Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Redundant Ride Report?

 GPS Track for Monday 3 Mar

I didn't have much of an excuse for a trike ride so I went anyway.
We DID have a bag of stuff for the thrift store, so I took that on the back of the trike.  It's only a block across the train tracks, but whatever.
I needed some cash for walking around money, so after circling around the square to avoid most traffic, I stopped at the closest drive-up venue and got some.  A car pulled up behind me while I was standing at the ATM off the trike and waited patiently while I did my business.  Since it takes me several minutes to get on and off the trike, latch helmet, loosen brakes etc., I just sat the trike and pulled ahead enough for the car to access the ATM without unduly waiting for me to completely "saddle up".  I decided to do at least a short roundabout ride to exercise my legs and lungs so I rode first street to Bush st. and then around the golf course, across the tracks, and over the hill to Clouse st.  Since there was a train approaching, I parked next to the golf course and did some online stuff with the cell phone while waiting for the  train to whoosh past.
The temperature was a bit coolish and the wind was gusting thoroughly.  I was happy to coast down the hill to Clouse and head for home, with the wind going partially with me instead of pushing against me and chilling my butt.
Arrived home safe and sound with only mildly tired feet.

Ride Started: 3:08 PM           Ride Ended:  4:21 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.6
Lowest Temp: 45 F                Highest Temp: 50 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  170   Ending BG: 101
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  4.24
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.9 MPH                              6.5 MPH            14.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
1 hour 13 minutes              44 minutes           29 minutes 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Cabin Fever, or Hurrah Warm Weather

 Tuesday GPS Track around Big City

 25 February 2025 Tuesday Evening 8:15 PM

I will again  - Try Again - to blog more frequently here.  As time  marches on, it seems I have so little time for ANYthing.  I also - over the years - have kept written journals trying to keep up with my feeble items of everyday life, and have been much too lax in that effort as well.
We just got through a couple weeks of Bitter cold zero degree weather  with dripping faucets hoping to avoid frozen plumbing.  So far we have fared well, without any AC power outages that usually accompany bad weather.
Our church building, however, suffered frozen plumbing, which we only discovered late Saturday night - threatening meetings the next morning on Sunday.  Our Bishop somehow found an emergency plumber who worked until around THREE in the morning to get things working again so we could continue to hold normal services.

Almost as soon as that adventure subsided, warmer winds blew in and the ice and snow melted rapidly - and I was able to relieve much of my "Cabin Fever" by saddling up the Catrike and riding the Across - Town - Walmart - Trail two days in a row.
It was a GREAT unseasonably warm day today.  I neglected to don any coat or outer clothing and I did NOT suffer for it.
As I left the house and started through the next block, I spotted one of my friendly neighbors who had recently been in the hospital, so I pulled over and visited with his Mom and two of his cute kiddos for a bit.  The Mom is a nice smiley lady and the young feller and his sister, maybe 4 and 5 years old, walked right up to me while still on the trike and gave me BIG hugs.  Hard to take, for sure.  They both wanted to go for a ride in the B.O.B. trailer behind me, but it had a picnic cooler strapped tight with ice packs, ready for a load of ice cream:  My excuse for a trike ride for the day.  So I promised them a trike trailer ride NEXT time.  Cute Kids, who could possibly resist ??
"Dad" expressed interest in buying a recumbent trike for himself.  We have an unused trike that we might try to sell to him.  We'll see.
The extra "mild load" of the trailer and cooler was noticeable as I climbed the mild hills between home and the destination Big Box store wherein lie the wonderful containers of Ice Cream.  But it surely will be well worth the effort when we eventually open and eat the product.
On the other side of town while trudging on the way home, I saw in the distance a line of girls walking along.  Imagine my surprise and delight to recognize them as a family of friends from our Church congregation.  A Gaggle of Gorgeous Girls, including their Momma.  All smiles but No names, for protection of the innocent.
Arrived home safe and sound, and tired.  Ice cream had survived its transfer from store to home freezer.  I'll let y'all know how it tastes after riding in a cooler for 3-4 miles.  Life is Good

Ride Started: 1:57 PM           Ride Ended:  3:31 PM 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8
Lowest Temp: 51 F                Highest Temp: 65 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  180   Ending BG: 108
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:  4.56
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 3.2 MPH                              5.7 MPH            20.1 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time             Moving Time      Stopped Time
1 hour 26 minutes              48 minutes           38 minutes