These last three days have been LOVELY weather-wise. This after several days of very frigid temperatures, cold rain, and whatnot. Yesterday and the day before I had planned to get in some miles on the trike but never "got around to it" because of laziness, working on the house, procrastination until it was too late, etc.
The weather wizards on TV have been threatening impending arctic weather from a cold front moving across and down the South and Midwest, but so far so good. When we got out of Church today it was at least 70 degrees and sunny out. I still have not found any prohibitions in Scripture or Church Law about avoiding pleasantries like bike/trike riding on Sunday, so I finally got in a ride today.
I tried just riding around various city streets, hoping to add up some exercise miles while seeing neighborhoods I haven't experienced yet. This is a small burg but still many streets and neighborhoods I have not seen.
One thing I've seen several of around here makes some sense in Tornado Country:
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Earth-Sheltered House |
The name of this town being "Mountain Grove" often makes us wonder where the Mountain is supposed to be. There are a few hills here and there, but nothing we would call mountains.
What we DO have is some pretty deep and steep valley areas that can be fun to smoke downward on, but I have to be watchful for the frequent rough spots and potholes in the pavement. Thus it's often ride the brakes going down and chugging along in Grandma Gear going back up. Today's story.
The tracking map doesn't show much of it, but I rode a couple miles west on 13th street - not realizing that it dead ended out near Route 60 with no known outlet or junction to another road to return on. It involved about a mile of steep downhill, which was nice, Unfortunately I had already gone down almost to the creek at the bottom before I checked my GPS map and realized the only way out was to go back the way I came. Funny, when going UP the hill in Granny Gear it seems MUCH steeper than it was going DOWN. But Hey, it's exercise, right?
By the time I got back up the hill, I was about ready to find home again. It was a bit over a couple more miles, which only adds to my ability to brag about such amazing feats of mileage. HAH.
Ride Started: 2:47 PM Ride Ended: 3:55: PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 14.1 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Beginning Blood Glucose: 156 Ending BG: 119
Lowest Temp: 68 F Highest Temp: 71 F
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.31
Distance Walked: .6 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.7 MPH 6.7 MPH 21.9 MPH
Distance Walked: .6 mile
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
5.7 MPH 6.7 MPH 21.9 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 6 mins 56 minutes 10 minutes
1 hour 6 mins 56 minutes 10 minutes
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