Friday, May 26, 2017

17 Miles Seem Worse than 70??

Today's Bosque Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

Jacque's Back-Seat Driving
Pedaling Furiously and Reading her Book

Jacque and I were both itching for a bike ride today so we finally settled on another Bosque Ride along the Rio Grande in Albuquerque.  This meant almost a full day gone in search of the goo bike riding but it was worth it.  We loaded up the Exploder and hitched up the bike/junk trailer and we went.
Old Town Albuquerque, and the old town Central area surrounding it, are still in a state of disarray and destruction from the boondoggle ART (Albuquerque Rapid Transit) project.  we were lucky to find a suitable parking spot for the Exploder and bike trailer in the Bio Park lot.  The temperature was already getting warm but all in all it was nice riding except toward the end.
Being the Friday of the 3-day Memorial Day weekend, we immediately began seeing larger than normal groups of people and cyclists coming and going.  I think we were amongst the slowest ones using the bosque trail except for some of the baby strollers being pushed by Grandmas.
Riding the Bosque Trail is always enjoyable - hot or cold - due to the great variety of trees, vegetation, critters, and of course our fellow wanderers.  We again detoured via some of the old interior Bosque trails, which were great with more shade and variety but also rough and rutted in spots.
All 4 of us (Jacque, me, Tink, and Lilly) required lots of stops for water, snack, rest, and pee  breaks.
I seemed to be a bit lower on steam than usual and I'm now thinking my stiff legs are still not totally rejuvenated from Saturday's marathon.  In short, I'm not exactly in war fighting condition.  Understatement time....
By about 1 PM we had arrived at the Paseo underpass and we were both getting intensely interested in lunch, late though it was.
We rode back South to the intersection of the Bosque Trail and Mountain Road, now labeled on this end as "Bicycle Boulevard, Speed Limit 18", and followed Montain to Old Town.  We parked in the shade on the grass in the main plaza and went to find the restaurant we had used last visit, where they were dog-friendly on their outdoor patio in the shade.  Again, another business has died from restricted access due to the destruction on Central, and the building was dark, empty, and out of business.  So we started to look around for a restaurant still surviving but decided to settle for ice cream treats instead, since it was in fact still open and operational.
From Old Town it was only a couple more miles back to the parked tow vehicle and trailer.  We loaded back up tired but happy to have made over 16 miles.

Ride Started: 10:43 AM    Ride Ended:  2:29 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:   13.2   Ending Voltage: 13.2  Lowest:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:  177   Ending BG Reading: 61 
Lowest Temp  75F      Highest Temp:  82F  
Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:  16.74
Overall average speed            Moving Avg               Max Speed
  5.1 MPH                             7.2 MPH                   17.3  MPH
Total Trip time                       Moving Time             Stopped Time
3 hours 15 mins                    2 hours 20 mins        55  mins

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