Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday 2011

Last night on the way home I noticed a whispery-clickey sound coming from my front wheel.  This has been going on for over a week now but it got to be really irritating yesterday.  When I got back to the car I hung the bike on the car trunk rack and spun the front wheel many times looking for the source of the noise.  It sounded like the tire was brushing the fender or touching something in the forks or brakes as it rotated.  I couldn't find anything at all that was touching the wheel.  After disconnecting the brake and the noise still persisting when I spun the wheel, I took the wheel off (thankful for quich-release levers) and was shocked to find the axle bearings were dry and loose!  Good thing I finally decided to look into this noise.  I just put the wheel in the passenger front seat and drove on home and worked on it on the kitchen table since it was by then dark outside.  Jacque was at an Eastern Star friendship night meeting in Santa Fe so my mess didn't alarm her until she got home and by then I was almost done.  Suffice it to say that, even though simple, it wasn't simple getting all 10 ball bearings out of their races on each side, cleaning the dirt out, filling the races with grease, and getting the ball bearings back in .... I had to disassemble and reassemble it twice before the balls would arrange themselves in proper order so the wheel didn't try to lock up when spun.
I was running a bit late this morning (when the alarm went off;  the bed felt so good I "checked my eyelids for holes" for another 20 minutes before finally arising.  I'd thought I wouldn't even try to ride the bike today but it was SO beautiful outside I decided to ride anyway at the last minute.  Currently I'm planning to knock off early today since 90% of my co workers are all absent due to Good Friday.
I don't even know these guys' names, but I see them almost every morning somewhere along the trail:

Awakening BG:  Unk (Was 319 at 4 AM)  Post-Ride BG:  60 (and feeling a bit draggy)
Morning Stats from the GPS:                 Total Miles:  7.46
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
10.2  Mph                          11.0 mph             20.3 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
43:59 mins                          40:47 mins            03:12 mins

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