Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bitter Cold? Who Cares?

7 December 2023, Thursday

 Today's GPS / Ham Radio Track 

Yesterday's GPS Track 

Tuesday Tracking 

Local weather is UP and Down with varying temperatures and wind speeds.
I guess  weather is spotty everywhere.  We watch closely for the expert forecasts which sometimes come in close, but usually it doesn't quite turn out that way.
My tendency is to ride the trike, somewhere, hot or cold, with a couple exceptions:
Rain or Ice.
Light misty rain doesn't deter me much, nor snow.  Real rainfall and ice I try to avoid, for obvious reasons.
It's been dipping low temperature wise recently, helping me dress a bit more warmly.  I have however learned not to dress TOO warmly because even on the coldest days, pedaling warms me up. 
My legs seldom get over - cold.
My feet DO get cold, and often.  No matter what I wear.  Pedaling tries to keep 'em warm.
My face and ears do get cold so I often wear a skull cap Jacque sewed for me, and if it gets really cold, I add a face mask.
My hands and fingers wear work mittens when cold, the kind with flaps that can be opened to expose the thumb and fingers when needed for turning knobs, punching buttons, etc.
My upper body is the trickiest.  To be moderately comfy I have learned to wear light layers, usually no more than two outside my shirt.  It doesn't usually take much pedaling to get warm up around the neck and chest, and if the warmth is ignored too long, perspiration results, which if ignored at all quickly results in increased COLD because of the sweaty moisture, even inside clothing.
These last couple days have been bitterly cold, with the light layers allowing a bit too much coolness, especially with wind gusting.  But Hey, if I don't get out there, I get to feeling even more sluggish.  Which at my age is not a welcome sensation.
So I try to ride, a little or a lot.
I have continued to get a ride in at least 3-4 times each week, and often ride with Jacque and the pooches in the tandem Terratrike on Sunday after Church.
I definitely am no sooperman, but I do feel better and more alert and productive after a trike ride.  Especially after a nap.....

Ride Started: 11:02 AM           Ride Ended:  12:34 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.5  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7 (rode with a solar panel today)
Lowest Temp: 52 F Highest Temp: 60 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  270   Ending BG: 90
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.71
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.7 MPH                              5.9 MPH            26.4 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 33 minutes            58 minutes           35 minutes

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Still Cranking.....

 Sample August ride (out of 20 days riding)

Sample September Ride (out of 15 days riding) 

Latest October ride (Today - out of 6 riding days so far) 

For some reason, I have gotten really slack at keeping up with this blog.
Laziness would be an accurate reason I suppose, plus I tend to bore myself with repetitive rides, doubting readers' ability to avoid boredom reading them.
In that vein, we miss our RV wanderings which provided plenty of variety in routes and rides.
Since the RV cost us so much money trying to keep its plumbing from freezing, tires from rotting, etc, etc, we finally sold it for peanuts.  We miss traveling in it, but DON'T miss spending $$ on it while unused and sitting idle in the driveway.

But traveling now, rarely, and without the trike(s) on board somewhere, results in boring rides around our local small town.  With few smoothly paved roads, so many roads without wide lanes, aand lacking shoulders, it's rare that I ride anywhere new or weird or different.  Oh Well.
Todaay's ride was typical:  The ride across town to shop at the local Big Box Store.  Jacque needed some pills and I needed some snacks and as usual it was a good excuse to get out and pedal around for some air and blood circulation.

Ride Started: 4:15  PM           Ride Ended:  5:25 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 73 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  190   Ending BG: 60
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.41
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.5 MPH                              7.1 MPH            20 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 12 minutes            46 minutes           27 minutes

Saturday, July 29, 2023

What, is it Summertime Already ?

