Tuesday Tracking via APRS and Ham Radio
Now that I'm a free agent again, I am totally free to ride around whenever I want to. Sorta.
I finally got my first post-mission ride in yesterday, and it was the usual 10-mile loop around our East Mountain neighborhood.
PLUS, the wind was up. Not violently so, but enough to require a few lower gear-rings than normal during several parts of the ride. Also, the unpleasantness of having to pedal to maintain speed going DOWNhill....
I love my 2-wheel recumbent, but I'm getting antsy to get my electronics mounted on the new Catrike Road trike so I can enjoy riding it more, especially since it has both higher and lower gears top and bottom for cruising and climbing.
I still maintain balance just fine, but climbing long hills on the 2-wheeler gets tedious at my advanced age and, though I still have no balance issues, crawling along in granny gear on the 2-wheeler means lots of wobbling left and right to STAY upright, whereas with the trike you just keep pedaling and maintaining a steadier course.
Since we have only Windoze 95 on our PC's and laptops, I can no longer upload and edit GoPro videos from my helmet-cam. GoPro deserted Win 95 shortly after Microsoft did. Until we get an upgraded system somewhere within our budget and control, I'm stuck with a very expensive but useless camera. Sigh.
I'm prepping to do a few longer rides, such as 30-milers into Albuquerque and back. Today would be great but I would run out of time (3 hours or so to do 30 miles through the canyon) waiting for me to get the mods done to the Catrike. So I guess I'll just wimp out today (Wednesday) and drive into town and, if time permits, do a short ride before or after on the bike. Gotta maintain my girly figure, don'tcha know.
Ride Started: 12:25 PM Ride Ended: 2:16 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.0 Ending Voltage: 13.2 Lowest: 12.5
Lowest Temp 71 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 10.67
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.9 MPH 7.6 MPH 24.5 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 40 mins 1 hour 23 mins 24 minutes
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