It was so warm I had to break out the Redneck Spandex:
other than that, there were lots of joggers and walkers this evening.
I passed another young family, this one with Mom and Dad walking and youngster-son and youngster-daughter on small bicycles. As they saw me coming across the wooden bridge just north of Comanche, 'Dad' commanded the wobbly boy to keep to the right ('twould be nice if all path users could heed that advice). The nearly-unbalanced youngster tried his best to get too far to the right and collapsed (lightly, thankfully) against the rail. No road rash or even an 'ow-ee' as far as I could tell.
BG before ride home: 146 (ate snack before riding)
BG after getting back to car: 62
Evening stats from the GPS: Total Distance Miles: 7.44
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
08.9 Mph 10.1 mph 20.2 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
50:00mins 44:09 mins 05:53 mins
Steve Stucker, my favorite TV weather guesser, has been forecasting high winds for the last couple of days, which largely has not materialized, and today his forecast seemed to postpone the winds to "Manana", or tomorrow or the next day. As for me, I encountered only the mildest breeze this morning.... similar to yesterday. I often wonder why we even tune into weather forecasts anyway: The best of them (especially the highest paid scientific types like up at Los Alamos) are wrong more than they're right. I'm a weather forecast addict myself, riding the daily bike and all.... but I do best when I just look out the window or, better yet, step outside and see what the weather feels and looks like.
At the San Mateo bicycle crossing this morning, an oncoming motorist saw me waiting in the median and stopped for me. Usually I now just wave such nice innocent folk to go on in front of me, but this time all 3 lanes behind him were empty so I didn't have to worry about being nailed by someone coming around him. I accepted his kindness and rode through, with a hearty "thank-you" wave, which upset my balance and caused me to wobble like a drunken sailor going across in front of him. He probably thought to himself: "I'm really glad I stopped for that old wino... "
Later, I actually passed a fellow cyclist after he pulled out into the path in front of me and got up to speed.... and I stayed ahead of him the rest of the commute
Starting BG: 126 Post-Ride BG: 70
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.44
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
10.3 Mph 11.5 mph 21.1 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
43:12 mins 38:57 mins 04:15 mins
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