Saturday, June 29, 2019

You See the Derndest Things

Today's GPS Tracking

I donned my new shorts and took off again much earlier than I normally tend to, trying to beat the afternoon temperatures and humidity.  It worked, pretty much, though it was plenty warm and humid already.
Of course it will be worser later on today.
I had no shopping nor chores to do today, so I was able to just ride around at my leisure.  This time I rode a backwards loop on the east central side of town up to the Walmart exit ramp and got on westbound Route 60 from there and rode the 2-3 miles to the easternmost entrance ramp to Mountain Grove, then "Business 60" to the center of town & the few blocks back to the house.
I had to stop and rest the feet maybe 3 times but the feet continued to cool off and resume pedaling.
There are lots of critters in this country.  Around home we have seen squirrels, moles, all kinds of birds and bugs, and a skunk or two squashed on the side of the street.
Turtles seem to have suddenly started appearing in yards and along the roadways.
Along the highway we see lots of carcasses of possum and:
Armadillo (or as my cousin Jerry Anderson describes it as "Possum on the Half-Shell"
Dead Birds of all sorts, too many deer, skunks, squirrels, all fall victim to "Crossing the Highway".
Hopefully no one will ever find MY squashed carcass along the roadway.  So far all vehicles large and small have given me plenty of clearance, what with my 11 foot tall antenna-flags and bright blinky red tail light.
I grabbed quite a few tire treads, stones, tree limbs and other odds and ends and threw them off the road shoulder along the way, as is my usual habit.  These smelly carcasses I don't touch.... Just look.

Ride Started:  8.57 AM      Ride Ended:  10:42 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9 Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:   130   Ending BG: 128
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  78 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  8.47
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   5.0   MPH                           6.9  MPH            25.8 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 13 
 mins                 1 hour 13  mins     28 minutes

Friday, June 28, 2019

Shopping Trike Trip - Long Way Around

Today's Spotty GPS Tracking

Jacque and I did a couple of easy trike rides yesterday, and today I wanted to ride early before the temperature climbed like it does in the afternoon when I usually get around to saddling up.
I was needing a few odd items, including a new drive belt for my ancient little Craftsman belt sander.
It broke a couple days ago while I was sanding some kitchen cabinet doors for new paint.
I thought surely on of our lumber/hardware stores might stock such a critter, but I was wrong.
It was a good excuse to go for a trike ride anyways. 
I first rode over to our closest lumber/hardware stores, neither of which had anything close to what I needed for a sander belt.
I then again rode west out to the western-most exit off US 60 to Mountain Grove, then turning east along 60 to the center exit for Missouri Hiway 95 /Mountain Grove downtown.  Along this stretch of US 60 it is a 4-lane divided highway with wide shoulders big enough for a semi to drive or park on, meaning plenty of room for me and the trike to cruise without impeding or attracting adverse traffic. 
Even with this wide clearance betwixt me and passing traffic, most cars and trucks  diverted to the lane farthest from me, giving me even more "comfort zone".  We like most Missouri drivers.  They tend to be courteous as well as curious about our strange vehicles.  I should have taken a couple pictures of motorists on city streets literally stopping in the middle of the street to watch me ride by.
There are also usually lots of questions when we get close enough for anyone to comment, the most irritating one being "Is that thing electric?"  Seems everybody wants electric power or at least assist on their "bikes", and most seem amazed that we prefer to crawl around under our own power, limited though it may be.
The roadsides around here also show abundant evidence of all kinds of wildlife.  Today I passed pungent remains of armadillos, coyote, possum, skunk, and a turtle.
At the 95 exit also resides Ace Hardware and Walmart, 2 likely spots to stop and shop.  Ace didn't have anything I wanted either, so I rode the 100 yards next door to Walmart, where I stocked up on goodie eats and snacks. 
As I roamed the aisles in Walmart I was getting a bit woozy so when I finally checked out I checked my blood glucose at the trike before resuming riding and it  was 60, quite low for me.  So I consumed some carbs and water while resting in the trike seat before taking off again.  I had quasi - planned to ride another wider loop going back to the house to add to the days' mileage but since I had chocolate goodies in the grocery sack bungee-tied on the back of the trike, I rode almost straight home in hopes of getting there before everything melted.  Everything was soft by the time I got back, but nothing ruined.  O'course it would have to be pretty nasty before I'd avoid eating it...
The hardware I was looking for had been not available anywhere I'd looked, so I bought them online from Amazon when I got home.  But it was still a good excuse to motivate me to take a ride....
It's interesting to me how this trike riding affects my various old age aches and pains.  I had to stop and rest a couple times on this trip, as with most trips, and my feet got quite tired and uncomfortable along the way.  But after a short break they seem to be ready to go again, and on the way home, after several miles of fatigue the feet were actually feeling better.  As usual, getting out and getting the wind in my face is always a mood enhancer...