1 July short trip up the hill 

3 July heat seeking GPS / Ham Radio Tracking

5 July shorty morning ride track 

6 July track

7 July tracking

8 July route

11 July half - Route

12 July short Around - the - Square

13 July BigBox shopping Trip

14 July Short Lumberyard Run

17 July Typical BigBox Run

18 July Ride up hill to the Water Tower

19 July Ride to DollarCity for Something or Other

20 July REAL short Post Office run

21 July wider Shopping Escapade

25 July Lengthy Lumberyard Run

27 July Rode to Duraline to work on a guy's truck

28 July ANOTHER BigBox trip

29 July Ride to Casey's for Mower-Gas refill

 Well.  It would appear that I have a month - long gap in my bloggings here:  The entire month of June I seemed to be AWOL at the keyboard.
I spend so much time on the so-called Smartphone that I forget to mess around with my blogging.  I have tried, once or twice, to blog from the tiny face of my so-called Smartphone, but have not succeeded.  Thus my flimsy excuse.  For now.

Howsomever, as I review my GPS-tracked and APRS-logged rides I see that I "only" missed pedaling (at least a mile or more) 10 days out of the 30 days last month.
Whatever that's good for.
My tendency is to put off riding the trike for "fun exercise" until after I've accomplished "something useful" like work / repairs on the house, car, dogs, yard, Honeydews...... Etc.  But lately it's gotten insufferably hot.
Our heat indexes have really climbed to the over 100 degree mark and with our humidity it's tough to get motivated to ride.
My recent attitudinal adjustment personal goal has been to get up, EARLY, and ride around SOMEWHERE, before I get started on anything else - which always distracts me into waiting until it's too late and too hot.  Ride at sundown, methought a couple of times??  Trouble is, the heat index THEN is almost as bad as the WORST part of the day.  Now when we wake up to high 70's first thing in the morning, quickly elevating past the 80's..... DUH.
Don't bother asking how well my "goal" is working.  I'm still working on it....
With my foggy brain I still get sidetracked, even as I'm unlocking the trike and theoretically getting ready to go.  But I'm working on it.

It's taken too much valuable time to type this much.... today is the 29th and I made the short gas-can-refill trip, and I still have a BIGbox errand to attend to......

Typical Recent Ride Stats

Ride Started: 11:17 AM           Ride Ended:  1:45 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 79 F Highest Temp: 90 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  190   Ending BG: 60
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.42
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.3 MPH                              6.5 MPH            21.3 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 21 minutes            57 minutes           24 minutes

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Going This Way & That

 Friday round-Town Tracking

KATY Trail Tracking Memorial Day 

 Notice the Matching Shirts

 We decided to try a goal we've yet to complete:  Drive up to Northern MO and ride at least part of the KATY trail, currently the longest bike trail in the U.S. at 240+ miles.  It is an abandoned railroad path, known as the MKT (Missouri-Kansas-Texas) line when it was operational.  Thus the "Katy" name.
With our piddling around it took almost 3 hours to get there, pulling the trailer containing our Catrikes
In spite of the maps and GPS it was not that easy to locate the trail parking / jumpoff point in downtown Sedalia.  We finally spotted a "KATY Depot" on the GPS and sure enough, it got us there, without actual routing to find the entrance to the parking area.  Jacque eyeballed it effectively an by driving around the block we were actually looking at the old railway depot, decorated with informative signs, a couple of old rail cars, and a clean set of bathrooms.  SAVED

We were hot and tired just from driving all that way, and it took almost a half hour to unload the trikes and set them up.  Jacque rode off first, with the pooches strapped in her wire baskets, and I, being so much the stronger rider, finally caught up with her almost a mile down the path.  She has not been in full strength and was already tired enough to turn around and go back and rest in the shade and read her book.  I rode on a ways, intending to ride at least a few feeble miles.  It was HOT and my feet were paining me more than usual, and the layer of sunscreen all over exposed skin seemed to make it even warmer.  Being in motion actually helped, generating a bit of a breeze to help.
I was worried about Jacque, and cell coverage was spotty, so I started to feel guilty about leaving her alone with the dogs.  I determined to ride "just a bit farther" and then turn around and go back to check on her.
Riding the trail through downtown Sedalia was not that much fun, with many street crossings, few of which were smooth transitions between the gravel surface of the trail and the concrete / asphalt pavements of the streets.  All such junctions had STOP signs for the Trail users but not for the cars whizzing by. 
Thankfully there wasn't much traffic on most of them.  As I approached the Highway 50 overpass the rushing noise  sounded like a waterfall or something noisy.  It was just hundreds of cars WHOOSHING by underneath the trail overpass.  Thank goodness for that overpass or trail users would never be able to cross such traffic...

