I had a big plan today. I had a document needing fax'ing and a bill payment needing posting, so I would use that for an excuse for a fairly long ride for my standards... all the way up to the Post Office, all the way down to Tijeras, east on Rt. 66 to Gutierrez Canyon Road, and then mostly north back home, for maybe 20+ miles total.
Methought I had plenty of time for this sojourn, and arrived safe and sound at the Post Office. I then rode on up to the Shell Station and by now it was close to 3:30 PM and I thought I ought to call the One Stop Office store and make sure they didn't close before I got there, all hot and sweaty and all that. They said sure enough, they didn't close until 5:30, but then I cogitated in my mind and realized - best case - it would be almost dark by the time I got home. I don't dig riding the roadways close to dark. Been there, done that before several times, but I prefer daylight riding unless it's along the Bosque Trail in ABQ where there's no cars to worry about. So we (Jazzy and I) decided to turn around and ride back around my "normal" short 10-mile loop, which in addition to the miles already done would result in 15 or so miles.
I actually remembered to take the GoPro today, but nothing of note happened. The only slightly unusual thing I saw was a County Sheriff Deputy manning a speed trap:
This was with me going uphill, didn't seem to trigger his speed detector-
I suppose I shoulda stopped and asked him what his radar said I was doing, to see if it was close to what my GPS there on the handlebars was reporting. He could have been just napping, but this is at the bottom of a hill close to an intersection, and vehicles coming from behind him normally would not see him until too late.
It was also suspiciously close to coming-home time, a little after 5 PM, with lots of traffic providing a target-rich environment.
So, Yeah, he was clocking people.
He didn't even seem to look up as I passed slowly as I went up the hill, so I came home without a ticket.No license plate, no insurance, that sort of thing. Thankfully neither New Mexico nor Bernalillo County have sunk so low as to require such things for bicycles yet.
Ride Started: 2:11 PM Ride Ended: 5:12 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.4 Ending Voltage: 13.1 Lowest: 12.7
Lowest Temp 71 F Highest Temp: 84 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 16.3
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.4 MPH 8.5 MPH 32.1 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
3 hours 1 hour 54 mins 1 hour 6 minutes