Ride Started:  8.23 AM      Ride Ended:  10:44 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.2   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0 Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:    128   Ending BG: 63
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  87 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  7.96
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   4.4   MPH                           6.4  MPH            25.3 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 47 
 mins                 1 hour 14 mins      33 minutes

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Salvage Utility Ride

Today's GPS Tracking

We arrived home from our latest 2-week mini RV vacation yesterday.  Having had few opportunities to ride while traveling, at least any much of a distance, I was determined to ride at least a few today.
Our area is in a bit of a drought currently, with about the last 48 hours without major rain.  Today was sunny, though forecast for possible rain. 
Today was another first for me: 

Jacque picked out these shorts at Walmart while on the aforementioned RV trip.  I've never worn shorts other than for swimming before but the Midwest heat and humidity have gotten to me sufficient to try them.  I can't say I'm already comfortable exposing my fishbelly white legs but the ride today did seem a bit cooler.  We'll see how much I can stand such exposure.... Or somebody calls the cops for indecent displays.
In spite of piddling too much time away, I got going while the sun was still shining.  I had 20+ pounds of aluminum cans and hitched up the B.O.B. trailer and bungeed the bag of cans and took off.  The salvage yard is only a couple miles away and it didn't take me long to get there.  Their sign claimed paying 30 cents a pound for aluminum cans but they only paid me 25 cents a pound.  I'll have to look into that in the future.  For that long a ride I need the extra buck.... HAW.
at this point I checked my blood glucose.  My tester and contents were still SOAKING wet from my ride in the rain FIVE DAYS ago.  The tester thankfully worked OK but Guess I better open up that pannier and air things out. 
I then rode over to our lawncare teenager's house  to pay him for mowing our lawn while we were gone.  He was not home but his Daddy promised to faithfully give him the greenbacks when he got home.
I got home myself, safe, sound, tired, and dry.  It may still rain yet.

Ride Started:  1.13 PM      Ride Ended:  2:33 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.7  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0 Lowest Voltage:  12.5
Beginning Blood Glucose:    141     Ending BG: 98
Lowest Temp:  75 F    Highest Temp:  82 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.06

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   4.4   MPH                           6.5  MPH            26.6 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 9 mins                    74
 minutes             22 minutes

