desired spa about 2 minutes ahead of my appointment time.
It's hard to adequately express how good these treatments are for my scraggly feet.  Before Wally started trimming and massaging them, the toenails were just falling apart.  Within maybe TWO monthly sessions, the nails were forming properly, not sore, and not crumbling and falling apart.  All while getting a vibrant back massage in the mechanical chair.  What's not to like....
I had one single item on my Big Box Store list, and that  lies just over the Route 60 overpass, so that was my subsequent stop.  Weather had warmed sufficiently that I left the windbreaker in the saddlebag.  The subsequent  shopping spree was thankfully short, and since my blood sugar wasn't crashing, I took the longer perimeter route to go home.
Watching the local Gas prices as I pedal past the stations makes me even more thankful I can still get around town with foot - pedaling effort.  Gas has stayed "stable" and "low" for maybe 3 days now at $3.779.  "Stable and low" compared to much of the rest of the world.  SIGH
Thus I may be saving Gasoline by fading muscle power.  I'm not going into detail about the producing gas thing.

After getting home exhausted and loafing for a couple hours, I started modifying/improving our new tin-roof shelter.   Of course I can't just call it good enough and leave it alone.  In our climate, exposed lumber tends to gradually soak up moisture and develop rot.  The facing behind the gutter and on the roof sides were bare wood, and I found some aluminum flashing in the scraps left over from the construction of Jacque's new Sewing Room, so I put them to good use.

Ride Started: 9:09 AM           Ride Ended: 11:09 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 68 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  154   Ending BG: 130
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:   5.98
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.0 MPH                         6.7 MPH            23.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 2 hours 1 minute              53 minutes       1 hour 8 minutes

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Projects Finished Almost

Saturday Short Shot GPS Tracking

 Sunday Short Trike Trip Track

Today Tuesday GPS Tracking 

Busy, Busy, Busy.....  I started building a "Tin Roof Shelter" added to the side of the house almost 3 weeks or so ago.  As mentioned previously.   Sorry to bore...

I THINK I'm now mostly finished, with shiny galvanized corrugated roofing, with gutter for to divert the additional rain drainage.  As usual, such a simple project would have taken me 3 or 4 days...... way back before I got so old and slow.  This one took almost a month, though of course spotty weather played a part in stretching it out time-wise. 
Which, of course, occupied time during decent weather -- providing less opportunity for goofing off on the trike, wearing me out withOUT decent aerobic exercise.  That's the best excuse I can drag up for now.
This morning was another nice temperate morning, with scattered clouds hardly blocking warm sunshine. I was able to trim up the edges of the roof, add a gutter, and rest a spell.
I loafed so long I almost lost another beautiful day for taking a scenic ride on my pedal powered machine.  I loafed a couple few hours and - NOT wanting to miss another ride and the souped-up benefits resulting therefrom, saddled up the Catrike and B.O.B. Trailer and got going.
I took the trailer since we had another bag of surplus but good junk to take to the nearby Thrift Store Donation Dropoff.  That was dropped off early and the rest of the trip to our beloved Big Box Store was  pulling the empty trailer.  Not a big drag, since it's light and easy to pull.
Found a couple of the items I wanted at the Store, though out of stock on a couple normally available.
Not surprising in today's crazy world.  Speaking of gasoline, our local prices for the last couple days have hovered at $3.779.  We sigh each time we drive by and see the latest 10 or 20 cent price jump.
Maybe prices will continue to skyrocket and we'll be stuck with only local trips, meaning most would be by human power.... But I digress.  As Usual.
Enjoyed the often - encountered shouts of encouragement, waves  as I trundled by various areas along the way.  A few "regulars" scream out "HEY!!  I want a ride!!"  Or more often from younger folk "Nice Ride!!"  A nearby neighbor calls me "Hey Young Whippersnapper !" even though he is YOUNGER than I am.  Of course at my age this is true of most of the population....
When I left  Big Box, the blue sky overhead was dotted with several large, dark, and rather threatening clouds.  I wondered if I might get soaked on the way home, but not so.  The sun actually came back out on the way.  More than Once...

