Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Mojo

On the way back to the carrito tonight, I stopped at Carlisle (in the median, the southbound lanes were clear for once) to wait for a break in traffic.... and again, a nice guy in the lane nearest me stopped to wait for me to cross in front of him.  This is dangerous, since there are 3 (THREE) lanes on each side of the street, and invariably if a car stops in one lane for you, the guys in the other lane (or the cars behind the one stopped) will accelerate around the stopped car.  This time, there was only one pickup behind the sedan who stopped for me.  I hesitated, the guy in the pickup seemed to be waiting too, and no cars visible in the farthest lane.  So I crossed.  Just as I got past the "nice guy" who first stopped for me, out of nowhere came another vehicle in the far lane, just barely stopping in time.  I wasn't sure, but it might well have been the pickup I thought was being patient...... deciding not to be patient.  I'm making a commitment, henceforth, to just wave such "nice guys" on, urging them to keep going, and I'll just wait for a full lull in traffic, thank you very much.
BG before ride home:  191   BG after getting home, before dinner:  107
Evening stats from the GPS:    Total Distance Miles:  7.43 Overall average speed     Moving Avg      Max Speed
8.9  Mph                             10.5 mph            20.6 mph
Total Trip time                Moving Time     Stopped Time
  49:57 mins                       42:33 mins          07:24 mins 

I usually go for a 2-mile noon walk, up San Mateo to Wildflower Park next to Honeywell and then back down to Wilshire and Jefferson.  I had to detour on Friday because the city had decided to flood the pathway during the noon hour, the time the park is most used on any given day:
Then, today, I failed to take a picture of the deep ruts and washouts in the formerly smooth graveled path.
These city workers simply turn on the sprinklers, let them fill up the path and streets, and go somewhere else for hours, never having anyone actually hang around to watch or control the water as it's wasted.  BAH.

Not much to report from this morning's commute to work.  It cooled off a bit more over the weekend (it snowed yesterday, Sunday, but nothing accumulated- but it was WINDY and COLD) and this morning's ride was the "I'm glad to be looking weird wearing my ski mask" variety.  I passed 3 walkers this morning walking on the wrong (left) side of the path.  BAH
Alex, who is one of my co workers and a fanatick cyclist riding his "fixie" (I.E., fixed speed, no shifting) bike, caught up to me and deigned to slow down (he's a relatively young fart) and rode with me the last 3 miles to work.  That was actually pretty cool, never done that before.  There are other co worker cyclists who have ridden with me a short ways after catching me but invariably they decide it's not that fun slowing down for an old geezer so off they go.
Awakening BG:  150  Post-Ride BG:  149
Morning Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.43
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
09.9  Mph                          11.8 mph             21.9 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
44:57 mins                          37:38 mins            07:19 mins

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