Thursday, May 16, 2019

Summertime, Summertime

Today's Very Short Tracking

Good Grief.  All I do is short trips lately, and too many days off between even these.
This being a small town, nothing is very far away.   I've been  needing some electrical stuff for adding AC outlets in our 93 year old house, so I decided to take the trike across town to buy some.
Since Jacque was gone to Branson with the only vehicle in the family, it was an easy choice.
We now live in the southern Midwest, at 1400 or so feet of elevation (compared to 6800 feet in NM), but we are surprised at how fickle the weather is here...… at least as unpredictable as back in the dry Southwest.  We've had cold temperatures and cloudy soggy days, even here to mid-May, and today all of a sudden it's 84 degrees outside before noon.  By the time I got situated to run to the store, it was 4:00-ish and still 80 degrees.  No worries about frostbite today, mates.

We have thunderstorm warnings for the next couple days into the weekend, along with possible tornado and flooding warnings to go with it.  But today was nothing but blue clear sky, as George Strait puts it so well.
The trip was short and uneventful, as usual.
My 72nd birthday is coming up shortly and for the last couple years I've prided myself on riding a mile for each year of age on my birthday.  I always look forward to these so called mega events but with my leg and feet issues I don't think I'm going to even try for the full 72 miles, much as I'd like to.  Even 72 kilometers would be about 45 miles which is also a tad much.  My feet have been getting better but I fear much abuse might take me back to the last 5 months of almost continuous neuropathy pain, which largely came about due to my insistence on lifting heavy loads associated with moving our household goods and continuing in spite of increasing foot pain and fatigue, trying to keep up with the young bucks who were helping us load and unload on both ends of the move.
So  my current wimpy strategy for this birthday will still include a celebratory trike ride.
In the neighborhood of 7.2 miles.... a piddly TENTH of a mile for each year of survival thus far.
We'll see.

Ride Started:  4:10 PM        Ride Ended:  4:32 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.7  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7 Lowest Voltage:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:  311     Ending BG: 125
Lowest Temp:  78 F    Highest Temp:  84 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  1.91

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   4.8   MPH                           7.0  MPH            25.3 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 24 minutes                         16
minutes            8 minutes

1 comment:

  1. Well, I must say, 1/10th mile per year is still a very worthwhile goal and I think much more reasonable. You Go Bro!
