It's been a while since I posted anything here. I've not slacked off on riding the trike, or other so-called "useful endeavors". I AM getting slower and slower; but nothing to do with Old Age, of course.
Nowadays I stand confused much of the time, for some reason. Our Church congregation hasn't met together for many weeks now. We administer the sacrament in our homes, under the direction of our local Ward Bishop. We wear masks of some sort when we enter stores. Few restaurants are still open, but we try to patronize the ones still there. Thankfully in Missouri the "government" hasn't forced restaurants to close, and we can dine without masks. We try to tip the waiters and waitresses extra, in hope they can keep doing their good service. All prices seem to be higher, and surcharges are now often added for using a charge card to pay for services or goods. Our local gasoline prices have stayed steady at $1.84 for several weeks now.
We worry that so many stores, large or small, are going out of business.What a weird world we now live in...... I just NEVER imagined I would encounter such a world.
Enough complaining. Today I went for my almost-daily trike ride, this time to pick up a couple items for Jacque that she kindly allowed me to use for excuses to take a ride in the heat.
Talking to a couple of ham radio guys while I rode, they stated the common refrain "I'd be AFRAID to ride around here. Somebody would surely run over me." I always tell them MY experience riding all over the country: Most people give me a WIDE clearance when passing me. I also see other "normal" cyclists riding around occasionally, so I think these country folk are just fairly courteous, not just avoiding me because I'm riding a "Contraption". I also try to ride as far to the right as possible, to give cars enough room to get past me whenever possible.
Today was hot, but not as hot as we HAVE experienced earlier this summer.
Today's ride:!mt=roadmap&z=11&ts=1598227200&te=1598313600&call=a%2FW5AOX-6
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