Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday PM and Motorcycles on the Bicycle Trail

It must have been over 60 degrees when I left work this evening.  I had on the windbreaker and I quickly unzipped the sleeves when I realized how warm it was, before I even began riding.  Warmer weather really brings out the other bikers and joggers. 
An interesting thing happened tonight:  When I got to the Carlisle bike crossing, first one car stopped to wait for me to cross in front of him.  Trouble is, there are 3 such lanes to cross, and every previous time this has happened, the other 2 lanes keep roaring through since they can't see what the car in front is stopped for.  Forget the flashing bike crossing activity lights, OK?  I'm convinced most drivers don't notice or pay attention to them, and no wonder.  Most of the time these lights are flashing, there is no cyclist anywhere to be found.
BUT, THIS time, the first car stopped, then the middle lane's next car stopped, and then the THIRD lane's next car stopped, allowing me to cross ALL THREE lanes.  Three nice drivers all in the same area at the same time.  There's hope for humanity after all I suppose..... except for dingbats on motorbikes.
As I rode away east on the Hahn Arroyo trail, I began hearing engines coming up behind me.  There is a small segment of the stupid population  here that thinks it's fun to ride their motorized bikes, large and small, on the bike trails.  You never hear of anyone being arrested or warned for this, in spite of signs stating "NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALLOWED" at every trail entrance and crossing..  We have a crew of bicycle cops in ABQ but the only place I've ever seen any is on the Bosque Trail, and  very seldom at that.  Tonight the motorized losers roared up to within a couple hundred feet behind me and then ripped down INTO the drainage ditch and roared past me, then one roared back up onto the bike trail while the other continued to ride at the bottom of the concrete ditch.  It doesn't happen often enough for me to be prepared with phone camera in hand so I can take photos of them as they go by.
Several months ago when a couple of these jokers approached me just south of Paseo on the trail, I jumped off my bike and held out my cell phone as though I was filming them as they roared past (It takes too long to get the camera activated, so they were in no danger), but I wanted them to worry.  The result was them really opening up their throttles and trying to get as far past me as possible.  As they got further away it sounded like they were slowing down and it occurred to me they might come back and 'whup my butt' so I slammed the phone back into the pocket and high-tailed it the other direction on MY bike, with adrenaline stoking my efforts mightily. They obviously didn't turn around after me, because adrenaline is no match for petroleum based fuel....
We need more cyclists on these trails to lessen the temptation for such things to go on.  As it is, it's entirely without consequence to roar down bicycle trails at full throttle with your motorized scooter, with no speed limits nor constabulary to worry about.

Evening Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.34 (With this old Magellan Gold GPS, all data is lost from the preceding trip when the unit is turned off.  Tomorrow I'm going back to the Garmin....)

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