Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tired Legs Wednesday

Fixed the intermittent tracker, much better now
Per the new dog and bike photo:  In the spirit of full disclosure I should point out that Tinkerbell (That's the DOG, not ME) is riding in a laptop computer bag.... the only thing I could find to carry her with.  She's so willing to "GO" she'd probably ride up on the handlebars if I asked her to.  Cool biking buddy.
I discovered the serious technical problem with my favorite GPS/APRS tracking device.... my homemade battery eliminator clip on the bottom of the ancient Icom 2AT radio had popped slightly off center, thus not providing battery power to the radio...... duhhh.  So now I'm happily back to logging real time battery voltage as I roll along.
Nice and cloudy and cool this morning, but I contended with a mild headwind going TO work this time - I can hardly wait to see what winds transpire this afternoon.  The ride did not prompt me to slather on my usual 1/4 inch-thick layer of 50 SPF sunscreen.  Thus I did not ride in public today looking like I took a dip in cake batter.  SHUCKINS
Awakening BG: 219 Post-Ride BG: 98
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.0    Ending Voltage: 12.8
I watched the weather outside this afternoon and it was getting cloudy and dark enough that I tried to leave early to beat a possible rain shower.  BAH - I didn't escape until 6 PM.  For the first couple miles I thought I was going to make it back to the car dry, but then it began to sprinkle....... and then it really started to pour.
By  the time I got to the I-25 underpass, the first real shelter I could have gotten to, the rain had slowed to nearly nothing so I rode on without stopping, either there OR the Montgomery bike underpass.  Of course, as soon as I got past these possible places of refuge, it started pouring again.  I was soaked to the skin long before I got back to the car.  But I'm BRAGGING, not complaining.  Albuquerque has not had a good soaking in months, and it was wonderful to see the streets wet and the drainage ditches running.  Even should I catch cold, which I doubt, it will have been worth getting the rain.
I didn't run the GPS on the ride back due to low batteries.  I had a box of fresh chocolate donuts in the pannier this morning that had greater priority than extended electronics operation, so I used the small lighter battery pack which was going soft on the return trip.

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