Today's Random GPS Transversings
Ignoring our latest Severe Winter Weather Warning, today dawned ever so slightly overcast which soon burned off into bright sunshine, hitting a high temp of 62 official degrees.
Fairly early on this lovely morning, Jacque phoned in an order to the Vets for more Doggie Pills. They're not cheap, so it's a good thing they don't have to take handfuls of them like WE do.
Since the Veterinarian is on the north end of town and close upon a paved roadway, I volunteered to take the Catrike for a ride to pick them up and pay for them.
'Twas indeed a balmy day for a ride, with only occasional breezy puffs to slow me down somewhat.
I pulled off to the side of the road about halfway there to check my blood glucose (BG).
An old duffer (probably a few years younger than Yours Truly) pulled up in a pickup, rolled down his window and asked "Did the VA give you that?" I told him no, I had bought it via Ebay with my own money. He told me about his exercise machine that evidently the VA had provided for him, and about his bicycle he rode around the bike park trail in nearby Cabool.
We enjoyed our short visit and then resumed our respective ways.
I arrived at the vet's office in fine fashion, only to find they were actually OUT of Stock for one of the doggy medications they said we could come get. They must have sold the last ones just before I got there, since Jacque had talked to them only an hour or so earlier.
I took the slow route home, noticing again that my BG was dropping dramatically. I ate a couple Emergency Cookies to prop up the Blood Sugar and slowly made my way home.
On the way I took a small detour over to my favorite barber shop on the town square, hoping the busy young man might be able to give me a trim today. He was clipping a customer when I arrived but told me to come back at 2:45 and he'd do me. I got home with the nice sunshine still in abundance. At 2:30 - something I stepped outside to mount up the trike again. It was still nice weather, warm, etc, but the clouds had gathered and looked like it might rain soon. I thought I could probably make the trike trip OK but wondered if the rain would hold off long enough to get home without a good soaking. I decided to (ACK) Drive the Ford instead. Sure enough, about halfway through my haircut, it suddenly got black outside and rain began to POUR down in great sheets. Glad indeed that I hadn't exposed my trike with all its electronics to such weather.
Well, the worrisome forecast has drifted somewhat..... It's 8:30 PM as I write this and it's 52 degrees. Spring like weather..... Still supposed to turn to sleet, ice, and deeeep snow. We'll see.
Ride Started: 11:12 AM Ride Ended: 12:47 PM
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.8 Ending Battery Voltage: 12.9
Lowest Temp: 53 F Highest Temp: 64 F
Beginning Blood Glucose: 200 Ending BG: 46
Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.49
Overall Average Speed Moving Avg Max Speed
4.9 MPH 6.7 MPH 24.3 MPH
Total Trip(s) Time Moving Time Stopped Time
1 Hour 31 mins 1 hour 7 mins 24 minutes
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