Today again started out a bit cool, windy, and cloudy, with only a faint sun shining through the overhead haze ceiling. After looking out at it several times I decided I could probably get in a short ride IF I got my butt in gear and got going before the usual afternoon rain/snow/sleet baloney.
By the time I got rolling it was right at noonish. The clouds actually opened up a lot and allowed great sunshine to hit us, in addition to the wind which seemingly continued to increase.
Jacque was in Albuquerque doing some work which precluded her taking any of the doggies with her.
I had 3 theoretical options:
-Take both dogs with me on a ride
-Take only one dog, leaving a disappointed one behind
-Leave Both brokenhearted dogs at home
You may well guess, dear reader, which choice I took - as IF I even HAD a choice.
As soon as I started getting my day-glo shirts and windbreaker on, both dogs (as usual) went absolutely BERSERK with joy, jumping on my legs, circling and bouncing around me like madness. Who, I ask you, could bear to leave either one behind? 'Twasn't me, that's for sure.
I mounted my GoPro camera on my helmet today instead of the back-and-forth PVC pipe-arm. The camera is still slowly uploading to my video editing system so I'm not sure if anything interesting or visible got recorded or not. If so, it will pop in here as a short video clip.
We passed a young lady walking her large Doberman right along the edge of the pavement, of course on the same side as we were approaching, and the dog almost got away from her in his excitement of seeing Tink and Jazzy on board. Thankfully she was able to keep him in tow and out from under our wheels as we passed. Not far past this near-incident, I noticed another rider coming up fast behind me. Unlike most riders, he slowed, rode parallel to us, and visited for a while as we climbed the next low hill. At the top of the hiil I ws getting a tad warmish and we pulled over so I could peel a layer or two. Mark stopped with me and continued our visiting. He seemed to be a sort of tree-hugger, unlike me, a tree-burner, but we agreed on many aspects of Earth life, including:
-Bikes are FUN
-Bikes are HEALTHY
..... Amongst other things. Turns out Mark is a bike blogger too and we exchanged links, while he presented me with his card. He had ridden out all the way from Albuquerque, unlike me less than 10 miles from home, and his obvious superior speed was such that by the time I got home and checked HIS blog he had already updated it and included his close encounter with me: Mark's BikeYogi Blog .
AND; Here our thrilling video is:
This just depicts the relative safety I experience from passing cars.
Ride Started: 11:41 AM Ride Ended: 1:45 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.9 Ending Voltage: 13.2 Lowest: 12.6
Lowest Temp 42 F Highest Temp: 60 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10:51
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.0 MPH 8.0 MPH 29.6 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 5 mins 1 hour 18 minutes 47 minutes
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