Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Madness, or Big Deal 30 Miles

Today's Spotty Tracking
(My GPS/APRS tracking was spotty since my own internet I-gate for receiving radio positions and relaying them to the internet was not working.  I of course didn't realize this until I got home.  Working Now--)
My blood glucose has been creeping up in recent weeks.  I tend not to ride as much as when I was commuting to work and back, even though theoretically I have more time to ride now.  I have so many projects needing time that I tend to short-change aerobic exercise, which of course ain't too smart.
I needed to got "to town" to get some new fuel line for the Bounder RV's AC generator, so I decided to ride the bike for that small shopping trip.  Google showed 18 miles to the closest Albuquerque autozone, but only 12 miles to the Edgewood version.  So off to Edgewood I went.  The grades going that direction seemed a little steeper than the last time I rode them (i.e. several months ago at the least).  There was a bit of a headwind, but it mainly felt good and kept me cooler.   Plus, it encouraged me that the wind was blowing in my face as I rode east, meaning if it kept up it would provide me a tailwind for the trip back the other way to home.  All in all, a fine ride to Edgewood.  As I entered the Edgewood city limits I noticed the NAPA store right there alongside the road.  AHA!  Save at least a couple miles.... But when I turned in their parking lot, I noticed the empty look of the place.  Sure enough, a "Close Permanently" sign was in the window.  Nowadays it is so sad to see so many restaurants, auto parts stores, mechanics, etc, all closing their doors.  Last fall we drove through the old industrial area surrounding Candelaria and I-25 in Albuquerque.  Not only was the business we were looking for shut down, but most of the formerly-full buildings were boarded up, for rent, for sale, etc.  Very sad.
I went on into Edgewood, through the stoplight, and to the Autozone just across the street south of Smith's Food King.  Picked up what I wanted, and started to ride back to the Dollar Store to pickup a couple of paint roller sleeves for Jacque, when I suddenly decided to go north on 344 under I-40 and to Wal-Mart and get her items there and then make the north loop up 344 to Frost Road and back home.
I was getting a bit low on carbs, so I ate inside Wal-Mart at their McDonalds franchise.... consuming a sugared root beer, grilled chicken sandwich, and a full order of fries.  I pumped very little insulin due to the expected exertion and burned it all off.  My blood sugar was 111 when I got home.
North of Edgewood on 344, the road narrows and the shoulder disappears.  I've ridden this road before and the drivers have normally been very courteous and tolerant of my slow-going human powered vehicle slowing their progress.  Today, however, I heard sirens coming up behind me.  As they got closer, I pulled to the side of the road and stopped, to make more room for the emergency vehicles to pass.  The first fire truck passed without incident.  I started rolling again, only to hear a second fire truck in the distance behind me, so when this one appeared in my rear view mirror, I again pulled to the side (no shoulder, just rocks and weeds adjoining the road) and stopped.  THIS fire truck missed me by a bare six inches;  the driver may not have even seen me since he turned not the least away from me as he passed.  My so-called Christian attitude suffered greatly, and I shouted and gestured some regretful things as he roared away.  If I had been a few more inches away from the edge of the road I doubt I's be alive telling this story.  BAH
I arrived at the intersection of Frost Road and 344 and turned left, west, on Frost Road.  I had gone maybe a quarter mile before another siren-screaming vehicle came roaring north and I worried he might turn on Frost Road too, necessitating another withdrawal from the roadway.  Evidently the emergency was farther north since it kept going and didn't follow me onto Frost.  As hoped, the wind was at least a little at my back, helping me along a bit and still providing cooling.  As I rode past a new-looking hubcap lying in the weeds, it occurred to me I would appreciate it if some passerby made such a thing visible from the road if it was MY hubcap, so I turned around and pulled the wheel cover out of the weeds and propped it up against a fencepost.
Within about 4 miles of home, the slight tail-wind turned around and became a fairly stiff head-wind.  BAH -
But I slugged on, even though I had run out of water to drink.  I took one more 700 mL bottle than normal, for a total of 3, but drank the last one about 8 miles from home.  Next time there'll be more wter bottles stowed away....
When I arrived at our turn-off, I remembered no one had picked up the mail so I rode on the 2+ extra miles to the Post Office and back.  Thankfully the returning 2 miles from the P.O. are mostly downhill, so that wasn't too bad.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.7                         Ending Voltage: 12.5
Ride's Lowest Temperature: 70 degrees F -- Highest Temperature: 77 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles:      30.81
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
06.9 MPH                               08.8 MPH                   35.3 MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
4 hours  27 mins                    3 hours 30 mins        56 mins 59 secs

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