Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Day After the Big Snow

 Today's Wanderings with my Buddy

Yesterday, the twentieth of April, with all our local trees and vegetation blossoming forth in the joy of early spring, we got FREEZING temperatures and - of all things -
SNOW.  The day started normally enough, cool but clear, but before the sun had a chance to warm things up, the dark clouds rolled in and took over and it began to precipitate.  It blowed and snowed all day, accumulating 2 inches or so.... and then just before sundown, the clouds cleared a tiny bit and the deep snow began to melt.
Then it got dark and cold and below freezing for the rest of the night, leaving chunks and pockets of half melted snow for the doggies to struggle to find a satisfactory spot to "do their business".

BUT it was much warmer today and within a couple hours it was warm enough to saddle up the trike for a ride.  My buddy, young Jack, was visiting, so I also hooked up the B.O.B. trailer with the cobbled-in child safety seat for him to ride with me.


He always attracts extra attention when cruising along behind me, and today was no exception.  He was pretty tough today.  In spite of the cold breeze, which often gets worser while riding, it caused no complaints from him whatever.
We stopped to mosey around the City Center park for a while and then decided to ride up the hill to the old Brown Shoe Factory, where lies a nice Ina Crandall Memorial Park complete with slides, swings, and climbing stuff.
Jack loves this place, and choused me into chasing him up and down the slide, and being his launcher for  the big boy swings.
He of course has much more energy than I do, and I was happy when he agreed to head back for the house.
We have an Amish construction crew putting up walls and roof for Jacque's new sewing room addition, and the Foreman expressed interest in the Catrike and enthusiastically asked how many miles I rode today.  Just as enthusiastically, I told him "Oh, only 5 or 6 miles today."  As he peeked at my GPS readings I was chagrined to see we had only REALLY made a little over THREE measly miles.
Whatever.  It was still fun, after all. 

Ride Started: 11:50 AM           Ride Ended: 2:29 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.3   Ending Battery Voltage:  12.9
Lowest Temp: 46 F Highest Temp: 64 F

Beginning Blood Glucose:  39(- COOKIES ! )   Ending BG: 76

Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 3.13
Overall Average Speed      Moving Avg       Max Speed
 2.0 MPH                              5.9 MPH             16.8 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time                Moving Time      Stopped Time
 1 hour 32  minutes              32 minutes          1 hour 1 minute

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