I'm still trike-riding every other day or so, but have been very lax about posting details about the staying-alive activity.
I rode yesterday for a few miles - after several days of NOT riding.... and the legs still worked, thank Goodness.
Today I needed to pick up some parts for the Ford Exploder, and wound up driving to the Car Parts store to get some hood struts for the Beast. I replaced these a couple years ago and they have steadily gotten weaker to the point I've had to use a stick to prop the hood open when checking things under the hood.
SO, I drove the gas powered beast to the auto parts place and was SHOCKED to find the struts cost OVER 50 Bucks. Everything has shot up in price in these weird times, with fewer and fewer stores even open for business any more, and with the lessening competition, prices on everything have gone up and up. BUT I needed these parts; I was tired of messing around with sticks and whatnot just to keep the hood open long enough to check the oil or whatever. So I gritted my teeth and spent the money.
Trouble was, when I got home, the dern things wouldn't fit. The top ball socket on the struts were too small, and it just wouldn't go together.
This time I decided to ride my trike up to the store for an exchange. When I got there, the counter guy checked and double checked and could find no other listing that would work with this vehicle. I spent a fair amount of time showing him the old one I'd brought with me: The ball socket was too small.
He looked and looked and finally declared the part he'd sold me was the same for almost 6 years of Fords, and there was no other solution available. When I looked at them again I realized the new ones had the same sockets as the old one: A large ball socket on one end and a small one on the other end. The only difference was that they were reversed: The large and small sockets were on opposite ends from the old ones I'd pulled out. I realized all I had to do was reverse the struts when installinng them.
I'd wasted the counterman's and my time by not looking closer before getting alarmed. I hate to report this was NOT the first time I've done such a dumb thing. OH Well.
Sure 'nuff when I got home the struts popped right in when I installed them the right way.
I DID get some good exercise out of the trike ride, which is about the only useful thing I can say about today's big accomplishment.
The Route 60 Choo-Choo Trains were busy today for some reason. I got to wait 5 or 10 minutes for a train to clear the crossing just before getting home, and several MORE trains going both ways immediately followed. Thank Goodness we've gotten able to sleep through most of the loud whistle-blowers when they blow through town several times almost each night.
Ride Started: 3:05 PM Ride Ended: 4:20 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.5 Ending Battery Voltage: 13.0 Lowest Voltage: 13.0
Lowest Temp: 80 F Highest Temp: 82 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 111 Ending BG: 75
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