I found a bad antenna which caused my poor tracking yesterday and brought it inside off the bike and rebuilt it. This involved breaking off the epoxy coating the main connection at the base of the antenna, cleaning the corroded metal, and resoldering the connection. Then it needed re-sealing with epoxy, which requires at least several hours of curing to properly harden. So I borrowed another antenna off the tandem trike to ride with today. I was on about the last leg of my trip, taking a break at the Zuzax Chevron station and eating an ice cream sandwich, when I noticed the borrowed antenna was also broken, albeit at a slightly different spot. Sigh. So the trip was not logged on the map today either. At least I can report the GPS data and directions.
I rode east on Frost Road to Mountain Valley/217 and south on 217 to Crestview, then took Crestview to County Line Road, which detours me around some steep climbs going all the way south on 217. County Line Road down south to Dinkle, Dinkle west to Route 66 and 217, and then west on 66 to Zuzax and then maybe a mile across the I-40 freeway.
Atop the I-40 Overpass at 217 |
This is where the "Beep-Beep" came in. As I stopped for a minute or so to snap this selfie, I got at least a dozen passing trucks and cars giving me "Beep-Beeps" as they smoked underneath me at 70+ MPH.
It all sounded friendly. After all, I wasn't slowing them down or in their way...
Then down the frontage road to Gutierrez Canyon Road, then north to Frost Road, which is almost home.
Ride Started: 12:53 PM Ride Ended: 4:36 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.1
Lowest Temp 87 F Highest Temp: 94 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 21.47
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
6.0 MPH 9.3 MPH 31.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
3 hours 35 mins 2 hours 19 mins 1 hour 16 minutes
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