For some reason I felt stonger riding to work this morning, though my speeds etc. don't reflect any magic.
For 3 or 4 miles I noticed another cyclist creeping up behind me, slowly gaining. When they don't rush up and pass me immediately it is evidence of (1) Old Age, close to my own; (2) an Old Woman, or (3) A cripple of some kind. The guys with one leg don't count, they pass me all the time. This guy this morning never did catch up to me, but faded out of sight and I wondered what happened to him. To slow down enough to fail to pass ME must mean he was run over by a truck or something.
Awakening BG: 77 Post-Ride BG: 149
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.44
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
10.0 Mph 11.9 mph 22.1 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
44:37 mins 37:28 mins 07:09 mins
Some of the weather guessers proclaimed high winds for this afternoon but it turned out BEAUTIFUL. However, while cruising along in the beautiful afternoon, I noticed my rear wheel dragging a bit. I stopped to check it out and couldn't see anything, but when I got back to the car and hung it on the rear rack I noticed the wheel seemed to be bent, and as I checked the spokes to see if any needed tightening, I found one that was...... BROKEN. Of course it's on the inside next to the cassette, which is where all my broken spokes have occurred. I'll have to stay off the recumbent and rack up my DF road bike for a few days at least. I'm spoiled..... it will be hard putting up with the sore neck, wrists, back and butt riding the regular bike.
Starting BG: 257 Back-At-home arrival BG: 69
Afternoon Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 7.43
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
10.0 Mph 11.0 mph 20.8 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
44:24 mins 40:21 mins 04:03 mins
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