JimTrack (tm), gotta improve coverage in Tijeras Canyon
Another great ride car-less all the way to work this morning. Another friendly get-together tonight so Jacque can give me a ride home.... since it's lots of UPhill going instead of largely DOWNhill coming to work (about half the trip).
Another caveat reminder about these maximum speeds I record: Anything above 25-26 MPH is almost invariably downhill, with a tail-wind, with me leaning back and coasting. I cannot pedal faster than about 25 MPH, and believe me I've tried multiple times. Just can't make the old legs do the necessary RPM for such speeds.
Awakening BG: 54 Post-Ride BG: 109 (this a few minutes after dizzily consuming a power bar)
Beginning Battery Voltage: 13.2 Ending Voltage: 12.6
Morning Stats from the GPS: Total Miles: 31.74
Overall average speed Moving Avg Max Speed
11.3. Mph 12.6 mph 37.8 mph
Total Trip time Moving Time Stopped Time
2 hours 47 mins 2 hours 30 mins 17 mins 2 secs
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