Today dawned much nicer than the previous few days: Several days of Pouring Rain, Cold Temperatures, and Howling Wind.
We are still not used to everything being soggy and wet. Evidently in the Midwest they think a drought is happening if it hasn't rained for a week. Thus defined, we surely haven't noticed any 'droughts' around since moving here.
Yesterday was sunny but awful winds howling all day made it miserable.
Today dawned sunny again, after an all-night howling wind storm. The wind had slowed to a middling breeze today so I thought I would get out and saddle up for a trike ride sometime during the day. Unfortunately, it was a bad day for my sore feet. Jacque stirred up some essential oils into a soothing mix that she rubbed into my aching toes several times during the day. It felt good while she was working my feet over but the relief was short lived each time.
I was determined to get at least another short ride in, since I usually feel better after cooling off from a ride even though the feet don't appreciate the pressure from pedaling the cranks around and around.
Along about late afternoon I thought I had better see about going for a ride, when I noticed the clock's time of 4:00 PM. I've taken the trike out so late several times, but since darkness fell shortly afterward, it meant a short ride, often with the last mile or so being in the dark.
This time, however, the sun was still high in the sky, and I realized that we now have the miraculous "Extra Hour" of sunshine due to our ever-hated Daylight Savings Time, so perhaps I could get in a decent trip before it got dark.
So, I backed the Ford Exploder out of our beloved garage, then wheeled out the Catrike and set up the antennas and connected the battery cable for the electronics.
It was still breezing a bit cool, so I wore my polar fleece skull cap under the bike helmet and a thin but warm jacket for a layer under my windbreaker.
I wore full fingered riding gloves (I use mechanics gloves - cheaper than "cycling" ones).
I did NOT get overheated this ride, even though I got in the most miles since we moved to Missouri.
I DID get tired, and my feet, already mildly burning, felt no better as I rode along. My VA doctor had reminded me on the phone this morning that cycling was a good form of non-weight-bearing exercise for me. This motivated me to keep going and try to avoid excess pain.
I found that by pedaling in lower gears meant that I could ride with less pain, though of course more slowly. Instead of stopping to rest the feet every few miles, this time I stopped probably every mile or less.
Almost halfway around town, I looked up and realized the sun was still quite high in the sky, allowing me more time to poke along. So I stopped frequently, a couple times to pee in the bushes, and either rested with my sore feet on the ground, or by getting off the trike and walking around a bit, which also helped ease the burning pains.
I had to cross the busy Highway 95 that runs North to South through town, and at 5-ish it of course meant I had to wait a bit for a decent opening to cross through the traffic. This only took a few minutes this time, and I took my usual detour around the Cenex parking lot to get to Oakland, which runs parallel to 95 but a couple blocks away. I took a few detours around previously unexplored streets, and finally back due south to home.
We have encountered no other trikes or trikers in this area and are beginning to believe we may be the only ones in town or the immediate vicinity. Motorists passing us always give a wide berth and those coming toward us often stop and watch me as I ride by. A pair of farmers on the SE side of town spotted and watched me for at least a half mile as I rode towards them and the intersection where they stood while I turned back toward the north to continue riding. Another couple of cars approaching me on North Hovis street stopped in mid-street and watched me pass by. A couple of teenagers in a neighborhood said aloud: "Blankety Blank! What's THAT? - But one of his buddies said "Cool!" to counteract his friend's ignorance. When we go to the barber or senior center many folks will mention they've seen us on our trikes and they always watch through the windows when we ride up on the Tandem Terratrike. Fun Stuff-
By the time I finally got back home to put the trike and SUV back in the garage, my feet and most of the rest of me were POOPED. I was surprised after stumbling around putting such stuff away that my feet had started feeling warm and rather pleasant. Maybe going into shock?
Whatever. I treated the feet to a cool soaking. We'll see if I can get some sleep tonight with the added fatigue.
Ride Started: 4:20 PM Ride Ended: 6:10 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.1 Ending Voltage: 12.9 Lowest: 12.8
Beginning Blood Glucose: 191 Ending BG: 96
Lowest Temp 46 F Highest Temp: 54 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.22
Distance Walked: .3 mile
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.9 MPH 5.0 MPH 22.7 MPH
Beginning Blood Glucose: 191 Ending BG: 96
Lowest Temp 46 F Highest Temp: 54 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.22
Distance Walked: .3 mile
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.9 MPH 5.0 MPH 22.7 MPH
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 50 mins 1 hour 26 mins 24 minutes
1 hour 50 mins 1 hour 26 mins 24 minutes
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