Ride Started: 4:28 PM           Ride Ended: 6:09 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  242   Ending BG: 140
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.97
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.7 MPH                              7.9 MPH            23.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 20  mins                   38 minutes        43 minutes

Friday, March 11, 2022

I Want My Global Warming Back Please

 Thursday Tiny Travel Track/GPS

Today is Friday and I report a short report about Yesterday.  Young Jack came over for a bit and we watched a mindless Mickey Mouse video (which I cannot understand how anyone can tolerate "modern" comics) and then went for a short ride, which was much more enjoyable for the both of us.
Jack and I both needed a cookie to get us going.  When we arrived at the favorite park with a Jungle Gym, we both "needed" another cookie.  Time was not plentiful, so we goofed around on the slides for a bit and then trundled back home.

After my Buddy left, I resumed activity on our shelter between the house and garage.

Since we don't have enough room in the garage for all my junk AND a carrito, this is an idea to provide shelter for stuff that can be outside but don't desire to be exposed to direct rain.
As usual for me nowadays, such a project would take a day or two,  but I thinketh I have spent at least a week on this so far, and yesterday I was actually able to get two whole sheets of corrugated metal roofing installed.  Of course, also as usual, I had to return to the Mountain Grove Building Supply Emporium to purchase a few hundred roofin screws with neoprene washers hopefully to block rain leakage.
This morning, of course, the relatively balmy weather disappeared again in favor of sub-freezing temperatures and light snow and biting wind.  I wanted to get some more roofing up, but wimped out.
I spent some time in the garage building a fire in the tiny wood stove and trying to get some electronic repairs done.  Very little done, feet got cold, went back in the casa to "rest" and stay warm.

Ride Started: 10:27 AM           Ride Ended: 1:11 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.2   Ending Battery Voltage:  10.7
Lowest Temp: 50 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  140   Ending BG: 97
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.51 
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.3 MPH                              7.1 MPH            11.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 44  minutes                          10 minutes         34 minutes

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Jack-Jack came Back

 Thursday Travel Track

My Blond Buddy came to see us again today.  As usual he was mildly interested in "Going for a Trike Ride with Grandpa Jim!"
So I,  getting lethargically up from my chair, repaired with him just outside the garage where his chariot was ready and waiting.  We took off after a suitable delay for installing his helmet and buckling him in.  Jack's normal route request is "PARK‼️"   So we visited a couple of them today:  Cedar Center Park and Ina Crandall Park.   We've visited Ina Crandall a few times already but  Cedar Center was a first for us, though I'm sure My Buddy has been there before, and perhaps to all available parks in our bustling metro of 5300 + or minus.
So long as a PARK has some sort of playground, especially swings or a Jungle Gym, it's a go for Jack.
Our marvelously warm late winter weather was nice, of course, though we're supposed to get some cold and rain by week's end.  BAH
I'm not totally sure why Jack likes riding in the trailer, strapped in with a too-large helmet on his skull.  But   enjoy it he does.    Our routes are always studded with pot - holes and bumps and rough pavement.  When we hit a particular bump/thump, he hollers "Are you OK???"  And I answer "Yeah !!   Are YOU OK ??"  Which begets a big "YEAH!!"
What a good guy.
Whilst we were dinking around at Cedar Center Park, a young mommy with 2 toddlers also approached the equipment and set them up on  the slide pedestal near Jack.  We exchanged greetings, and after a few moments asked Jack his name, which request he for some reason ignored.  She asked me if he had other siblings looking a lot like him and I told her Yes.  She thought she might know Jack's Momma, having seen her and her fam at school functions etc.  
Jack suddenly developed a vocal longing for a COOKIE.  Surely he doesn't remember me giving him one of my Secret Stash of cookies several weeks ago ??  I dug into my stash and found a chocolate/oatmeal bar and showed it to him.  He thought it a good substitute for a COOKIE and snarfed it in short order.  We took off for the next PARK further around the blocks and up the marginal hill.
We enjoyed horsing around at Ina Crandall for maybe 15 minutes when Jack seemed to lose interest and mildly suggested we Go Home.   The last time we were at this park the bathrooms were locked closed.  Perhaps this memory inspired an earlier departure than usual.  He needed another COOKIE so this time I spared him one of my Jacque-made choc chipper cookies, which didn't last him very long.
THEN when we got back to the house, he decided he could tolerate a Blue "Icey Frozen Treat".
I tried to warn his Mom that he might be entering a Sugar High, but she didn't seem too worried.

