I've missed only a day here and there riding the bike for E&E: Exercise and Enjoyment, but I have trouble squeezing in the time to blog about all of them. None have been spectacular, just the usual mostly enjoyable stuff. I guess riding is more important than writing, since it involves more heavy breathing.
Neither of us went for a ride this Monday morning, which we regretted because it turned out beautiful in spite of a few threatening rainy-looking episodes.
After work it was still very calm and lovely out, so we decided to do a tandem ride.
What a FUN ride we had. We usually ride the other direction up to the dog park between Louisiana and Wyoming but tonight we decided to ride west and do a portion of the Bosque Trail, which really turned out nice for us.
The weather was great. The only less than wonderful part was the low level of the sun as it was setting - straight into our faces for 2 or 3 miles. Thunderstorms darkened the sky just west of Albuquerque but did not come close enough to threaten us.
Of course, another non wonderful part is Lilly's penchant crying, whining, and actually SCREAMING while riding in the basket behind Jacque's head. She is not a happy traveler, though she of course screams even louder if we are so low as to leave her behind. She normally will only travel happily if she's (1) exhausted and asleep in someone's lap or (2) if she's snuggled in someone's lap being petted and scratched.
SOMEBODY has totally spoiled this doggie, and we cannot figure who it might have been.
The ride from the Mission Office to the Bosque Trail involves only a few mild climbs, none exceeding a few minutes time-wise. We met all kinds of fellow cyclist-travelers along the way, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and generally immensely enjoyed ourselves. No flats, no chain breaks, no close encounters with smog-belching cars - it was great.
Mind you, we enjoy our own smog-belching autos when not riding our people-powered vehicles....
There's still quite a bit of trash washed up from heavy rains and high water in the bike trails underneath Osuna and Paseo. They're space just cattywampus enough that we cannot totally avoid running our precious tires over them, and we worry about sharp junk causing flats. But, so far, so good.
Ride Started: 6:02 PM Ride Ended: 8:20 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.9
Lowest Temp 71 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 12.67
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.3 MPH 7.0 MPH 22.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 22 mins 1 hour 47 mins 34 minutes
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