Friday, June 21, 2019

GLURG.. Riding in the Rain

This is a story about Wednesday, June 19, 2019.
We took our RV out for the first time since moving to Missouri, up to RoadAmerica Racetrack in Wisconsin, to watch our son Christopher Schaafsma race his hopped up Volkswagen Golf in the H Production (HP) class.  We enjoyed that experience even though he lost his transmission in the first race.  He and his volunteer mechanics stayed up to 11 PM to install a rebuilt tranny, and was ready to race again.  During his next race he was doing great, catching and passing several competitors, and we were really stoked to see him farther ahead of his pack each time he came into view on the lengthy track.  It was thus a great disappointment to see him coasting slowly across an exit ramp about halfway through the race:  One of his axles had failed.
We thus left that event a few hours earlier than planned, and headed for Charlotte Michigan to attend the annual Charlotte Bluegrass Festival and visit with Jacque's Uncle Bob and Aunt Marilyn Johnston as well as Jacque's brother Tom and his wife Carol.
We stopped for the night at the Cracker Barrel restaurant somewhere along the way.  We arrived at Charlotte MI on Monday 26 June.  Signed in and parked our rig next to Uncle Bob & Aunt Marilyn who were already settled in with their travel trailer.. Tuesday morning I ran out of insulin in my Medtronic pump and while inserting a new reservoir and infusion set, I realized I had only the ONE infusion set along with us:  I had neglected to make sure I had some stashed in the RV.  I worried, since I have been experiencing a 50-75% failure rate with infusion sets the last few months.  I have to install a new reservoir and infusion set and then wait several hours before eating ANYTHING, so as to test my blood sugar and make sure the insulin is being pumped properly.
Sure enough, unfortunately, this set failed as well:
I'm holding a black background to make this "cannula" more visible toward the bottom of this image
The tiny tubing is supposed to be straight and true, with no bends or kinks whatever.
As you can see, this has TWO major kinks in it that prevent insulin flow.
These kinks occur thusly:  The cannula, before insertion into the body fat, has a steel pin inside that extends beyond the cannula just a fraction.  The whole pin assembly is normally just manually pushed into the belly fat through the skin, with rarely any sensation of pain or discomfort.  The insertion pin is then pulled out, leaving the cannula NORMALLY still straight and unkinked in the belly fat just below the skin.  Medtronic has evidently changed something in these assemblies, because before the last several months I had AMOST never had any failures with them.  Since then, they fail at least half the time.  And, of course, these things are EXPENSIVE.  There's no excuse for it.  I think they've changed the lubricant on the insertion pin, or the surface texture of the insertion pin, or SOMETHING.  There's just no other way for such kinks to occur.  They only happen when pulling the insertion pin OUT.  I normally can feel the twinge of pain when it happens.  Hopefully someone can make Medtronic FIX THIS.
My blood sugar had shot up and nothing happened when I bolused with the pump.  More and more hours later and the blood glucoose (BG) was climbing in spite of all my efforts, including direct injections with my emergency needle.  Various
calls to the VA and Medtronic showed I had no recourse:  The fastest I could get any emergency replacements would be at least 2 days.  Already feeling exceedingly wobbly and unbalanced, I could not afford to wait that long.  Our fastest solution was to return home 600+ miles distant and pick up the needed supplies there.  We didn't want to try taking the dogs and cat all together stuffed into the Ford Exploder we towed with the RV, and not wanting  to completely abort our Bluegrass trip, Jacque took off by herself for a run to Missouri and back.
Wednesday morning I was feeling mighty poorly.  Tuesday night Uncle Bob had taken me to the Charlotte emergency room, where we waited fruitlessly for hours while the nurses and doctor poked and prodded me without ever actually giving me an insulin shot.  They were not overly concerned that my BG tested at 280- something.  They were not endocrinologists, and said they were used to seeing diabetics come in with 600+ BG readings.  I get excited when mine gets over 200, and it had hit 397 during one test in the RV just a few hours earlier.  After enduring 2 or 3 more hours of sitting around in a hospital gown waiting for test results, the nice female doc gave me a prescription for a vial of regular insulin and they finally told us I had nothing to worry about and we could leave at our leisure.  By then it was almost 11 PM, and no pharmacy was open at that hour, of course, so Uncle Bob and I returned to our RVs and hit the sack.
In the morning my BG was still above 240 or so.  The pharmacy was only about 2 miles away so I convinced my very worried Unc Bob that I'd be better off riding my trike over to pick up the prescription and burn off some of my high blood sugar by the mild exercise of riding.  The pharmacy at Meijers directed me to go to Walmart instead, which was another 5 miles away.  I was starting to feel better after my short ride already so I willingly took off on the trike for Wally World.  Uncle Bob does not use his cell phone, so I had no way of contacting him that I was going to be later than expected.  He had worriedly assured me if I didn't come back in a reasonable time he would come looking for me.
I got to Walmart OK and paid for my insulin.  As I walked to the door, I was stunned to see all sunshine had disappeared:  Storm clouds had gathered and it was pouring rain outside.
I rushed out long enough to cover my trike electronics with plastic baggies, and came back inside Walmart to wait for the rain to stop.  In a few minutes, it did, and I saddled up and hurriedly rode away.  Every mile or so the rain would open up again, and I would take cover under a service station overhang, and once in the local VFW entry portal.  It began to pour down so hard and relentlessly I decided I would just have to ride in the rain and get back as quickly as I could, knowing Uncle Bob & Auntie Marilyn would be looking for me in the wrong places.  The streets were running water completely across the roadway by now and I was thrilled to note how well my plastical fenders worked with all the slop.  The rain was just literally pouring down like Noah-build-an -Ark, and here I was caught in the middle of it all.  The amazing thing is, the more I pedaled and the more completely I got absolutely SOAKED, I was feeling GREAT.  Some of this was due obviously to my blood sugar burning off with  the exercise, but the feeling of scooting around under my own power, even in this slop, was just absolutely amazing.  When I got back to our RVs the water was 4-5 inches deep everywhere and still just pouring.  I was able to park the trike under our RV awning to protect it a bit (already hopelessly soaked) and splash over to Unc Bob's trailer to tell him I was back and OK in all ways.  Thankfully he and Aunt Marilyn had just gotten back themselves,, after fruitlessly looking for me everywhere they could, and not finding me.  I was very sad to have upset them so with the worry.
It's now Friday, 3 days later past this misadventure, and I'm still feeling great.  Jacque got back with my infusion sets, the very next on worked and works fine, and I am able to eat again.  Hallelujah.
The rains finally stopped and the forecast for the next few days is sunshine and warmer and DRY weather, which is a welcome relief from all the soaking.  But my foot pain is not as bad as it was before the rain-soaking trike ride.... Makes me wonder if I shouldn't try riding in the slop again.
Then again, maybe not.
I was not able to log any trip data from the GPS during this ride.  My electronics got soaked in spite of my best efforts and I'm not sure how much repair or replacement will be needed for them to ever start working again.
Thankfully, though, at least I'M working again.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Another Mail Run

