Actually, the title is deliberately misleading. It was actually a very lovely morning. Since the wind blows almost every day nowadays, it could fit the circumstance this afternoon on the ride back.
The battery seems to have died in my Cheap Chinese DV005 "sport cam". I googled the removable battery, found a vendor, and what seemed to be a reasonable price: $10.00 and free shipping.
....Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute..... a WHOLE NEW camera, WITH new battery, etc, only costs $17 INCLUDING shipping. Since my camera has already been bounced off the pavement more times than I care to count, I ordered the new camera. I bent my homebrew cam bracket so it clips into the back of my handlebar glove now.... it faces forward normally and can easily be checked , aimed at different targets, etc, as easily as wiping my nose. Which happens a lot on the bike.... What does TMI stand for again?
Awakening BG: 221 Post-Ride BG: 137
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7:42
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
10.1 Mph 12.0 mph 22.8 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
43:59 mins 37:05 mins 06:54 mins
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