....At least not much, that is. The winds were already whipping up when we decided we'd ride today, and they were literally HOWLING by the time we got saddled up and rolling.
We are so low profile on the tandem recumbent Terratrike that the wind usually doesn't affect us too bad. Today it was so fierce in our faces that it did lead to lots of huffing and puffing in Grandma Gear to get up our hills.
But, as Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbes always implied, struggles and hard work build CHARACTER. And we certainly are characters.... Jacque, Tink, Jazzy, and I.
The wind was so bad that a couple of speed-racers passed us up on the pavement of Frost Road... they abruptly lost speed even though going downhill and we almost caught up to them again. Not because of our blinding speed (we go so fast you often can't tell we're moving) but likely because of our lower profile and less face-wind pressure.
We were a bit boogered as we struggled up the long hill when a PICKUP came around the trees, IN the Bike Lane, heading right at us and evidently hoping WE would get out of HIS way. Motorized vehicles often mis-use the bike trail in such manner, in spite of the signs forbidding motor vehicle use and the frail thin layer of asphalt making up the trail, and I motioned for him to get out of OUR way, and he finally drove up the dirt shoulder towards Frost Road. He had just left a yard sale in place right at the edge of the bike trail, and was not the only vehicle using the bike lane. As I rolled up with Iphone in hand, taking pictures, the driver of the trucks parked in the bike lane hurriedly backed out so we could get through. I was not fast enough on the camera trigger to get pictures of any of the vehicles while blocking the trail. BAH
The white pickup has just backed out of the bike trail.. |
The traffic everywhere was quite heavy today, and the Post Office and the Shell Station were doing a "Land-Office" business with cars all over the place and lots of cyclists and motorcyclists coming and going as well.
It took a bit of waiting and pausing at almost every small intersection, especially at the station and the post office just this side of there. Drivers at times will wait for us and wave at us to pass in front of them when we stop at such intersections. Call us cynics, but we don't trust our chances crossing in front of waiting vehicles. We wave to THEM to go on, waiting patiently for big gaps in the traffic flow to allow us to cross safely.
Trip Started: 10:48 AM Trip Ended: 12:29 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.0
Lowest Temp 75 F Highest Temp: 78 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 4.73
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
2.9 MPH 6.1 MPH 32.4 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 39 mins 46 mins 34 secs 52 mins 26 secs
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