Merry Christmas Tracking courtesy of GPS and Ham Radio
Since Jacque and I are BOTH out of shape, having endured some nasty weather and undesirable road conditions in recent weeks, as well as being TOO BUSY to keep up a decent exercise routine....
It wasn't hard to convince Jacque to take a tandem trike ride today.
It was well after 10:00 AM by the time we got the trike down to the paved road, but it was still rather cool.
We had planned initially to do the Post Office run and then go east on Frost Road to do a loop around Entranosa and Mountain Valley, which we recently discovered as a low traffic paved route. Between the cold and our lack of fortitude, however, we just did the mail run and back and then drove out to Edgewood where Jacque had been asked to do some substitute cooking for the next 2 weeks.
As usual, despite our slackness, it was great to get out and get the blood pumping and some fresh cold air in our lungs.
We may decide to supplement our retirement incomes with funds generated from putting out an upside-down hat or a collection cup at either or both of the Shell Station and Post Office, both of which generate numerous admirers of our trike and our pooches.
We've read and heard that panhandlers make more money per hour than the people who donate to them, and we've no doubt that our super-cute doggies would put us up there with the best of them should we choose to park the trike at a convenient street corner and hold up a sign something to the effect of "Will Ride Trike for Money" or something clever, should I think of it.
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.9 Ending Voltage: 12.8
Lowest Temp 41 F Highest Temp: 63 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.29
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.2 MPH 6.0 MPH 27.6 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 19 minutes 42 mins 39 secs 37 mins 19 secs
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