As I meandered my way back to the KATY depot I was more than a bit shocked to encounter a Teenage Turd roaring towards me on his MOTORcycle. 
Of course I didn't have my GoPro camera engaged nor my phone camera, so all I could give him was a dirty look as he roared by.  Totally illegal by trail rules, but quite safe for the offender  --  since there are obviously seldom any others around to remonstrate with him except for bike pedalers, who are easy to escape and outrun with the stinky smelly loud MOTOR.
Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE petrol burning motors myself.  After all, we'd just burned almost a full tank of gas getting there and relied on almost another to get home safe and sound.  But on our beloved KATY trail ??  BAH

Then after we got home - the next day - I had another "adventure".
I was riding to meet Jacque at the Mercy med. clinic, since she needed the car to go elsewhere afterward.  Getting on the trike that morning, I noticed the electronics were blinking on and off, likely indicating a loose connection to the battery somewhere.  Being in a hurry to catch up with Jacque, I figured I would fix it later.   While smoking (maybe 20 MPH) down the hill, a few hundred yards from my destination, I hit a rough spot in the pavement and my right FENDER popped off, while I ran over it  at speed, which then it popped UP and wrapped itself around my leg, and flopped sideways on the street towards the curb.
I hit the brakes frantically, and saw a black pickup was a short distance behind me.  The driver was a wonderful guy, and didn't run over me OR my twisted fender.  He even stopped and waved, allowing me to circle back and retrieve my fender.  I carried it clumsily in my lap up to the clinic, where I parked and went inside to meet Jacque in her waiting room.
After the dr. visit I spent a half hour or more using pliers to try twisting & bending my misshapend fender.  I finally got it to the point I could remount it without it rubbing my tire, and went over the Rt. 60 overpass to our local Big Box Store.  On the way back a few minutes later I encountered this in the shoulder of the overpass:

This is the pile of brush after  I had already tossed about 2/3 of it over the wall onto the grass below.  It was more than brush, it was THORNS.... it had been there for at least the last 2 days.  I had ridden out and around it before snce the vehicle traffic was much lower.  Thankfully I hadn't tried to ride THROUGH it, or I would have had 3 tires to patch.  On the spot.  As I was painfully heaving this mess over the wall,  a very nice young man appeared out of nowhere and helped me finish the nasty job.  I thought he must have parked his car somewhere but he turned out to be just a friendly pedestrian.  He mentioned he was planning to buy a bike soon himself.
Eventually I finally got home. 
I spent another hour at home repairing the power cord to the trike electronics.
So hopefully they'll work sufficiently for radio comms and GPS tracking next ride.

Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  3.95
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.3 MPH                             6.2 MPH            10.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  55 minutes                      38 minutes           16 minutes

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Who, ME complain?


Today's GPS / Ham Radio Tracking 

I'm TRYING to get out of the house and get pedaling earlier in the day since it's rapidly approaching summertime heat.
So I got going maybe an hour before NOON which doesn't quite qualify.
We had a mild rain last evening just about sundown which we appreciate.
Humidity wasn't at all bad, though surely it will be soon enough.
I planned to do a few more miles than I wound up with, but my blood sugar was already falling  by the time I started out so I shortened the itinerary.
I failed to mention I rode around yesterday:  Yesterday Tuesday blah blah
- And just before I crossed the tracks, almost home, I passed a small cluster of young kiddos waving at me very friendly - like.   The oldest, a boy of maybe 9 or 10, hollered at me:  "I JUST SAW YOU ON YOUTUBE !!"
I waved back, smiled goofily, and when I got home, sure enough:
I couldn't find ANY such thing on Youtube.  He probably spotted some other nut on a recumbent tricycle somewhere.  It's great to be famous, of course.
Today I pulled off the pavement into the grass a few times to allow drivers to pass without having to slow down behind me waiting for oncoming vehicles to  pass.
Around here, most drivers do pause behind me and wait without complaint - But when I'm on Highway 95 with semis and speeders hoping to maintain speed, I try to give THEM the courtesy they so often show to me.  I suspect there  are a few side streets that I could use to bypass much of that leg of the route, so I'm going to do some prior mapping and plaanning for next time.


