This is one of many errands the Catrike and Trailer have done wonderfully
It's been so long since I posted in this blog I'm not sure I remember how to do it.
I'm still alive and kicking, getting tired and sore most every day, but happy to still be useful. I still ride the Catrike several times a week, and miss some days due to being "Too Busy". I then typically develop a be funk, losing enthusiasm for pedaling the trike around. The best way to defeat the blue funk is to drag the trike out and ride somewhere, of course. Almost the best mood improvement available to me.
My lengthy gaps in posting to this blog involves the laptop being in the "radio room" (guest bedroom with radios in the window desk), where I spend precious little time.
Now I'm trying an old smaller laptop that is more manageable as a "laptop".
Again, Testing, Testing
Back Again: Typing while listening to the Houston (MO) Ham Radio Nightly Net which started at 8:30 PM, about 14 minutes ago.
I didn't take a ride on my Catrike today but got hot and sticky running our Weed Whacker trying to keep the "Jungle" cut away from the house, trees, and garden boxes out in the back yard.