Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Monday's Sunny GPS/Ham Radio Tracking

Monday (15 March 2021) dawned a bit foggy at first but quickly turned into a nice, unusual, sunny day.
I had more work to do on the new washing machine drain for Jacque's upcoming sewing room, so I prioritized that first, but hoping to get done early enough to go for a decent trike ride.
I've missed a lot of riding recently, what with the nasty weather, plumbing work, and whathaveyou.
With Jacque's encouragement I worked with a will to get done with the plumbing and get out the beloved 
Catrike from the garage.  I had planned to do my preferred "around-town" route to get in at least 5 miles.
When Jacque mentioned she had a prescription ready at our local Big Box Store, I readily accepted that assignment as well.  I also had a couple items to pick up.
This being my first "decent" pedal-ride in a week or so, I really enjoyed the cruise, even in spite of the gusty breezes encountered.  Lying back on the low-slung trike evidently doesn't cut much wind.
I noticed I had to ride a tad slower than usual - evidence of the need to do MORE riding for pleasure AND exercise.
I rode to the northernmost end of our small town, first to Ace Hardware, then to the nearby Big Box Store.

Having completed my "shopping", I readied for the trip home.  
After my recent experience of deep diabetic shock at nearly the same location several weeks ago, I thought it wise to check my blood sugar before starting for home.  Sure enough, it was a bit on the low side (90).    My strategy this time was to pop a glucose tablet (a recent addition to my emergency supplies) AND suspended my insulin pump from  pumping anything while I rode home.
It wasn't a bad strategy, since my BG was only 130 when I got back.  Of course I re-activated the insulin pump, just in time to run it out of insulin and require a reload and relocation of my infusion set somewhere on my outer gut.
What really surprised me was the beneficial effect of this ride.  I ate a hearty dinner before bed, slept longer and better than I have in months, AND my miserable sore diabetic neuropathic feet didn't keep me awake most of the night.  I usually wake up several times each night, but last night only awoke at 5:00 AM.  Very unusual for this decrepit old fart.

Ride Started: 3:46 PM           Ride Ended: 5:22 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 64 F Highest Temp: 75 F
Beginning Blood Glucose:  116   Ending BG: 130
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 6.54
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 4.1 MPH                              7.5 MPH            24.2 MPH
Total Trip Time                    Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour  minutes                    52 minutes         44 minutes

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