Maybe Next Time, Jack

Ride Started: 10:20 PM           Ride Ended: 11:32 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.6   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.5
Lowest Temp: 61 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  220   Ending BG: 160
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.51 
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.3 MPH                              7.1 MPH            11.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 12  mins                   30 minutes         42 minutes

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 Wednesday GPS Tracking

We wasted most of our day in the big city of Springfield today.  The VA doc looked at my feet and prescribed some "Domeboro Soaks" for  them.  Of course I've never heard of such stuff before but without scary side effects I guess I'll try it for a while.
We afterwards met our Springfield cousins for lunch at Village Inn.  We were having a great time catching  up, but when I stood to take care of the bill, Jacque reached for me abruptly and somehow SPLASHED her tumbler of iced Lemonade all OVER me.  No harm done, of course.  It gives us stories to tell the kids, and if long lived enough, for great grand babies.  I was absolutely soaked from my mid chest to my ankles.  A waitress rushed over to help clean up the mess, and as we were all laughing Jacque (with straight face) told the waitress "I really need to stop DRINKING!!"  The waitress looked at her, shocked, and took it seriously.  We're still giggling about how happy we are that most of our friends and family have a sense of humor:  We can act stupid, tell insult jokes, tease, and come away smiling.  Most of the time....

It was almost 4:00 PM  when we rolled back into Mountain Grove.  Jacque had received notification she had a prescription ready at our favorite and only local Big Box Store.  She had agreed on the way home that I was welcome to use the prescription for another excuse to take a trike ride.  It would have been much simpler to just stop by the Big Box Store  while in the carrito, but that wouldn't have fulfilled my fond wishes for excuses to get fun aerobic effort riding the Catrike.

Of course it took me longer than necessary to get the trike out of the garage and set up with antennas and battery connected for the electronics. 
I almost took off without sunscreen, but it was in the upper 70's and I was wearing only a short sleeve shirt, and while rolling up my pants legs to let in a little more cool AIR I realized with my winter-polished pink skin I needed to apply some sunscreen.  I argued with myself for only  a bit before remembering the many times I've been sunburned and decided I better tend to it.  Of course it took a little effort to find my stash of sunscreen since I haven't ridden with uncovered skin since last Fall.
You might find it funny that I have so many electrical gadgets and electronics on the trike (Ham radio for voice, another Ham radio to transmit my GPS positions to the internet gateway, the GPS, headlight, tail light, etc, etc.  All the while disdaining any electric MOTOR or other alternatives to physical foot-pedaling to get from place to place.  Ya just have to accept or at least realize how Odd I might be.
Pedaling around in this strange contraption often attracts odd looks, at least.  Today several cars approaching me from behind refused to speed up and pass me, in spite of multiple openings and opportunities.  One bold fellow passed me a ROARED his engine as though I might recoil in fright.
BAH, I say.   I still remember being a stupid youngster instead of oldster, loud pipes, peeling rubber without worrying about the cost, etc.  Sometimes that helps....

Ride Started: 4:03 PM           Ride Ended: 5:17 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.7   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.6
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 79 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  220   Ending BG: 120
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.11 
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.3 MPH                              7.1 MPH            21.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 11  mins                   43 minutes         28 minutes