Today's Below-Freezing Tide Path
I wore 2 pair of socks today, inside pair wool, outside pair cotton, for the ride today. The feets still got a bit cold but they didn't get numb and painful as they have all last week and yesterday (Monday).
It's frustrating to ride the bike with heavy ski mittens on, since I like to play with the GPS and radio settings while cruising. With the big-big mittens, all I can do is change channels on the ham radio. Even that is fraught with danger since I cannot feel the detents while turning the knob and I often wind up on a channel with nobody to talk to, not my intent at all. But trying to ride with lighter gloves, or my gun-mittens that allow the mitten shell to be folded back so the fingers can work small devices like radio knobs, results in great pain and suffering in the pinkies. At night everything's at least 10 degrees warmer, even after dark, so I'm usually able to wear good snug bike-gloves or even the gun-trigger-mittens on the way back to the car.
I didn't at first realize how much colder it was until I looked at my APRS-track after I arrived at work. The temperature sensor is in the back-of-the-seat bag which protects it somewhat from temperature extremes since my body at least partially blocks the wind, usually reporting several degrees warmer than what I think it must have been. I did a double-take when noticing the starting temperature of 23 degrees today. The sun was already up in the sky when I started out, though it was still shady when I started out on the bike.
Morning Pre-Ride BG: 145 Post-Ride BG: 72
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.4 Ending Voltage: 12.3
Start-Ride Temperature: 23 degrees F Arrival Temperature: 37 F
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.44
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
09.3 Mph 10.6 mph 20.8 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
47 mins 59 secs 42 mins 12 secs 5 mins 47 secs
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