For now, my sore feet seem to have cooled off a bit, so I better quit here and go get something useful done.

Ride Started: 11:17 AM           Ride Ended:  11:45 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 75 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  190   Ending BG: 60
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  3.66
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 7.9 MPH                             8.3 MPH            20 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  28 minutes                     27 minutes           2 minutes

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Still Kicking (and Pedaling)

Yesterday (Friday) APRS trike-track via Ham Radio 

Today's (Saturday) Tracking 

I'm so far behind in everything I can't even FIND my behind.  But never mind..

One would think, being retired and living on sociable security and limited savings, that time to do things would be plentiful.
Not so.  Even knowing my remaining time on Earth is limited, I stay busy trying to keep up the yard, haul out the trash, walk the dogs, keep up with honeydews, etc., etc.  With all that to keep me occupied, you'd think I didn't have any time to waste.  I don't --but I DO.  Waste time.  Too much internet surfing.... Etc.
We worked up the courage last week to drive the 800+ miles to Albuquerque to visit the kids  and a few grandkids. 
It's been so long since we traveled any overnight distance that I went largely unprepared, with no guitar, trike, etc..... I took a suit for Sunday observances but neglected to take a necktie, so I had to borrow one from Son Jake.
Mostly what I accomplished while there was sitting around resting.  Surfing the Iphone, tremendous exercise don'tcha know.

Of the 4 days we were there, I did get outside and walk around the block.  ONCE.
Our wee little Ferd Ecosport had been packed to the gills and could not have possibly hauled my Catrike but I sure missed it - both for enjoyment and exercise.
The tiny vehicle does have roof rails, so maybe I can find some brackets that will allow me to somehow "armstrong" my trike to the roof for future travels.

Now, today, I got a bit of work done, as well as a very short trike ride.  My  head is again getting a bit too shaggy - so I interrupted my yard work and rode the short distance to our only barbershop.  Our local barber retired, so the facility is now manned by hired barbers who come from out of town.  First come, first served, no appontments accepted.  No phone number.  When I turned the corner I noticed the barber pole was not rotating - and sure enough, it was closed.  At 2:30 PM or so.  Sigh.
I noticed, as I rode around the block, that the whole town seemed quite dead.
However, the CHC home center was still open so I pulled in and spent a few dollars on gardening water  accessories.
The changing season has reverted me to wearing shorts, a thing I never engaged in before moving to Missouri.  today was almost cool enough for me to be happy in long pants.  OH Well.
I succeedede with a few mild chores, nothing that tedious, but my feet were paining me.  The dogs' foot licking treatments worked wonders and now I'm relatively painless.

Ride Started: 2:35 PM           Ride Ended:  3.02 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 67 F Highest Temp:   76 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  160   Ending BG: 150
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.57
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.0 MPH                             7.0 MPH            13.4 MPH
    Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  24 minutes                          14 minutes         10 minutes

Friday, March 24, 2023

Drought is OVER

 Pre-Storm GPS Track

First thing yesterday I decided to go a-riding early, instead of my usual wait - until - the - last - minute - late - in - the - afternoon habit.
Our weather just took another weird flip:  From frost to balmy 60's overnight.

