Today's Track Out and Back
We've not ridden Albuquerque's Famous Bosque Trail for some time now, and it's murder trying to pull these hills close to home on the Tandem Terratrike . So we saddled up and burned some expensive gas to ride an almost-level path with no auto interactions to worry about.
And what a beautiful day it was for a ride. We had barely started north from the Albuquerque Bio Park when we encountered the intersection labeled "Bicycle Boulevard" or Mountain Road. This intersection, interestingly enough, takes you directly to Old Town Plaza ... which has food, shade, and ice cream.... don't even IMAGINE we didn't take this 'exit' and enjoy a wonderful break even if we hadn't yet gone 3 miles.
Of course the doggies, Tinkerbell and Jazzy, had to endure the endless exclamations of admiration from young and old alike, and put up with unending requests for petting them and talking baby talk to them, which of course they hate :O).
When we finally got rolling again it was even warmer, but we were blessed with at least mild cooling breezes most of the way. We merely rode north to Paseo Del Norte, with several water and rest breaks, and back again, but this is indeed a very nice path. Albuquerque seems to do a pretty good job of maintaining this pathway, especially compared to what Bernalillo County does out closer to home in the East Mountains. We have a fairly new bike path from North-14 to Camino Alto running parallel to Frost Road that has been commissioned maybe 3 years now and the sides of the path are overrun with weeds as tall as 4 feet and higher, and the paved surface is very thin and the weeds are rapidly popping directly through the asphalt and crumbling it. Another year without major repairs or repaving and it will not be ride-able at all. Already, most cyclists choose to ride up on the automobile roadway instead of the bike path because of it's disrepair.
Again, we had hoped for a 20-miler today but decided to turn around a bit earlier due to storm clouds menacing the horizon, as well as the heat and humidity getting to us.
Ride Started: 12:20 PM Ride Ended: 4:07 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.4 Ending Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp 80 F Highest Temp: 86 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 17.72
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.9 MPH 8.4 MPH 19.6 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
3 hours 35 mins 2 hours 7 mins 1 hour 27 minutes
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