Monday, August 29, 2011

Rain, Rain, Glad You Came

Ye Olde GPS/APRS tracker Link

It must have rained all night last night, sometimes so heavy we couldn't sleep through it.  It was hot and dry all day Sunday without a breath of rain and then right after dark it clabbered up and began to pour.  But the washboard road was still intact and passable this morning.  YAY
I took a tumble on the bike this morning.  Nothing serious.  As I crossed Osuna after waiting for the green light, I had to turn sharply to avoid a head-on collision with an oncoming bike approaching the intersection I just exited.  The city puts steel posts in the middle of many of the bike path entrances, supposedly to keep motorized vehicles out (except for city-owned motorized vehicles, of course, who have keys to unlock and remove the posts so city burrocrats in their trucks can enter).  It is impossible to stay on the right side of the north side of Osuna's post, after a very sharp turn to enter the sidewalk off Osuna going back to the trail, and so everyone goes on the north side of the blocking post no matter which direction they are headed.  The oncoming cyclist was too close and when I tried to make the impossible turn to go on the other side of the post, I laid it down.  No damage to the recumbent;   and no injury to me except my pride, of course.

Awakening BG: 119            Post-Ride BG: 69
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.9 Ending Voltage: 12.7
Morning Stats from the GPS:    Total Miles:     7.43
Overall average speed         Moving Avg       Max Speed
10.3. Mph                          11.4 mph            21.5 mph
Total Trip time                 Moving Time          Stopped Time
43 mins  19 secs             39 mins  4 sec         4 mins 15 secs

The ride home surprised me because though it was storming heavily a few miles in front of me (as I headed south on the bike trail) I didn't get a drop on me.  The storm seemed to drift to the west and north and then sorta fade away.  The diversion channel, however, was running at least a foot deep and roaring, so it had been raining somewhere recently.
I got a short video of the drainage flooding and another shot of some weird weed-flowers that proliferate along the ditch and bike trail.  Now all I have to do is find time to edit them and pop them in here.  Manana maybe...
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.7         Ending Voltage: 12.7
Evening Stats from the GPS:                 Total Miles: 7.36
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
09.6.  Mph                          10.7 mph             21.3 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
  45 mins 59 secs              41 mins 05 secs    4 mins 54 secs 

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