Friday, March 11, 2011

Colder than Snot Morning - Afternoon BALMY & Radioactive

 Since I started using the new color Garmin 350 GPS on the bike/tracker setup, I've started charging the AA battery pack while I'm at work so it doesn't die on me on the way back to the car.  This afternoon the strategy paid off, because I answered one radio call from a ham down in El Paso, and when I signed off (stopped talking with him), another ham called and wanted to talk.  I signed off with him, intending to take a talking-break and concentrate on pedaling and breathing deeply(!), but every time I signed off with one, another ham would call and I couldn't resist answering him.  I guess they all enjoyed the novelty of talking to a ham radio operator riding a bicycle.... it's not very often you hear other nut-cases on the air while bike riding.
There are about 3 other bicycle-mobile hams I have talked to on the radio, but I hear them maybe once a week or less.  No other radio-active daily commuters I've met yet.  With the skyrocketing price of gas it may not be long before several more show up on the road and on the air :?)

BG before ride home:  262(!)   BG after getting back to car: 149 
Evening stats from the GPS:    Total Distance Miles:  7.43
Overall average speed     Moving Avg      Max Speed
09.9  Mph                            11.5 mph            22.1 mph
Total Trip time                Moving Time     Stopped Time
  45:14 mins                      38:43 mins          06:31 mins 

Well, it really wasn't THAT cold.  I seem to just be jumping the gun in my expectations for warm weather to continue, nay, INCREASE.  I want my Global Warming back.....
It was a beautiful day this morning - I haven't used chemical hand warmers in my mittens for a week or so now - but it was QUITE cool for the ride in to work.  I wore a very light jacket under my flaming yellow biking SEE-ME windbreaker, and could have easily worn the warmer one for this trip.  My hands and fingers got quite chilled too... of course I was still overheated and pouring sweat the last mile of the ride, but the FIRST 6.5 miles of the trip were COLD.  No matter, it will be quite warm this afternoon.
I should whimper for myself.... shame, shame.  Compared to the Japanese suffering from last night's horrendous swarm of 8.9 Richter earthquakes and resulting fires and tsunamis sweeping across entire cities, I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
I'm seriously thinking about changing the name of this blog since I have other mis-guided and dippy things to report and talk about besides my few minutes a day on the bike..... I need a blog name with pizazz, that more matches my personality or lack thereof, this one being an inspiration:
The Smell of Molten Projects in the Morning

Starting BG:  137      Post-Ride BG:  81
Morning Stats from the GPS:                       Total Miles:  7.43
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
09.4  Mph                          11.6 mph             20.3 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
47:29 mins                          38:27 mins            09:02 mins

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