I saddled up and rode over to a friend's house that had recently been vacated due to a fire, to take another look at it.  The trip went without incident, and I took the slightly longer way home along Business 60.  The weather was warm and fairly balmy, but by the time I got home it had clouded up quite a bit.
It was a good thing I got those early miles in,  since it began to rain about 10 minutes after I got home safe and sound.  It soon turned into severe thunderstorm along with flood warnings.  It POURED.  The yard soon turned to slop and  mush and the garage floor flooded since it's barely above ground level.....  GACK.
I disconnected power cords and antenna cables after the first couple of thunderclaps, which may have saved us some damage.  Lightning crashed all over the place and several times EXTREMELY close by.  I am surprised we so far have not noticed any damage - and our wonderful Electric Co-op kept the power from even blinking during the storm.  So far.  Very unusual.
And it rained, more quietly, all night.   Still raining now this Friday afternoon as I type this baloney blog.  Several inches and many if not most roads are flooded and several motorists made the mistake of trying to drive through flooded low spots and washed off the road and folks are still looking for them.  Listening to the radio hoping for local news that the missing aren't missing any more.
I'm very happy "I" didn't get caught out in it pedaling around on the trike.....

Ride Started: 10:30 AM           Ride Ended:  11:40 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp:   75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  160   Ending BG: 102
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  6.41
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.6 MPH                             6.3 MPH            25.5 MPH ( Downhill steeply, obviously )
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  1 hour 48 mins               1 hour 1 min        47 minutes

Monday, March 20, 2023

Too Old for Cold

Frigid Fearless GPS Tracking 

I guess if it wasn't for our much maligned Big Box Store on the north end of town, I would get much less valuable exercise.  Picking up prescriptions and odd bits and pieces of this and that give me the most motivation for getting out and pedaling around on the recumbent Catrike.
The last few days have bobbled around with rain, bits of snow, wind - of course - and COLD.
Today we got another notification that we had a prescription a-waiting.  It showed a temperature of 27 degrees F this morning when we first got up, and warmed merrily up to maybe 33 degrees for most of the rest of the day.
I thought maybe I could wait for warmer afternoon temps to go for an errand - ride,
so I scooted dressers and stuff back from our bedroom wall and cleaned the area around what used to be the back window before we added Jacque's new sewing room.
That's only been a couple years or so since then, with the ex-window hole plugged with a square of new sheetrock, which for some reason doesn't match the rest of the wall - or room.
Such chores used to take maybe a few hours or even a day or so, but since I'm so old and "geet-up"  and slow now, I don't even THINK about tackling large or semi large projects.  I try to divide them up into what I hope I can get done in a few hours and then plan for next steps "Manana".
I mixed up some spackling compound and slopped it over the ragged looking joints, almost exhausting myself with what should be a short chore.  Snort.
I had to go back for more spackling powder, add water, and mix it up carefully to some sort of desired thickness, and actually ran out of the stuff just as I finished spreading it around.  I'd hoped to make more than "enough" mud and have sufficient to do it all and throw the excess away.   It looks like the stuff is going to work, and all I have to do now is wait for it to totally dry and harden and hopefully stay put in a few days when I start slapping paint on that wall.
Then - I still hoped to make the trike run across town to pick up stuff.
The temperature was still nasty, and the wind awful, but hey - I'm "tuff" (note the lower case assertion) and have ridden in worser weather sometime way back when, So I dragged out the trike and layered up and took off.
Again, unfortunately, it was nasty cold with brisk gusty winds making it even colder.  I "layered up" with a chest sweater, insulated coveralls over that, thick "arctic" wool socks inside leather work boots, a woolen skull cap, and mitten/gloves to keep the pinkies safe.
I did NOT get overheated.  The footsies even got a bit chilled as I pedaled, and I wasn't as fast as I usually go (Although 'fast' is not an appropriate term for my speeds).
While at the Big Box Store - I  checked my blood glucose before starting home.
It was dropping lower than wanted so I ate one of my backup cookies sitting on the trike next to the store's bike rack.  A new employee walked past, and stopped to ask about the trike.  What it cost, how to find one, etc.  I told him how I found mine on Ebay and that I had bought it for $700 used.
He allowed that he was interested in getting one, yada yada.  I hope he does.  I have yet to encounter another recumbent triker in this area, even though I have seen one or two of the so-called "Granny trikes" out and around.  (tall, sit upright, one steering wheel in front, two in the back supporting a basket for shopping)
Made it home safe and  sound, cutting a half mile or so off the normal return route.  Wanting to get out of the cold....
Hopefully these wonderful bright sunny days will warm up a bit soon.
Then I'll start complaining about the heat.
Of Course.

