Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio
The soggy weather recently has made me a bit desperate for riding time. Since today was sunny (After the unusual morning fog burned off) I again took a quick ride between LDS General Conference sessions right after the first session ended at noon. Amazingly the weather was still sunny - though a bit windy - but that was small sacrifice.
Since it rained AGAIN last night, enough to endanger the arroyo crossing we must pass through to get up to the house, everything was again soggy with many puddles, including my normal parking spot down by the pavement. I gingerly parked in sufficient gravel so that I could walk without too much mud pickup and ride the trike out to the relatively dry pavement.
I didn't want to run short on time, and I thought at first I'd just ride up to the Post Office to retrieve 2 days' worth of mail, but that is around 3 miles total round trip and I wanted to get in at least 10 miles somehow.
Thus I first rode east on Frost Road, watching the GPS to see when I reached the 3 mile mark. 3 miled out plus 3 miles back and then 2 miles west to the Post Office and back and Presto, 10 miles more or less.
The weather and sun were perfect, traffic was not too heavy, and the breeze was occasionally stiff but not terrible. Trouble is, by the time I got back to the vehicle at the 6 mile (or so) mark, I only had 20 minutes left and no way of making it to the Post Office and back in time. So I terminated the ride early and DROVE the short hop to the P.O. and back home.
Whatever. Didn't get in a marathon ride, but at least got the blood pumping and the blood glucose lowered.....
Ride Started: 12:17 PM Ride Ended: 1:24 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0 Ending Voltage: 13.0 Lowest: 12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose: 245 Ending BG Reading: 57
Lowest Temp 64F Highest Temp: 71F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.06
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.7 MPH 7.5 MPH 28.1 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 4 mins 48 minutes 16 minutes
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