Today's GPS Tracking
(most of these tracks are so small you have to really blow them up to view them)

I've been working on an old car radio out of a 1956 Ford for the last several weeks and finally re-boxed them up for return. The '56 Ford is one of the favorite cars I remember from days of yore, but those old radios with tubes and vibrators.... You turn it on, listen to the audible buzz of the vibrator, and eventually..... static begins to percolate out of the speaker.  If you're lucky enough to still have a working AM radio station in range, maybe you can pull it in.
Anyhow, I now had this weighty parcel to ship back to New Mexico, and since the largish box would fit in my bike trailer, I used it for an excuse to take a short trike ride.
I delivered the parcel to the USPS and then rode over to the Senior Center to return a paperback book Jacque had borrowed from their library several weeks ago.
A fairly short ride, but any ride is better than vegging around the house....

Ride Started:  12.07 PM      Ride Ended:  1:12 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.8  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9 Lowest Voltage:  12.9
Beginning Blood Glucose:    182     Ending BG: 89
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  75 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  2.23

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   1.9   MPH                           5.1  MPH            17.0 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 5 mins                    24
 minutes             41 minutes

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Outrunning the Rain.... And the Train

Today's Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

I set out to get going earlier today to get a haircut, but as I was rolling the trike out of the garage, I remembered the tracker had not worked well during the last couple rides I'd taken.
Rather than put it off again, I worked on the electronics before I took today's ride.
I suspected the rough ride from a couple days ago when I got lost on several miles of rocky gravel country road might have jarred a solder joint or other connection loose so I got out my trusty soldering station, warmed it up, and began poking and peeking inside the radio pouch for loose wiring..  The radio had power to it, but the GPS converter's blinky LED light was not blinking.  I could not find any loose wires, so I finally turned off the soldering station and dug out my signal tracer to see if the GPS was working and sending its noisy data stream to the radio.  Sure enough, there was no signal whatsoever coming out of the GPS converter's plug.  Wondering if it was the Garmin 350 GPS or the Argent Gtrans Data Converter, I tried my spare converter, still new in the shipping bag, and pow, the data was loud and clear.  I could find no cuts or bruises of the input and output cords, so now I \'m thinking one of my rainy rides may have gotten water inside the housing, which is of course not good for electronics.  I'll take it apart after my feet cool off and see if I can figure out what's wrong or if I just have to spend the money and buy another new spare.
After putting everything back together and the tools all back where they belong, I finally got going almost 2 hours later than I'd anticipated.  The barber shop thankfully was still open when I got there just before noon.
After leaving the hair-cutter, I called Jacque and told her I wanted to do a longer ride since the day was so pretty.  I was starting to feel a bit of sunburn after the first mile, so I pulled into the parking lot of our local defunct radio station with its nice shade trees and lathered up with sunblock, while taking a break for the feet.  Within minutes after getting underway again, the sun disappeared behind a bank of clouds and stayed that way for the rest of the ride.  Perhaps I wasted the sunblock cream, but supposedly ultraviolet rays from the sun penetrate through clouds - I'm never sure about all that.
I wasn't at all sure whether I was going to get rained on, but it motivated me to keep moving.
As I approached the railroad crossing just north of home, I heard the train a-coming, its whistle screaming.  I looked at the crossing closely,  expecting the cross arm barriers to light up and block the crossing.  It was still clear as I pulled close so I put the pedal to the metal and scooted across.  The noisy train was crawling slowly on to the siding, evidently to wait for a higher priority train to  come through.  In just a few more minutes that happened, but I was safely almost home by then.
The absence of direct sunlight didn't upset me at all.  Made it home with only slightly sore feet and less hair around my ears.