Ride Started: 2:24 PM           Ride Ended:  3:32 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.5
Lowest Temp: 32 F Highest Temp: 50 F !!
Beginning Blood Glucose:  190   Ending BG: 120
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.30
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.6 MPH                             6.1 MPH            19.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  1 hour 9 minutes                52 minutes       18 minutes

Monday, March 13, 2023

BABY, it's COLD Outside

 Short Shivering GPS Path

Today had a low temp in the 20's as the daylight savings first day of the week awoke.
The sun came out in short order but the temperature stayed treacherously low and the breeze was one of those that cut right through the clothing.  At least that's MY story.
I wanted to try at least a short trike ride in the morning, but I was short on time due to practicing song and guitar for our amateur quartet's upcoming command performance at one of our local senior centers.
Note to self:  Practice is supposed to make perfect..... Sigh.
Later this afternoon, it was still bitter cold but I have often ridden in colder temperatures.  When I was younger and braver, no doubt.
At my elderly stage in life exercise is almost critical in order to keep my blood circulating in some order and my diabetic blood sugar under better control.
So I bundled up and took a very short ride.
I had to walk the doggies first, in hopes of averting "accidents" while leaving them home alone - even for a few minutes.  I had a nice coat on but it was still COLD.
Getting the critters back inside where it was warm, I dug out my leather work boots (not terribly warm but great for blocking the cold wind), insulated mechanics coveralls, with a sweater to add a layer to my chest area.
Topping that fashionable dress with a knit skull cap and insulated mittens, I pedaled out into the sunset.  Literally.
Since it was after 6 PM and now freshly Daylight Savings Time, the sun was low on the horizon and at various angles during the ride was smack dab right into my eyes.   My extra large "visor" fashioned from the sidewall of an empty yellow 1-gallon plastic oil container worked nicely for several of those angles of attacking sunshine.
I almost aborted the trip  just as it began:  The street I normally take was rumbling with the approach of the usual screaming freight train, and the crossarms were in descent as I approached.  I turned right on another street parallel to the tracks and rode the opposite direction the train was going, hoping to meet the end of the train at the next intersection / crossing.
The train was still in full extent when I got to that crossing.  No other vehicular traffic was around so I waited at the junction for a few minutes to see if it was going to be one of those mile - long rigs or if would be reasonably short.
After a few more minutes I decided to just go back around the block and give up and go home.  Of course, as soon as I made the turn, the tail end of the train came chugging up and passed.  So I turned back around, expecting to cross as soon as the crossarms arose again.  THIS seemed to take forever, and looking up the track, another PARKED train was not moving but close enough to the junction to keep the crossarms locked down.  Again, I was about to give up again, but the parked train engineer must have sent a signal to make the crossarms obey, and I happily crossed the tracks. 
Which is a bit silly since that route only added maybe another quarter mile to my ride.  But hey, making a short ride even shorter is discouraging to an old fart like me.
At this time of day the streets were relatively empty and I encountered few cars as I rode back toward the official center of town, the inevitable town square so popular here in the midwest. 
It was still cold, even though by now I was breathing heavily.  I was very happy to make the final turn toward our little house and pull into the drive.
It's supposed to get even COLDER in the next few days.  Whee.
At least we so far are avoiding the flooding in California and the deep snows and worser cold in the New England area.  Thank You, Heavenly Father

