Today's Track via APRS , GPS, and Ham Radio
Jacque had the excuse for a ride today: She's part of several sewing clubs and the latest installment in one of her group projects arrived at the Busy Bee Quilt Shop in Edgewood. Since that's only a little over 10 miles from here it's a favorite ride for us. So off we went.
As usual of late, it was almost 10 AM by the time we got going, but we weren't too worried about excess heat since we're still receiving almost daily showers courtesy of our Monsoon Season. We hoped to at least encounter some clouds as we rode, and indeed we did.
Not that we didn't have to stop often for rest breaks and water....
Jazzy is learning a cute - not-so-cute - habit of barking at dogs we encounte along the way. Tinkerbell is VERY picky and selective about who SHE barks at: Generally they have to be aggressive German Shepherds, like our close neighbor dog she loves to 'argue' with every day. But Jazzy? She hears the faintest noise or "Woof" even hundreds of yards distant and she roars into full throat, snarling and barking..... in a shrill puppy tone that degenerates into disappointed whines of disappointment when we are no longer within barking distance of the offending dog. The first few times it was quite "cute" but later we got to telling her quickly to HUSH: It hurts our ears, and it especially rattles Jacque's ears since her head is directly in front of the doggie's riding perch.
We arrived at the desired destination in Edgewood, and by the time we were ready to leave, noticed the darkening skies and decided to ride straight back home in hopes of beating the storm.... but as we turned due west on Dinkle Road, there was a solid wall of black storm directly in our path maybe a mile ahead, with lightning a-popping all around it. So we decided to see if we could make it a mile or two SOUTH on 344 to Walmart both for shelter and to pick up a few odd items. It was sprinkling lightly on us as we entered the parking lot at full pedal, and we were able to shelter the trike under an overhanging break shelter just outside one of the entries to the store JUST as the storm broke in a fury, with a huge downpour that lasted at least 20 minutes with lots of thunder and nearby cracks of lightning.
We took the little dogs just inside the vestibule, where they usually allow us to sit with the dogs even though they don't allow them inside the main store. They still attracted lots of child and adult attention, and enjoyed most of it, as customers entered and left next to us. Tink is not at all brave during thundershowers and quivered and shivered all during the downpour even though we were safely inside and protected from it.
We snacked and waited for the storm to pass, and then a bit longer to allow the streets to dry out a bit. Even though we have fenders on the trike, they don't totally prevent water from sloshing over us as we cruise.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.0
Lowest Temp 70 F Highest Temp: 81 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 25.10
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.5 MPH 7.1 MPH 31.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
5 hours 35 mins 3 hours 33 mins 2 hours 1 minutos
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