Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Honey, Did I Leave the Lights On Again.....?

Jim-Toad's Wild Ride Tracker
Jacque's Exploder was still not repaired as of last night so we got to do the odd-car-commute thing again today:
Jacque drove the Taurus and I drove the RV, which I left plugged into the AC charging plug last night to ensure the battery would have enough oomph to start the engine again today.  On my way out the door I spotted Jacque's celll phone lying innocently on her nightstand.... she had forgotten it, and relies on it heavily - not for the least of reasons being waiting for a call from the auto shop telling her the Exploder is finally ready.  So I took a mild 25 mile detour in the wrong direction to deliver it to her and get a kiss and an indecent squeeze for my heroic effort.  Then I lumbered on into town, parked the RV and took off on the bike again, arriving "only" 15 minutes late for work.  Stayed an extra half hour late to make up for it, though.
Jacque recently bought me a 2-wheel bike trailer from a garage sale.  The tires are dry rotted, so I ordered tubes and tires from Amazon.com and the tubes came in today.  I was mildly chagrined to find they were light duty standard thickness tubes.... I have learned to ONLY use thick walled "thorn resistant" tubes or else I'm patching flats every 3 or 4 days at minimum.  Instead of ordering more from the internet, I decided to support a local bike shop and go pay whatever they wanted for their version of thorn proof tubes - And wouldn't ya know it, they cost the same or less than online prices AND I didn't have to pay any shipping.   Maybe the local stores are starting to be more competitive due to the sagging economy.  Anyway, since I was on the bike and knew the bike store would be long closed by the time I got off work, I decided to ride up there (Less than 4 miles but through some unpleasantly heavy traffic and tiringly  uphill all the way).  When I got back I was again surprised at how pumped up I felt after I cooled down from the ride.  The "bragging rights" are OK, but the physical benefits of lots of bike riding are really great, mentally and physically.
Awakening BG: 202            Post-Ride BG:  48 (a bit dizzy I was)
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.8       Ending Voltage: 12.7   (fresh charge from last night)
Morning Stats from the GPS:        Total Miles:   7.42
Overall average speed         Moving Avg       Max Speed
10.4. Mph                          11.9 mph            21.5 mph
Total Trip time                 Moving Time          Stopped Time
42 mins  59  secs             37 mins 31 secs       5 mins 28 secs

Noon Ride for Bike Trailer Tire Tubes (To Bicycles Plus on Paseo in the Trader Jack's center):
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.8       Ending Voltage: 12.7  
Stats from the GPS:        Total Miles:   6.58
Overall average speed         Moving Avg       Max Speed
08.2. Mph                           9.8 mph            25.9 mph
Total Trip time                 Moving Time          Stopped Time
47 mins 59  secs             40 mins 14 secs       7 mins 45 secs

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