Ride Started: 6:34 PM           Ride Ended:  6:47 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.6
Lowest Temp: 35 F Highest Temp: 35 F !!
Beginning Blood Glucose:  180   Ending BG: 125
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  1.68
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 6.0 MPH                             7.2 MPH            13.0 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  17 minutes                     14 minutes          3 minutes

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Rollin...Rollin... Keepin On Rollin

15 Feb Ride GPS Map 

 Most Recent Triking Traverse

Greetings Fellow Travelers.  Just Checking In.
I have been fairly regular in my favorite exercise / mood elevation routine, in spite of noncompliant weather.
We've been enjoying early spring along with late winter, sort of normal I suppose.
Our trees are budding out and some leaves popping out, and our indestructible surprise lilies (some call them "naked ladies") are halfway grown already, in spite of severe cold nights occasionally trying to stunt their progress.
We have tapped several of our trees hoping for sap - hoping to get enough to boil down a bit of syrup.
We only have two maple trees, which are dripping juice  quite nicely, and several black walnut trees tapped.  The walnut trees are not doing anything at the moment.  We may be too early for sap-tapping or too late.  We'll see.  Rumor has it that walnut syrup is quite yummy and we are more than willing to try it out.
Several times in the last few weeks I have struggled with high winds slowing me down and chilling my butt and bones.  I have a poly windshield that has been  in storage in the attic since we moved here, and every time I gear down to crawl slowly into the wind I am reminded that I should re-install the windshield.  I finally dug it out, blew off the dust, washed and wiped it, only to find that it was NOT made for my Catrike but for our tandem Terratrike recumbent .
Thus I need to start shopping for one that will fit -- or maybe cobble up different brackets so it would fit.
My health seems stabilized, sort of, with my 40+ years of insulin dependent diabetes complicating things.
We are going today to test me for how much dementia I currently operate under.
I'm quite certain I will not fare well, and I can't quite remember why.

Yesterday's Ride Started: 10:11 AM           Ride Ended:  11:08 AM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  130   Ending BG: 105
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  5.15
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 6.0 MPH                             7.3 MPH            26.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  53 minutes                       46 minutes           6 minutes

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Finally a Lovely Day


I actually got in a tad over 10 miles today in beautiful but chilly sunshine today.

Unfortunately, my ham radio tracker died and recorded maybe the last quarter mile of the ride.
More updating work needed on the Catrike dor sure.  I've been riding it for months with little or no maintenance, so I'm well overdue.

Ride Started: 12:23 PM           Ride Ended:  1:38 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  130   Ending BG: 105
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  10.26
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 6.0 MPH                             7.3 MPH            26.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  1 hour 43 minutes        1 hour  23 minutes    19 minutes

Saturday, January 28, 2023

And Then it was Just Right - Mostly

 14 Jan GPS track

 19 Jan Barely Rode Track

20 Jan RideAroundTheBlock 

 23 Jan Short Trip Track

 Tuesday 24 Jan TripTrack

Friday GPS BigBox Ride 

 Saturday GPS/Ham radio Tracking

As anyone can see, I get on the Catrike fairly frequently but not often for more than short trips.
In this Wacky day and age at least it saves a wee bit of gasoline.
A few days ago as I rode up on the north end of town I passed a mailman walking between houses and said "Hi!" to him.  He said "Hi Jim!" in response.  Kinda floored me, especially since I don't know HIS name, and they have more than one mail-person in these parts.  I should figure these things out.
Yesterday as I crossed a parking lot, a funny fellow in a pickup pulled up next to me and exclaimed "You're laying down on the job!!"  - Such is the life of a recumbent rider, I suppose.
Today the weather forecast was a bit dicey but I got in a good ride anyway.  It was starting to cloud up a bit and I almost shortened the route, hoping to avoid getting wet.  After a few blocks the sun was again brightly burning, so I took renewed courage and did my slightly longer route.  I did NOT regret it.
Yesterday while riding I was sore and fatigued and didn't seem to have much starch in me, plugging on in lower gears, old guy style.
Today for some  reason I felt energized and sassy and actually had to remove my windbreaker as it was getting to warm with it on.  It was a bit too cold withOUT it, but I prefer that to overheating.
As many fellow humans know, getting too warm while pedaling often results in perspiration (i.e. SWEAT) which gets COLDER with the passing breeze.  Too hot and too cold all at the same time.
More bitter cold is forecast in the next few days, and as we all know, forecasting weather is not an exact science, so we will see if I can stand to get out and ride around in it.

