We got going a few minutes later than we did yesterday, but still got going fairly early.
The clouds kept the sun covered up, mostly, and kept things quite a bit cooler than normal. So much so that I actually wore my thin windbreaker today and only took it off after the first 3 miles and first real hill climbed.
All the coolness was wonderful, of course, but as we were creeping up the first hill in Grandma Gear, we were shocked to notice a jogger passing us like we were sitting still. (I say "We", but Tinkerbell wasn't shocked at all or upset in the least. She just rides in the back basket peeking around my left shoulder to see what's up front). We WERE moving slow, but NOT sitting still.... at least it didn't seem like it until this guy stormed by us.
Now, this happened while Tink and I were climbing a long hill, plus I was carrying Tink in the back basket, plus 20 or more pounds of electronics, radios, GPS, snacks, water, tools, and other favorite junk..... but still. To be outrun by a jogger. This video was edited for shortness, and necessarily so. It took me a good mile to catch up to him and pass him, and he kept running farther ahead of me as long as we were both going uphill. I caught up with and passed him about a quarter mile AFTER I topped the hill. OH, to be 20 again. Or 30. Or 40. OR FIFTY..... sigh.
Once we got the jogger in our rear view mirror and rode on our way, it was a typical enjoyable ride.
Still working on the idea of a better time angle. It was just enough time left to shower and get dressed in decent clothes and make it to Albuquerque for our appointed duties.
Another thing I have discovered the last couple of earlier morning rides..... I have left without eating anything for breakfast, not even a snack, and my measured blood glucose has been HIGHER during the rides. Normally I ride after breakfast, and even with food in the belly I normally have to set my insulin pump to a lower basal rate (usually 25% of normal) while riding to avoid insulin reactions from low blood sugar while riding. Two days in a row of riding without eating ANYthing before or during the ride and my blood glucose has RISEN while riding.... on an empty stomach. I am forced to suspect I am burning fat by not eating, and I am not used to this, so am not getting the insulin dosage right to take care of this situation. I'll have to continue riding without breakfast and monitor my weight to see if any blubber really IS burning away.
Ride Started: 8:04AM Ride Ended: 10:14 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.1 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 13.0
Lowest Temp 60 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.52
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.1 MPH 7.1 MPH 27.2 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 4 mins 1 hour 28 minutes 36 minutes
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