Today's Tracking Worked Better
The last couple of Fridays we have neglected to do our 22-mile loop after cooking the noon meal for the Friday Forum of the LDS UNM students: 3 Fridays ago we left immediately afterwards for our Labor Day Weekend RV trip to Chama. Last Friday was wet and miserable plus we were still stuffy from our colds we caught the week before in Chama. Today? We decided we were going to ride at least part way through our traditional Friday afternoon ride.
Yesterday, we had brought Jacque's Catrike in to Two Wheel Drive for new front tires and alignment.... the tires had worn down to the cords after less than 200 miles of riding. They told her today it was ready to pick up, already, so we loaded the Recumbent Tandem Trike on the roof rack and made room in the cargo bay inside the Explorer for the Catrike. After I retrieved the trike, in the Bike Store Parking lot, I was shifting cargo around and loading the single-seat trike when a, er, "Urban Dude" pulled up in his ghetto cruiser and shouted out his window to me: "Hey! Nice Bike! I want to buy it from you!!" I laughed and replied "They're not for sale! We love them too much!"
He responded "I'm serious, man.... I'll give you 50 dollars cash right now!" I wasn't quite sure how to take that stupendous offer. The tandem recumbent trike is worth a couple thousand without any accessories, used though it is, and Jacque's Catrike is nearly new and cost almost $ 2K with no accessories. So I laughed and turned away and ignored him, in spite of wondering if he was trying to make me an offer I couldn't refuse or........ ?
Instead of starting our ride straight from the UNM campus, as we do normally, we decided to park down at the Bosque and just ride that wonderful trail several miles just to limber up our legs, since we have not built up any endurance to speak of yet. Plus, the weather was cloudy and threatening and we were not sure if we might have to turn around and make a wet run back to the vehicle.
Evidently as a result of the dicey weather, we saw only two other cyclists and a couple walkers where normally we encounter dozens of each. But the weather, though cool, was almost perfect for riding. Only after we returned and stopped pedaling did we realize how cold it had become since starting the ride. Neither of us had even worked up a sweat, in spite of the ride being a bit over 10 miles and coming back into fairly stiff headwinds.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.7 Ending Voltage: 12.6
Lowest Temp 81 F Highest Temp: 90 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 20.97
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.2 MPH 7.1 MPH 20.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
4 hours 4 mins 2 hours 57 mins 1 hour 6 mins
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