Tuesday, September 13, 2011

OOhh La La, Ridin' In the Rain

ye olde bread crumb trail
This was another day that looked a bit threatening weather wise but turned out to be very nice for cruising on your bicycle.  Again I'm struck by how many people worry that the weather is too spotty to be out on a bike, and thus miss out on mostly very nice riding weather.  It is turning towards fall in the Central NM area, and a few degrees cooler than the last few already-cool mornings, but not objectionably so.  As I drove the first 24 miles to my not so secret parking spot, it sprinkled a bit on  my windshield and I worried it would actually rain enough to keep me off the bike.  But the sprinkles stopped after less than a mile, and a few hundred more tiny "Blips" of moisture hit the windshield before I arrived at the car drop-off point and I was able to saddle up the recumbent.  Now, a few hours after arriving at work, I can't recall if any drops actually hit me at all.  The weather guessers called for a 30% chance of showers today, and such usually happen in the afternoon.  We'll see if it actually rains, which we still need a lot of, and whether I have to adjust my departure time to successfully dodge any possible soaking or whether I get soaked to the skin again.
Awakening BG: 234(!)            Post-Ride BG: 103 
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.5       Ending Voltage: 12.3 (Starting to get soft again)
Morning Stats from the GPS:        Total Miles:   7.37
Overall average speed         Moving Avg       Max Speed
10.5. Mph                          11.6 mph            23.2 mph
Total Trip time                 Moving Time          Stopped Time
41:59 mins                      38:10 mins              3 mins 49 secs
It was beautiful and sunny almost all day.  As quitting time approached I kept peeking out the window in hopes I was not facing a drippy wet ride back to the car.  Still sunny and blue-sky.  When I finally left about 6:20 PM - after lathering up heavily with sunscreen - I was shocked to see it had suddenly turned dark and threatening.  Still made for a nice cool ride, with a bit of a headwind, but no rain whatEVER
Beginning Battery Voltage: 12.6         Ending Voltage: 12.5
Evening Stats from the GPS:                 Total Miles: 7.42
Overall average speed      Moving Avg         Max Speed
10.2.  Mph                          10.7 mph             20.0 mph
Total Trip time                   Moving Time       Stopped Time
43 mins 49 secs                 41 mins 29 secs    2 mins 20 secs 

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