Ride Started:  11.17 AM      Ride Ended:  1:01 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  13.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.8 Lowest Voltage:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:    121     Ending BG: 84
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  75 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.23

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   2.2   MPH                           5.6  MPH            16.3 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 2 hours 22 mins                 56
 minutes          1 hour 26 minutes

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wasted Trip? NAH

There's a Book with This Title: WAITING FOR THE TRAIN

My goal for triking today was fairly utilitarian:  Make a visit to our local insurance agent to make sure our RV was legal - since we plan to take a short trip in it in the near future.
With documents safely stowed in my pannier, I rode the uneventful 3 or so miles to the insurance office, just north of Walmart.
Imagine my surprise to find no insurance office:  No signs, no nothing.  Just an empty building under renovation with construction materials behind the plate glass windows, where only a few weeks ago, an insurance office existed where we entered, dealt with the agent, and obtained Missouri based insurance for our property including car(s).  
With no indication of a new location, I called the main insurance toll free number (Progressive) and found our agent no longer existed;  she had gone out of business without warning.
Thankfully, we really had insurance, paid up.  Evidently she had not spent our money without forwarding payment to the main company.  The nice fellow on the phone was able to add our RV to our coverage, over the cell phone, whilst I sat parked under a shade tree at the edge of the rather warmish parking lot.
That done (I could have done all that without leaving home!), I pedaled my way home.
About halfway up Oakland Street on the way home, I was accosted by a nice young feller riding his upright DF (Diamond Frame) bike.  He was all curiosity about my trike, with a dozen questions as we rode along side by side.  He accompanied my several blocks before he turned off to go his way.
Of course by the time I got back it was quite warmish, and both me and my feet were glad to get in out of the sun and cool off a bit.

Ride Started:  10:33 AM      Ride Ended:  12:33 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.0  Ending Battery Voltage:  13.3 Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:    108     Ending BG: 59
Lowest Temp:  72 F    Highest Temp:  75 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  5.47

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   2.7   MPH                           6.3  MPH            15.4 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 59 mins                  52
 minutes           1 hour 7 mins

Monday, June 3, 2019

Never Take THIS Route again..

Partial Tracking of an undesirable Route

Here it was Monday Morning, sunny and warm.  I wanted to rack up around 10 miles and get it done before it got too hot.  I wound up getting lost.  Even the stupid (!) GPS an Google Maps kept leading me astray... Several miles of gravel roads up hill and down dale make for tedious cycling.  Great exercise, I suppose, but enjoyment.... lacking.
I made the mistake of thinking the GPS would keep me on "better" (meaning paved) roads.  Somehow I got off on several rocky, graveled roads and the GPS was of little help getting me back to smoother paths.  I wound up somehow on Gourley Road which is NOT smooth, paved, or level.  It has several steep hills and valleys which were very rough.  So rough I had to carefully creep downhill riding the breaks to prevent any speed at all since the rocks and ruts were so dangerous.  Then, climbing the steep uphills on the other side, resulted in my having to dismount and DRAG the trike through the rocks since it was steep and the rocks so loose my rear wheel would hopelessly spin.  I was surprised the tires, all three of them, made it without blowing out. 
I did encounter more beautiful Missouri back country and farmland, but at the cost of very slow progress due to the lack of decent roadway.
Thankfully this creek was only a couple inches over the nasty road

