Friday, June 28, 2019

Shopping Trike Trip - Long Way Around

Today's Spotty GPS Tracking

Jacque and I did a couple of easy trike rides yesterday, and today I wanted to ride early before the temperature climbed like it does in the afternoon when I usually get around to saddling up.
I was needing a few odd items, including a new drive belt for my ancient little Craftsman belt sander.
It broke a couple days ago while I was sanding some kitchen cabinet doors for new paint.
I thought surely on of our lumber/hardware stores might stock such a critter, but I was wrong.
It was a good excuse to go for a trike ride anyways. 
I first rode over to our closest lumber/hardware stores, neither of which had anything close to what I needed for a sander belt.
I then again rode west out to the western-most exit off US 60 to Mountain Grove, then turning east along 60 to the center exit for Missouri Hiway 95 /Mountain Grove downtown.  Along this stretch of US 60 it is a 4-lane divided highway with wide shoulders big enough for a semi to drive or park on, meaning plenty of room for me and the trike to cruise without impeding or attracting adverse traffic. 
Even with this wide clearance betwixt me and passing traffic, most cars and trucks  diverted to the lane farthest from me, giving me even more "comfort zone".  We like most Missouri drivers.  They tend to be courteous as well as curious about our strange vehicles.  I should have taken a couple pictures of motorists on city streets literally stopping in the middle of the street to watch me ride by.
There are also usually lots of questions when we get close enough for anyone to comment, the most irritating one being "Is that thing electric?"  Seems everybody wants electric power or at least assist on their "bikes", and most seem amazed that we prefer to crawl around under our own power, limited though it may be.
The roadsides around here also show abundant evidence of all kinds of wildlife.  Today I passed pungent remains of armadillos, coyote, possum, skunk, and a turtle.
At the 95 exit also resides Ace Hardware and Walmart, 2 likely spots to stop and shop.  Ace didn't have anything I wanted either, so I rode the 100 yards next door to Walmart, where I stocked up on goodie eats and snacks. 
As I roamed the aisles in Walmart I was getting a bit woozy so when I finally checked out I checked my blood glucose at the trike before resuming riding and it  was 60, quite low for me.  So I consumed some carbs and water while resting in the trike seat before taking off again.  I had quasi - planned to ride another wider loop going back to the house to add to the days' mileage but since I had chocolate goodies in the grocery sack bungee-tied on the back of the trike, I rode almost straight home in hopes of getting there before everything melted.  Everything was soft by the time I got back, but nothing ruined.  O'course it would have to be pretty nasty before I'd avoid eating it...
The hardware I was looking for had been not available anywhere I'd looked, so I bought them online from Amazon when I got home.  But it was still a good excuse to motivate me to take a ride....
It's interesting to me how this trike riding affects my various old age aches and pains.  I had to stop and rest a couple times on this trip, as with most trips, and my feet got quite tired and uncomfortable along the way.  But after a short break they seem to be ready to go again, and on the way home, after several miles of fatigue the feet were actually feeling better.  As usual, getting out and getting the wind in my face is always a mood enhancer...

Ride Started:  8.23 AM      Ride Ended:  10:44 AM
Beginning Battery Voltage:  14.2   Ending Battery Voltage:  13.0 Lowest Voltage:  13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose:    128   Ending BG: 63
Lowest Temp:  71 F    Highest Temp:  87 F
Stats from the GPS:  Total Miles:  7.96
Distance Walked: 1/2 mile
Overall Average Speed       Moving Avg          Max Speed
   4.4   MPH                           6.4  MPH            25.3 
Total Trip Time                   Moving Time        Stopped Time
 1 hour 47 
 mins                 1 hour 14 mins      33 minutes

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