Ride Started: 12:23 PM           Ride Ended:  1:38 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  130   Ending BG: 105
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  6.95
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.5 MPH                             6.6 MPH            23.7 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  1 hour 5 minutes        1 hour  36 minutes    11 minutes


Friday, January 13, 2023

TOO Cold & Nasty

Frosty GPS/Ham Radio Tracking 

It was frightfully cold outside today, after several days of relatively balm.  It started out at about 27 degrees, and "warmed up" to around freezing.
I thought to myself "All I gotta do is wrap up with a few layers and go for a ride".
I had a UPS parcel to return, so I had a "useful" reason for a ride.
Had I known how penetrating the cold was I surely would have exercises better judgment and stayed home.
Of course. staying at home isn't the best form of exercise for me.
I changed into my insulated pants, extra warm Jacque-made shirt, arctic socks, boots, sweater and windbreaker, and away I went.
At first as I pedaled a few blocks it seemed a bit frigid but tolerable.
Of course, about halfway there and reaching my mental point of no return, I noticed my half mitten/gloves were NOT keeping my hands warm, especially my precious pinkies.
I vigorously wiggled and rubbed the fingers together inside the mittens but they got increasingly cold and NUMB - I worried they were going to turn into actual frostbite.
I stopped at one point and changed to a different pair of mittens.  It was funny to note the fingers were more comfy outside the mittens than inside.  I could wiggle them and rub them together, but trying to ride with them exposed to the wind wasn't an option.   So I resumed riding with the spare mittens with little improvement.
I passed a young lady walking along the road pushing a carriage with her BABY in it.  I spoke to her as I passed, saying "It's TOO COLD to be out here like that!"  Mr. Obvious----
She responded with "I KNOW !!"
Had I been traveling in a real vehicle burning some sort of energy with a heated cab, I certainly would have insisted loading them up and taking them wherever they needed to go.  She may have actually been warmer than I was, but the baby??  Brrrr...
I got to the UPS drop point, and took my sweet time before resuming my uncomfortable trip.
The sun was starting to barely peek through the clouds, without much effect, but I sat on the trike with my bare hands stuffed in my pockets to warm them up a bit.
I resumed the trip, back to the house.  I only made it a few blocks before I was desperate to find a solution.   I had previously packed some "Hot Hands" pocket heaters in my saddlebag pockets, but of course no such thing could be found now.  I was struck with amazement:  I had purchased a TEN-PACK of them only a few days ago, but the weather THEN had been so mile I had thoughtlessly put them in our BASEMENT for future "emergencies".  DUH
I found a couple of cheap plastic shopping bags that I always use for trash can liners, and decided to try wrapping them around my mittened hands to see if that could help by blocking the freezing breeze.

THAT worked.  It made shifting and braking a bit clumsy but I was able to keep going without freezing.
I was also unable to wave at passing cars, but it was a small sacrifice.  What folks thought as I passed with flapping / flopping bags on my handlebars is anyone's guess.  Oh Well.
I now report that SEVERAL "Hot Hands" packs are now in the trike's compartments.

Breaking News Dept:  We finally sold our beloved RV to a local couple who plan to park it on their land and live in it.  Blessings upon them for the cash and the removal of a vehicle we weren't able to use but sucked a lot of expense just sitting in the driveway.

Ride Started: 1:56 PM           Ride Ended:  2:45 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.5  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.2
Lowest Temp: 32 F Highest Temp: 35 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  120   Ending BG: 95
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  4.42
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 5.0 MPH                             7.2 MPH            19.6 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
  52 minutes                      36  minutes         15 minutes