Today's Roundabout Boring Tracking
Today I got almost nothing useful done (2X4's and sheetrock and insulation, etc, etc.).
BUT I did start out with a short trike ride and wound up doing an almost full-around-town shopping/errand trip.
The weatherman had predicted excessive heat today with humidity but it stayed cloudy all day and the heat was bearable. Mostly. The humidity of course was up there a bit.
I took a couple pieces of mail over to the Post Office, maybe 3 blocks away, then decided to ride much farther northward to our local Big Box Store.
We are suffering our Summer Fly Invasion - and had only 2 flyswatters in the house.
Of course, every time we spotted a fly, neither swatter was within arm's reach and sometimes hard to find at all. So, believe it or not, the venerable fly swatter was high on our shopping "Need Now" list.
Along with a couple other forgettable items, I was soon on the road home.
I obviously need to do 5-milers more often, as I sadly note I "gear down" much more than I used to. Nothing to do with getting to be an Old Fart, of course.
My usual life saving treatment when my sore feets get tired:

(Absolute Bliss)
Ride Started: 2:26 PM Ride Ended: 3:55 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.6 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.7
Lowest Temp: 76 F Highest Temp: 79 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 124 Ending BG: 159
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 5.19
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
3.9 MPH 6.2 MPH 21.4 MPH
Total Trip Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 hour 20 mins 50 minutes 30 minutes
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