Another Boring Radio . GPS (APRS) Track
Jacque and I both rode our human powered vehicles (HPV's) today, but largely separately. She decided to take off on a post office run with or without me, and since I was not yet ready, she was almost an hour ahead of me. She rode on up to the Triangle Shell station, another quarter mile or so, and enjoyed her soda-fountain lemonade leisurely before she rode back. She'd been gone so long I worried she might have broken down somewhere, but not to worry. I met her when she was halfway back on her return leg home,. and since all I had to do was drop off an envelope with a house payment, I had a quick turnaround and caught up with her just as she entered the home gate. I compared temperature readings between my bike sensor and the house thermometer and was shocked to see a 10 degree difference... the bike sensor reading too low. I'd been wondering at the relatively cooler temperatures it's been reporting, so now I have to change the cal factor on the OpenTracker that monitors and transmits the temperature as the air blows by.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 -- Ending Voltage: 13.0
Lowest Temp: 87 F Highest Temp: 92 degrees F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.57
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
05.9 MPH 8.2 MPH 25.1 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
57 mins 25 secs 40 mins 51 secs 17 mins
2 secs
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