I again took up riding today. I at first thought I'd leave both dogs behind again, but Tinkerbell REALLY likes to go and was quite frustrated yesterday when I left her home. Lilly, on the other hand, has yet to develop a taste for riding, even though she slavishly tries to copy Tinkerbell's behavior in almost all things.
Today I decided to try taking both dogs but this time to carry Lilly in the belly papoose harness I used to carry dearly departed Jazzy in. Lilly fought against the whole concept at first, since she is violently opposed to any kind of restraint. But in spite of her protests she seemed to take a liking to riding up front, face into the wind, and only complained a couple times throughout the ride. During previous rides she cried and whined most of the way, but she was inside a doggie carrier in the stoker's backseat on the tandem recumbent. We'll see if she increases any enthusiasm for riding in the future.... stay tuned.
Today was a bit warmish, believe it or not. We also experienced a fair amount of stiff gusting wind, but in spite of slowing us down, we appreciated the whistling breeze which helped cool us off.
Another display of unrestrained horsepower as we rode peacefully along....
As usual, we seemed to attract headwinds both coming and going, but again, we appreciated their cooling effect.
When we got home both doggies immediately collapsed and slept for several hours. Much as they enjoy riding, they don't do doggie naps while doing so, and as a result are completely bushed when we get home - even though they haven't expended any effort at all. Such a Dog's Life
Ride Started: 12:28 PM Ride Ended: 2:43 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.4 Ending Voltage: 13.2 Lowest: 13.1
Lowest Temp 84 F Highest Temp: 98 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.61
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.8 MPH 7.1 MPH 25.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 13 mins 1 hour 29 minutes 43 minutes
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