When I finally encountered Cherokee Road and its blessed pavement, I was sorely tempted to take a picture of myself kissing the wonderful asphalt.
I was barely able to resist the temptation, but fatigue overpowered my enthusiasm and I trudged on towards home. 
Several miles before I arrived home, I thought I spotted a strip of shredded tire lying in the roadway.  I slowed down to throw it off the roadway, as is my habit.  I'm glad I took a closer look before reaching for it.
A FIVE foot Black Snake.  Alive, and sniffing the air with his tongue.
I kept a respectful distance and he did the same for me.  I think he's harmless, and hope he made it completely across the road without getting smushed.
Jacque called me on the cell phone at about the 4-hour mark.  I was way overboard on my desired mileage, but what the hey.  Mistakes are my most effective mode of learning.

Ride Started:  9:51 AM      Ride Ended:  1:53 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  12.9  Ending Battery Voltage:  12.7 Lowest Voltage:  12.7
Beginning Blood Glucose:    107     Ending BG: 68
Lowest Temp:  67 F    Highest Temp:  75 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  16.21

Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   3.8   MPH                           5.2  MPH            31.4 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 4 hours 13 mins                 3 hours 7
 mins     1 hour 5 minutes

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Too Hot, Then it Rains

Today's Travel Tracking via GPS and Ham Radio

I had high hopes of making a 10 mile triketrip this morning, but didn't quite achieve it.
I should have gotten underway earlier in the morning, but I tend to procrastinate or even put things off until the last minute....
I first thought of taking a ride about 8:30 AM or so but by the time I got going it was a little after noon and the sun was high.
I rode around back streets until I was up to 3rd Street, or Business Route 60, the main east-west path through Mountain Grove, then continued east to the western-most exit for Mountain Grove off Highway 60, then rode the shoulder of 60 back toward the second exit to Mountain Grove.  I exited 60 at that point to take the frontage road around town just south of Route 60, a reverse route of a circuit I've done several times now.  Riding to the eastern-most exit of 60 to Mountain Grove would have added welcome miles, but the only time I've tried that route I discovered that exit has NO shoulder for at least 2 miles before getting into town.  Since that traffic runs 50 to 70 MPH, it was NOT fun that time, watching vehicles zoom up behind me.  They all gave me plenty of clearance, but nobody can expect that good behavior from 100% of drivers 100% of the time.
Speaking of good behavior, when I exited 60 and entered the center turn lane to turn left on the frontage road by McDonalds, a very busy road for some reason, a very nice fellow in a F350-size Ford truck pulling a trailer behind him unnecessarily stopped as he spotted me, and blocked traffic behind him, beckoning me to take my turn in front of him.  What a nice guy.  This behavior is not unusual around here.  Reckless speedsters are here but they are thankfully in the minority and rarely encountered.
I was taking one of several rest breaks in the shade of a nice tree, one of "God's Air Conditioners", when I felt a single drop of moisture go splat on the back of my head.  It had turned mildly cloudy but I thought I should get going in case it turned out to be real rain.
JUST before it started to RAIN

Before I could get the helmet and shoes back on, it DID commence raining, and within a few minutes it had turned into a downpour.  I passed a couple of homes with carports or other overhangs before deciding the NEXT shelter I spotted I was going to take advantage of.  The rain slowed a bit, so I kept going, only to get stuck in a TERRIFIC downpour, and frantically pedaling with real motivation, I pulled across the street under the front door overhang at the Senior Center.  It was empty and closed but the expansive overhang provided great protection from the rain.  My radio and GPS were fairly wet by now.  I dragged out my large Zip-Lok bag and covered them up but it may have been too late.
The radio was still working but the GPS was not responding to finger commands.
The rains intensified, pounded down like Noah-Build-An-Ark..... then blue sky appeared overhead and the rain just as suddenly stopped.  I waited a few minutes to make sure I wasn't going to get soaked again, then rode home thankful for my fenders on all 3 wheels.

Ride Started:  12:22 PM      Ride Ended:  2:03 PM
Beginning Blood Glucose:    186     Ending BG: 126
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  82 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  7.84

Distance Walked: 1/4 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   7.6   MPH                           8.1  MPH            16 MPH
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 38 mins                  1 hour 14
 mins      24 minutes